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In response to blip #97337

@vex714: Unless it's a cartridge game, definitely. That's also why I didn't get to add the final version to my collection. The manual was all crumbly and in terrible condition. The hunt goes on, but I've gotten closer than ever before...

In response to blip #97330

@W0LFB3AT5: Indeed. It's Bionicle Heroes, my most played and absolute very much most favourite game of all ever. Or.. I think it is. It's gotta be, I have 12 copies of it. I also have 8 of the crappy Bionicle game by Argonaut. I may have a problem...

@ImpidiDinkaDoo: I'm not very active on here, but I noticed you've gone through several pics of my main character Junker deleting the 'doberman' tag and was wondering why. He has the ears and coloration, even if his skull shape isn't perfectly accurate.

@CandleJake: The amount of profiles today I've gone through that were blocked because of creepy comments is already bad enough, but this dude's comments scared my boner straight up inside of me.

Like, god damn.

@Nexten: Haha en Realidad es un lugar netamente de habla inglés, eso no le quita lo interesante de su contenido y el potencial de muchos artistas! De vez en cuando, es divertido hacer un comentario en Español! Muy bueno para hablantes del español! X3

So glad my college teacher let me keep some (new) old science stuff. They were just throwing all of those graduated cylinders away at the end of the year anyway.

Now I can mix oil and gas for machinery with metric accuracy.

In response to blip #97281

@Mairo: It's really a confusing mess. It also has several nuconfig files, one of which does nothing, which caused me much confusion for some time... But now it's working perfectly and I can get back to playing it way too obsessively

In response to blip #97270

@horse_ball_cocktails: Perdón, quería hacer un blip, no un dmail

Wow, no esperaba un perfil que le dedicara tanto siendo (probablemente) una persona que habla en español en una página que archiva imágenes de idioma inglés. Mis respetos,

In response to blip #97280

@Pink_Hat: yes, that game does have config setting for widescreen resolution, but it does definitely feel like leftover from Wii which does have 4:3 and 16:9 system level setting, especially considering it's hidden in config rather than in game setting.

Never mind, messing with that just made it set itself to like, Wii-resolution. but normal non-1600x1200 HD actually lets it do widescreen perfectly, not even stretched even though it's 16:10 res, so I guess it all solved itself in the end

I also found out where its save-file is, which would've been nice to have known before my computer died and I lost my completed file... But I can just complete it again and copy it, that's not cheating, just reclaiming a lost save

After some intense searching, quick editing and a bit of maths, I managed to finally get Bionicle Heroes on pc to actually run in 16:9 widescreen without anything being stretched. At long last

@Mairo: I tend to upload stuff from twitter for a couple artists, but they keep being deleted because better versions exist; almost every one. Is there something I am missing about uploading images? Because now I am down to 6 uploads and Im a lil worried

In response to blip #97264

@Googlipod: remember that if you get the content from paheal, the paheal acts as source so please put it in sources field
Also this is one of the examples when stuff gets this old, all the original sources, links, papertrails, etc. have vanished and died