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all that does

is confirm you are a hillbilly,

and have made very bad life choices.

It nerfs your steering and alignment,

ruins your paint via garbage kicked up from your idiot (only street-driven) mudder tires,

and looks absurd.

fuck you, hillbillies

hecc, I come from a family of hillbillies, and my truck tires only stick out flush to the fender flares



what is up with hillbilly tire poke?

why would anybody want to lift a pickup truck 4-6 inches,
only to install garbage, Chinese made low profile tires on huge, garish wheels,
and have like 50% of said garbage tire stick out beyond your fenders?

In response to blip #126784

Grab-n-Stash said:
How do you tolerate coffee or drink it as a pick me up?

I'm used to what I'm used to (black, unsweetened); Is there really anything more to say about it?. I enjoy different tastes but I think getting hung up on the exact taste of things is pointless.

You can chug coffee that has milk, I don't recommend it (seems to be a lot of people who are pretty cavalier about lightly burning their throat..).
Black coffee should be sipped IMO.

I adjust the quantity against the strength of the blend. I think it's currently a bit less than a teaspoon per 250ml mug, for a fairly middle of the road instant coffee. Doing it 'properly' in a plunger it's a bit more than a teaspoon of grounds (but this makes ~2 mugs, so it's actually weaker). Did it the same when I was having milk.

I don't really get the comparison between spice and coffee. spice, coffee, and tea are all ok IMO (and they are all bad if over-brewed, which isn't uncommon.)

In response to blip #126784

Grab-n-Stash said:
I've got a question for anyone interested. How do you tolerate coffee or drink it as a pick me up? I can understand a cappucino, mocha, or even a latte, but how can someone stand coffee with how strong some of the blends are? Never mind the freaks who'll drink the coffee raw with no sugar or cream, just make it and drink it pure black. This could just be a taste difference since I don't mind some spicy food, but I'm still curious about how common it is for people to be coffee enjoyers.

not sure how spicy foods plays into it. But other than that I can agree that is more bitter taste. that I imagine some people wouldn't like. If I'm not feeling the want for that taste I'll just blast mine with sugar, and keep it light on the milk. (also the sugar help in the morning because caffeine doesn't really get to me)

I've got a question for anyone interested. How do you tolerate coffee or drink it as a pick me up? I can understand a cappucino, mocha, or even a latte, but how can someone stand coffee with how strong some of the blends are? Never mind the freaks who'll drink the coffee raw with no sugar or cream, just make it and drink it pure black. This could just be a taste difference since I don't mind some spicy food, but I'm still curious about how common it is for people to be coffee enjoyers.

In response to blip #126782

@W0LFB3AT5: i saw one last night and was nearly blinded by it's singular unbroken headlight

those things cannot get off the road sooner, and i just hope that the one i saw was just visiting and not a resident of my town

Saw a fucking Cybertruck drive by my local neighborhood.

Christ on a Bike… 😓

I didn’t know these things were actually road-worthy! I thought they were just for show!

In response to blip #126763
















on the e621 webbed site. straight up "posting it". and by "it," haha, well. let's justr say. [DELETION] Unapproved in 30 days - auto moderator

Nimphia's tag of the day is... my current project, beads.

I don't think you need image examples, y'all know what a bead is.

In response to blip #126746

Grab-n-Stash said:
Have you ever heard of somone/a group by the name of "your best friend jippy?" It's not a drum and bass artist, but it might be something interesting to take a look at. If you are curious, I recommend listening to "Outside My Window, Record Sales, Kick That Beat, and Lied to Me."

They remind me a lot of The Avalanches and DJ Shadow. Thanks for the recommendation!

People on e6: dude this character has been revealed for only 8 hours how is there already so much art!!!

seems we don't have a true fan amongst us

In response to blip #126731

sanestvaporeonfan said:
I had a dream that the admins changed the mind_control tag to "fetishWillOverpowering". I was very upset by this, not because the name was much harder to remember and made less sense, but because it was written in camel-case, which reminded me of programming, and programming is the opposite of hot.

post #4084715

In response to blip #126731

sanestvaporeonfan said:
I had a dream that the admins changed the mind_control tag to "fetishWillOverpowering". I was very upset by this, not because the name was much harder to remember and made less sense, but because it was written in camel-case, which reminded me of programming, and programming is the opposite of hot.

Depends on what it is.

Video Game Source Code Repository

I had a dream that the admins changed the mind_control tag to "fetishWillOverpowering". I was very upset by this, not because the name was much harder to remember and made less sense, but because it was written in camel-case, which reminded me of programming, and programming is the opposite of hot.

post #1082658

Hm, source is dead so I can't confirm these are Warriors characters... But I'd be very shocked if they weren't given these match the appearances of the main cast of the first arc 1:1...

Nimphia's tag of the day: cats_are_liquid

post #1908647

The story to this one is that I was doing something completely unrelated but stumbled on this post, and was like "wait is there a tag for that". There was, but undertagged so I added a wiki page and populated it. It's that behavior associated with cats where they morph their body to fit a small space they're sitting in.

post #3252574 post #2522627 post #1308987 post #603461

...This website always leads me down unrelated rabbit holes, I swear.

People @ work

give me shit

for the amount of Coke Zero i drink

welp, I may have hd my heart removed, and replaced with a water pump

an me blood replced with Coke Zero

so I am just keep the fluid levels topped up

In response to blip #126719

Daleport996 said:
Pro tip: If you have food that is covered in ants, just eat the ants. They're usually safe to ingest, and there are no adverse effects other than a strong urge to puke, because it's so fucking gross when I can feel the ants in my mouth. My fucking god, this was a mistake.

Maybe in the fallout universe due to scarcity of food but not wanting to eat ants

Pro tip: If you have food that is covered in ants, just eat the ants. They're usually safe to ingest, and there are no adverse effects other than a strong urge to puke, because it's so fucking gross when I can feel the ants in my mouth. My fucking god, this was a mistake.

Fun time-waster: going to DeviantArt artists with hundreds of posts on here and just tagging all the various closed species and ARPGs they draw...