Sweet Staffordshire Terrier Jesus,
Kelly Stafford needs a
muscular_female tag
Sweet Staffordshire Terrier Jesus,
Kelly Stafford needs a
muscular_female tag
post #3175558
great. now im crying
anyone else getting that robot confirmation again?
It wasn't already?
Kemonophonic said:
@W0LFB3AT5: Not quite my cup of tea but I appreciate the work you guys put into it and thank you for sharing it with me regardless.
Thank you! :)
@Tarov: reported for sus-sy behavior
you'd like a cup a tea wouldn't you!
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Ladies & Gentlemen…Furries of all kinds…
It… is DONE!
Things You Do - (W0LFB3AT5 & DragonFox69 Collab) [feat. MAYA]
Big thanks to @DragonFox69! Hope you guys enjoy! 😄
It was a pleasure working with you man! ^_^
Did you know that Southern Grove brand peanuts "contain tree nuts[?]" I've always heard that it's normal for nut producers to use common machinery to package nuts, which leads to cross-contamination, but the more I learn about the chain of supply, the less this makes sense to me. for example, cashews take incredible amounts of on-site (with respect to the plantations) labour to process and prepare the nuts for consumption (this is an extreme example considering the dangers of raw cashews, but it illustrates the point well). Why not just bottle them on-site as well? With efficient container design, the additional shipping costs per unit of product could be outweighed by the prospect of removing the "may contain traces of other nuts" from the label!
When I sit in bed, I always have a jar of de-shelled peanuts to eat. I've noticed that the skins of the seed itself has a very astringent quality to it. I wonder why? I know some nuts have tannins or pectins which may cause that dry texture, but I don't know if peanuts carry those substances...
Around the geographic periphery of the Chinese empire, later the Republic of China, and now the People's Republic of China, as well as in some of the less accessible parts of China's interior, and sometimes even in its cities, live a variety of peoples of different origins, languages, ecological adaptations, and cultures.! These peripheral peoples or, as they are now customarily tagged, "minorities," have been subjected over the last few centuries to a series of attempts by dominant powers to transform them, to make them more like the transformers or, in the parlance of the transformers themselves, to "civilize" them. There have been at least four such civilizing projects in recent history, carried out by the three successive Chinese governments and by Western missionaries who operated in China between the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 and the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949. - Stevan Harrel
sorry sus sus
IguanasAreCool said:
Soon I will be the owner of a Perception Outlaw 11.5 Fishing Kayak.Women fear me
Fish want me
I love that the seat can be swapped out for a 35L hard cooler :3
Soon I will be the owner of a Perception Outlaw 11.5 Fishing Kayak.
Women fear me
Fish want me
Ladies & Gentlemen…
Furries of all kinds…
It… is DONE!
Things You Do - (W0LFB3AT5 & DragonFox69 Collab) [feat. MAYA]
Big thanks to @DragonFox69! Hope you guys enjoy! 😄
AoBird said:
I did an oopsie, you can't cancel a report right?
Report ticket? THIS. https://e621.net/forum_topics/27579
Whatever your ticket is, Admins would just handle it, since It's possible there could Really be a problem.
AoBird said:
I did an oopsie, you can't cancel a report right?
i dont think so
Slime bunny. :3
I did an oopsie, you can't cancel a report right?
Good morning.
Today, This Fox tried Translating (in my own way) the Announcements of the Ltd. Express train of Tokyo.
This is still Not enough, I think.
So, It Is Still necessary to learn/understand the essence of everything, for me -- It will be a long-long road ahead.
And see no problem looking left because of it as fap material you've ever slept on the last detail and.
Kemonophonic said:
@DragonFox69: Nice! Thanks again for sharing your music with us!On a completely unrelated note, have you heard of the metal band Scythelord?
Thank you! ^_^
I've never heard of them before but after listening to the track you sent me I'll definitely be checking them out, thanks for the recommendation!
W0LFB3AT5 said:
As I’m listening to this, I’m imaging HUGE Castlevania: Judgment vibes right now!I LOVE IT, man! :D
That game has an amazing soundtrack man, that's such a huge compliment! Thank you! ^_^
Sen no Skill wo Motsu Otoko chapter 42
fur alert
oh you heccin' kemononononononononononononono.......
Seriously though, can you even understand what is being said when the Game Arts logo shows up?
Please don't try to use sine waves for speech synthesis, it just doesn't work.
No wonder the OPL3 just omits this operation mode entirely.
It was hailing a lil bit a couple hours ago, then it turned into rain and now it's snowing, hell yes!
Kemonophonic said:
No one could replace you. You're an excellent translator and we're grateful for all the translations you've done!
thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎
Kemonophonic said:
sorry for the late response. it was just cause someone uploaded some hard-translated edits of syuro posts and was getting a lot of praise, and i just felt a little replaced. it was really petty though and i'm over it now lmao
Kemonophonic said:
post #3169140<3
I just cannot fathom how personalami does it;
they an already absurdly cute character like kordi,
and somehow manage to increase the cute_factor
UNUSED Present day room found in Pokemon Legends Arceus
This is nice. :3
my word of advice
if you are hesitant to working together with different races then i suggest not working oversea jobs
or in most places for that matter
Kemonophonic said:
post #3169140<3
Meow! <3
My job yesterday was to work in a workplace where people from overseas work.
They don't seem to be very good at Jpn-lang.
But they all seem to trust each other, Enough to give me a confidence to do my best.
God, I wish that was Me --- I wish I was born in the U.S. a multi-racial country.
DragonFox69 said:
My new track is complete!https://soundcloud.com/user-204179321/usurper
Getting quite into this Synth Metal thing, makes me want to start a Power Metal band! ^_^
As I’m listening to this, I’m imaging HUGE Castlevania: Judgment vibes right now!
I LOVE IT, man! :D
My new track is complete!
Getting quite into this Synth Metal thing, makes me want to start a Power Metal band! ^_^
post #3168711
Bring your attention here
post #3168473
Smol slime
I wish posts show on preview a symbol whether I favorite before or is the post added to my sets or pools
DragonFox69 said:
@W0LFB3AT5: Nice! I'm working on something new too. ^_^
Yissss! :D
@W0LFB3AT5: Nice! I'm working on something new too. ^_^
Daw. :3
You see, there was a very important reason why I commissioned bimshwel to draw me wearing a stupid yellow hat.
I only have one fish left to catch in Cruelty Squad before I have encountered and caught every possible fish in the game.
Dragonlord2328 said:
i got a weeks vacation after tomorrow hehe
Dragonlord2328 said:
i got a weeks vacation after tomorrow hehe
Hell yey! Make it last!
Got another imports-invoice from Postnord today. I owe them $26, of which about $1 is what I owe in VAT, Did I ever mention how much I hate Postnord and how godawful it is?
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Welp, the worst is over.I officially quit my 2 jobs and I’m now temporarily unemployed for a good week until the 16th. :v
Finally a decent vacation where I can kick back and work on my music!
( ̄▽ ̄)
i got a weeks vacation after tomorrow hehe
i'm kinda jealous
Welp, the worst is over.
I officially quit my 2 jobs and I’m now temporarily unemployed for a good week until the 16th. :v
Finally a decent vacation where I can kick back and work on my music!
( ̄▽ ̄)
Music playing in my brain from earlier and I can't stop
>>> Now Shoot it out, With the shout of your infinite flooding soul, Towards that dark sky above you
迸る魂の叫びで あの黒い空 打ち抜け
Sex under the aliasing functionality altogether or two humanoid on the internet have been deleted or nobody liked that so you're saying you're acting.
poor thing
@TorrentAmador: Why do you resist true art