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Just a random shoutout to my guy ~artesderatzyu ~donya whose art services I just can't recommend enough and despite everything, I still feel I need to advertise the stuff more.

post #3016102 for example. But I digress, only you can know whether or not you're interested in a commission, can't really force ya.

Was just checking the WiiU eShop for stuff to get before they axe it next year, came across the GBA Kirby-games and thought "crikey, I should get those so I can play them on my tv!" Then I remembered that I already have them on cartridge. And a GB Player. Hooked up to an even bigger tv...

Other than my brain-farts though, any eShop-exclusive recommendations for 3DS and WiiU?

In response to blip #118142

Watsit said:
Sprigatito works well enough for me. I just hope they don't pull another stunt like they did with litten. Cool and cute first form, bigger and cooler second form, then a sharp left turn and you get a heel wrestler for the final form. Completely killed my interest in the line. Keep it quadrupedal, and keep it more thematically consistent.

Definitely agree. I just hope Sprigatito doesn’t evolve into a bipedal stoner as it’s finalized form.

In response to blip #117197

SilverSwan12 said:
@Nathmurr: I hope you’re doing okay

Thanks, I’m fine now though. Turns out some girl at my work got fired for spreading Covid and not telling people of any symptoms. My Weekly tests were negative apparently, but now I’m not sure those tests work very well.

In response to blip #118202

Kemonophonic said:
Did you stow any of those Moby Huge 36-inch dildos?

Yo, I fear I might run into those one day and someone’s gonna guffaw immediately. And even if I do, I’m gonna share it with y’all. From this point on, if I find anything kinky/bizarre on Amazon for me to stow, I’ll send the pictures here on the blips before stowing it. Just for shits ‘n giggles.

Shoutout to the madlads out there still putting games on the 3DS eShop, the latest one is from january this year