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Coming directly from a species tag for that matter what choice did read that as the species since that's a feature request thread i saw.

Speaking of my dream, Lately ... I mean, over the past few months, I have been having nightmares frequently.
Yesterday my father appeared again, despite me knowing he's dead, even in my dreams, sigh.

More worse, the other night, I had a dream that @bitWolfy banned me from e621.
That was Negative, 14 days. And he said like "Don't play yourself with sock puppets. Take time to review your own life".

W ... What the heck did I do to deserve this ...? ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯
おっ ... 俺が 一体ぇ 何を した って言うんや ...?! (震え声

In response to blip #120367

I have lost not only my cat, but also both of my grandfathers, and even my father. Yeah, that was more than a few years ago.
"Passage of Time will fix it" ... is what some older than me said.

Indeed, as a result, Many things have changed in my mind. Most especially my "view of life and death" ... for better or worse.
"Think Everything I see is a Miracle, Whatever the memory and cross♰ I carry will be" ... is my current answer for myself.

Close your eyes, Listen quietly. Or have a good dream. You will see your dog again, someday. 

Why does i_wanna_dance_with_somebody_(who_loves_me) have a description if it doesn't any post?

Edit: well except for the deleted rock band gameplay

Just checking in, hope your day is great! And if not so, hope it’ll get better for u! I love you, kind stranger >:3

In response to blip #89928

Fe4r said:
@Daneasaur: You really deserve an upgrade, to be totally honest. 17k tag edits? 1698 posts? Yeah, your stats speak for themselves.

Hey thanks, but I don't think the majority of the admins and mods like me enough for any sort of upgrade. But the kind words are nice ^^

VP9 is such a computationally expensive codec, takes forever to transcode it back to H264 so it'll play on my hardware.

Inspirational like not often but hey it's not that those are usually the impression that this is a sad and rude or anything just communicating to.

out of everything Gaben has said, i'll always remember this:

Gabe Newell, in Team Fortress 2 Developer Commentary

Welcome to Team Fortress 2, after 9 years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait. Thanks, and have fun!