Species: merfolk
post #2383169 post #296822 post #233793 post #2924776 post #1399714
Term used for both mermaid and mermen, but also any other mer-being. A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature traditionally seen with the upper body of a human (human_torso) and a fish_tail (mermaid_tail) for a lower body. On e621, these should be tagged as humanoid_merfolk (but not humanoid).
On e621, this term is also used to describe several creatures beyond that initial definition, including:
- Beings with an anthro's torso and a fish's tail
- Beings with other forms of aquatic life as their lower half (for example, octopus, jellyfish)
- Fish anthros, where the upper half is humanoid and the lower half is fishlike. (A fish naga, if you will)
Generally speaking, a fishy lower half is a requirement.
There are many takes on merfolk out there. However, just because something says it is a merfolk doesn't mean that it is. Magic: The Gathering has a species of aquatic humanoids that used to have fish tails, but have shifted to be bipedal in recent years.
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: mer_folk, mermaid, mermaids, merman (learn more).
This tag implicates marine, split_form (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: amabie, cecaelia, mermaidification (learn more).
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