Character: poludnica

Południca [poludnitsa] – common and malevolent demon from Slavic mythology. Probably used to be deity connected to care about plants. Eventually turned into it's less benevolent version that hurt or killed people and kidnapped children. She targeted more eagerly lazy people that did not do field work.
In some regions however południca is harmless. Lost soul that avoids people and aimlessly wandering.
Traditionally południca is turned from young lady that died just before her wedding, during it or just after after-wedding party. In some regions it was punishment for killing your love rival during wedding knight.
Usually they took form of young girls or old women clothed in white and with wild, freely flowing hair.
They held sickle, rod or ożóg (type of stick used to correct embers in furnace).
Connected with small dust vortexes that can be seen during summer on fields.

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