Character: scp-2599

post #4333304

SCP-2599, aka, "Not Good Enough" (Real Name: Zena Cho) is an anomalous humanoid entity contained by the SCP Foundation.

SCP-2599 is 14-year-old female of Korean descent; Her anomalous effect has two components.

SCP-2599’s primary anomalous effect is a mental compulsion that causes her to be unable to disobey any direct commands. This effect is contingent on SCP-2599’s perception that it has received a command; should it not believe that it is receiving a command, it will not be compelled to follow it.

This effect currently has no known limits, and SCP-2599 has followed orders including self-harm, violence towards others, and other undesirable actions. SCP-2599 possesses a 0 on the Psychic Resistance Scale, currently the lowest recorded score on file.

SCP-2599’s secondary anomalous effect is its inability to fully carry out any given command. This effect causes SCP-2599 to fulfill most aspects of any command directed towards it, but it is unable to complete all requested components of the command, or does not complete the command satisfactorily.

She is classified as Euclid.

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