tarot nouveau

Tarot Nouveau is a variant of tarot designed for the original purpose of playing card games instead of the later repurposing for fortune telling.

Instead of the traditional tarot suits – coins, cups, pentacles, and swords – the playing cards use the suits of the modern poker deck – clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. The minor arcana are simply poker deck-like suited cards with the aces replaced by 1s and with the addition of four more face cards: the knights. The twenty-two major arcana cards are instead trumps (atouts) numbered from 1 to 21 plus the fool, and though reversible like the face cards, are not symmetrical. Each trump card has two scenes, one urban, the other rural, both following themes unrelated to the traditional tarot major arcana.

As Tarot Nouveau is typically played in non-English-speaking countries, the face cards frequently are given different letters – V for the jacks/valets, C for the knights/cavaliers, D for the queens/dames, and R for the kings/roi.

More Information

Tarot Nouveau (Wikipedia)

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