Character: hellara

post #2927840 post #3330800 post #4070808

Hellara is a brown and white furred panda with purple hair and green eyes belonging to PlanktonHeretic / AmeliaRay . Nothing is clearly known about her background, but being an evil alternate version of the heroine Stellara it can be assumed that her real name is Amelia Ray and that she has the same age of 42.

Despite having the declared goal of erasing her heroic counterpart and her companions from existence so far Hellara didn’t show any intention to do so. Instead, she spends her time having sex with other supervillains or posing as Stellara in order to lure in other heroes and then fuck them as well. On the note of sex, the sadistic panda managed to prove herself as a skilled dominatrix among her peers and telling from the faces her victims make the superheroes agree as well.

It's difficult to tell if she even has a real villain outfit. Most of the time she is shown during sex with other villains or captured heroes. Her first appearance depicted her wearing clothes befitting a dominatrix consisting of red and black leather/latex, so it can be assumed that this is her official outfit despite it only appearing once (so far). The only feature to stay consistent is a red domino mask that Hellara wears on multiple occasions.

Another point that is unknown about Hellara are her powers. With how often she is shown doing the naughties with heroes after defeating them it is very likely that she also possesses a version of the Lunar Gauntlet. That said, a gauntlet isn’t visible among her clothes doesn’t have to mean anything, Stellara’s version is capable of transforming to its wearer’s needs so this likely counts for Hellara’s as well.

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