lekku (anatomy)
post #3315705 post #3320442
Lekku (singular lek) are long fleshy appendages that protrude from the head of Twi'leks, Togrutas and male Ozrelanso. The Togrutas sport three of them in tandem with montrals, while the other species have two (occasionally four, in the case of Twi'leks).
At least in the case of Twi'leks (from whom the organs were named by or after) their lekku are highly sensitive and relatively prehensile; their movement comprises an entire aspect of the species' body language, and in rare cases, individuals may have the motor control to handle objects with their lekku. Somewhat analogous to hair, some Twi'leks style their lekku by tattooing them or wrapping them over their shoulders.
For the Togruta, the lekku portray an aspect of sexual dimorphism, as they grow longer in females than in males. The markings on these lekku are natural, varying due to genetics. Additionally, the soft tissue of the lekku transition into the hard hollow montrals atop Togrutas' heads.
Trauma to a lekku is a devastating injury, as should a lekku be severed from a Twi'lek, critical medical aid must be administered within an hour lest they die. Togruta are more resilient from such injuries, but none the less are impacted by disfigurement. Those who survive surgery often wear a prosthetic.
Note: "Lekku" has also been adopted by some in the Invader Zim fandom to refer to the antennae of the irken species. As they are more arthropodal in appearance, please tag them as antennae (anatomy) even if text refers to them as "lekku".