tail anus

post #4655398 post #4568973 post #4739795 post #4371902
tailholes are so back

Explicit tag

TL,DR: it's when the butthole is on the tail, or right next to it.

An anatomical feature where a character's anus is positioned either somewhere on the tail, at the base of the tail, or closely connected to the base. Usually applied to feral characters, but also useful for distinguishing anthro characters from those with a less realistic human-like placement of the anus further away from the base of the tail. (See the Example Types section below)

In tetrapod animals, the anal canal is closely connected to the spine, and is always near where the tail branches out from the spinal column. The reason for the anus being positioned further down in tailless animals like humans and apes is the curved internal tailbone, which a character with an external tail wouldn't have. So it's a slightly more realistic approach to anatomy, though it shouldn't imply the anatomically_correct tag on it's own.

post #41760
"Congratulations, sir. The artist put your butthole where it's supposed to be."

Example Types

✅ Tail and anus are clearly connected:
post #4955612 post #4878878 post #4730750

✅ Pushing it, but still a visible connection between the glutes (Don't just guess; if you don't see it, don't tag it):
post #292190 post #1665898 post #2213651

❌ Tail base is spaced out too far or completely "over the horizon" from the anus. Do not tag:
post #4957208 post #4671338 post #2290511

Requires the character to have a visible anus, some sort of tail (tail_feathers in the case of some avians) as well as legs, leg-like fins, or something similar. Not to be used for legless marine animals or snakes. Do not tag on characters with a single cloaca.

See Also

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