fan character and pixel bit (my little pony and etc) created by kianamai
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Name: Pixel Bit

Nicknames: Pixie, Pix, Bit

Parents: Sweetie Belle, Button Mash

Age: 10

General bio:
Pixel Bit is crazy, silly, awkward, adorable, is quite the spaz and has no shame whatsoever. She is very carefree and pretty much happy all the time. Unlike most young ponies, she doesn't care much about getting her cutie mark. Despite her ditzy sort of appearance she, like Cotton Candy, is actually very insightful. Since she believes that getting a cutie mark is a destiny, she doesn't try so hard to get hers and just enjoys life instead. Pixel is always told that she's pretty, and really she is. Everypony knows that she's going to grow up to be gorgeous. She gets compliments from adults, friends and her peers. She's considered a "popular" for that reason. She does not hang out with the popular foals though. She made that mistake once and ended up hurt in the end (leaving it up to you to think of what happened). She'd much rather be with her friends who accept her for who she is rather than try to be somepony she's not and she no longer let's the compliments go to her head. Instead, she chooses to be very humble. Pixel is also a very quick learner when it comes to learning a new game or just in life in general. It's very rare to see her make the same mistake over and over again.

Pixel's parents are the cool parents and they are seemingly more like friends to her. They lay down the law when they need to, though. Pixel spends more time with Button Mash, which would explain a lot of her personality. The only reason she doesn't spend as much time with Sweetie Belle is because she is usually traveling all over the place for concerts and whatnot. Overall, they are a very tight knit, fun loving family and they absolutely adore one another.

Pixel and Turquoise are as close as two cousins can be. T would do absolutely anything for her and sacrifice his man points for her as well. Pixel and Claire on the other hoof are a little different. They really do love each other but are also terrified by each other. Pixel is much to energetic for Claire so Claire keeps her distance and because of this, Pixel thinks that Claire hates her. Claire is the only pony Pixel seems to act differently around.

Icy Storm and Pixel are seen as an adorable couple by their peers even though they seemingly don't have any interest in each other in that way. They are good friends and are supportive of each other. Pixel tends to be the more supportive one because she hardly has any issues. These two are opposite when it comes to how they carry themselves. Icy cares about the image he puts out and Pixel could care less. She is always encouraging him to be himself and to not care too much about what others think of him.

Pixel gets along very well with the Pie daughters since they're just about the same kind of crazy she is. Though they seem like a better fit for her to hang out with, she sticks with her other two best friends.

Api and Echo are Pixel's homies and they are almost always together going on adventures and doing stupid things. They, like most groups of girls, tend to butt heads sometimes when trying to come to an agreement but always come back together in the end.

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