I started a new playthrough with a custom (mod) start called Hive. This start basically gives you a squad of 15 Hivers. 5 Warriors and ten Workers.
I had a few other mods activated, including the Hive Princess mod, and Hiver architecture mod, as well as a few others.
What my RP, was that a Hive Princess, Malina'Eep, was banished from the Western Hive along with a band of 14 other banished Hiver's (Two Hive Princes, three Hive Warriors and Ten Hive Workers).
Seeing these fellow no hiver's as her own hive, decided to form a new Hive, not bound by the Hivemind of the Queen, but instead of a more free society of Hivers.
So Malina'Eep led her band away from the Wstern Hive East, towards the mainland. During their swim across the sea, they came across an Ancient abandoned Factory. They scoured it for loot, and after retrieving a very valuable haul, continued onwards, towards the mainland.
When they arrived a small herd of goats crossed their path, and decided to follow them.
Not too long after that, they came across a Hive Village.
In hopes of selling their loot for supplies, they tried entering, but were refused services, and forced to continue on.
Not too long after they left the Vilage, they found a beast attacking a Holy Nation Outcast.
The No Hiver band killed the beast and patched up the outcast.
As he was unconscious the Band took him and continued to follow the river. Eventually, they came across another Hive Village, and tried to give the wounded some rest.
Knowing they might face discrimination against some Humans, the band thought it would be good to recruit him as an intermeditary between the Hive and other Humans. Unfortunately when the Human regained consciousness, he resisted the Hives attmpt to kidnap him. They knocked him out and continued on their journey.
Nearby was the Shek capital. Knowing there was the potential of trade, decided to head there and get rid of the large amount of very valuable (but currently useless) loot.
As they began to cross the nearby desert to reach the city, a horde of Beak things began attacking the band, killing all the goats, and allowing the Human to escape. The main band however reamined unharmed.
They entered the city after a bag check, and sold of their goods, and bought some food and building supplies.
In one of the bars in the city, they came across a Shek Warrior called Oron, who wished to be freed from her servitude, so she can be a true warrior. The band accepted her request, and allowed her to join the band.
With nothing more to do in the city, the band decided to continue east towards the Swamp.
As they travelled they found a seemingly interesting spot to build a shelter in. But unfortunately, it turned out to be occupied, and so they ran away. But one of the occupants caught up with the band and was slaughtered. The band looted his gear and left him to die.
They entered the swamp, with the plan of find a nic area with good fertility and water near some kind of water source.
As they explored, a squad of Red Sabre's attacked the band. Though the Sabre's had better equipment, they were overwhelmed and slaughtered.
They were looted, giving the band a new look.
Eventually they found a good spot on the edge of the Border Zone, and the Swamp. A place very close to Shek territory, so seemingly safe from the Xenophobic hatred of the Holy Nation.
The band began building their home of the Central Hive, believing it to be a new start.
They had started trading Iron supplies in the nearby city of Squin. Getting buildings built. But when there hopes seemed to be there highiest.
A Prayer day band came to the Hive. Seeing that the inhabbitants are entire non-human, sent word to the inquistion.
The Band knew a fight of their life was about to happen, and so began building defences. Unfortunately, the Okranite raid arrived in full force and attacked the Hive.
During the battle a band of Starving bandits attacked, causing the Hiver's to fight on two fronts.
Somehow, the Okranite raid and the Starving bandits were slaughtered. Though, leading to the death of One of the hive Princes and the crippling of two workers.
The Hive continued to expand their base trying to get a steady flow of building materials and Iron. A small wall was built around the main settlement and the Hive was even looking to build another house. But kept after the arrival of a band of Dust Bandits, and the attacks from Starving bandits. The Hive was in a very strectehd state. Most of their force was injured and unprepared for battle. Kenshi being Kenshi, wanted to see me cry, so they sent a raiding party of Black Dragon Shinobi.
They managed to breach the wall, and battered the entire Hive into submission.
So being the man that I am. Closed the game and went to bed. Fuck that shit.
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