shining armor, starlight glimmer, and twilight sparkle (friendship is magic and etc) created by blurrypanda
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- Well, it's time for a new test, aren't you excited? - the distorted voice sounded through the speakers arround the large white room, making the seven ponies gasp, thinking about what the next test that sick pony had thought of for them would be.

- Sir, we can get to an agreement, tell me what's wrong with you and we can help you. - said Fluttershy with a trembling voice, approaching the large screen where a room was projected where there was a red pony with a silver mask and another white one with a hood covering his head and screaming trying to get out of the bonds that kept his legs immobile on that stage.

- I've called this test, Nursing Assistants, let's see who will be the star in this scenario- said the voice animatedly while the colorful roulette with the names of the ponies began to spin, stopping at Starlight. The pony lowered her ears in fear and looked for the comfort of the others.

- Wait, this doesn't end here, dear friends. For this test, two assistants are needed. Let's spin again! - The roulette wheel began to spin again, illuminating the room while it decided between Rarity and Twilight. Finally, it stopped on the alicorn's square. Rarity couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief.

The screen went black for a moment, and then a drawing of Twilight and Starlight was shown with the instructions for the next test.

- It's funny, isn't it, friends? The princess of friendship along with her newest friend will have to make sure to assist the pony behind that hood, making him cum two times using only your feminine parts, I don't know if I explain myself. - A sketch of a pony pussy and a cock was drawn on the screen, and they aproached to each other in an animation before the screen went black again.

- You will need this for the outfit for this stage, be good nurses and you will go to the next round... fail and the public will decide your punishment. Have fun- the voice faded away and after a smoke screen the door to a room opened.

Twilight looked sadly at the name Pinkie Pie crossed out on the roulette wheel, remembering how the pony who refused had been disintegrated in front of them all.

- Come on Twilight- said Starlight placing the nurse's cap that was in the anteroom on her friend. They both went inside until the door closed behind them and the light illuminated the stage.

Twilight opened her eyes in disbelief when she saw that the pony standing next to them was her own brother.

- No. I refuse to do this! He's my brother, sick!- shouted Twilight trying again without success to use her magic.
Shining Armor stood motionless in front of them, trying to hide his erection with his front legs.

- It's not what it seems, they injected me with something to make me like this- he said embarrassed. At the back of the room a light illuminated, the three ponies advanced towards it until they reached a white wooden platform.

- Very well guys, you have sixty minutes, I've already done you the favor of preparing our stallion, now it's your turn to finish, let the game begin!-

- I'm not going to do this!- Twilight shouted upset.

- Twilight, I don't want to die.- Starlight begged as she squatted down to reach the height of the pony's member.

- Separate your legs, I'll take care of this- said the unicorn licking Shining's crotch, while with her front legs she caressed his balls.
The erect pony let out a moan, embarrassed by the situation.

- Using anything other than your private parts will cost you points, you naughty nurse- said the strange voice from the speaker as the screen in the background lit up in red for a few moments. Then the pony turned her back to Shining Armor, rubbing her privates against the throbbing erection.

- Please, carefully... - said Starlight, aligning her hips so that Shining could mount her.

The excitement he felt at that moment was practically uncontrollable, even with his little sister in front of him. The aphrodisiac running through his veins took over his body as he sank his erection into Starlight.

The unicorn squeezed her thighs as she felt his cock move inside her, expanding her interior. She dug her hooves into the ground as she endured the white unicorn's thrusts.

- Too big, slow down- moaned Starlight as Twilight had stood in front of her to comfort her.

Shining increased the speed of his thrusts, as he stared at his sister now lying in front of Starlight, whispering words of comfort to her.

A bar was drawn on the screen that simulated Shining's erection and at the very end a uterus, which was filled at the same time that Shining came inside the little unicorn's pussy, leaving her exhausted after the mount.

The bar emptied again and Twilight lowered her ears. She knew it was her turn, but she didn't want her brother to take her first time, she didn't want to take his foal inside her womb.

- Twilight, your turn... - said Starlight, standing up, still shaking, with cum sliding out of her.

- No, I don't want to... - she answered. Starlight jumped on top of her, immobilizing her so that Shining could get on top of her.

- Stop, no! - she said as she tried to get out of Starlight's grip, feeling how she moved the alicorn's tail away, revealing her pink, still virgin vulva.

- I'm sorry Twi- said the white unicorn as he pushed his slippery erection inside the purple pony, pressing with his belly on her back.

- Starlight, why…? - she whimpered as she was penetrated for the first time by her brother, feeling that erection between her thighs, caressing her insides.

- I'm sorry Twilight... I don't want to die- said Starlight beside her as she watched the bar getting whiter and whiter, while a timer indicated that there were only ten minutes left until the time ran out.

- Take it out, it hurts- Twilight shook herself and her brother stopped with great effort, taking his member out of her, who was panting heavily.
Her vulva throbbed and showed her swollen clitoris, while she closed her hind legs tightly.

- There's no time,- said Starlight looking at the timer.
- I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt her- answered Shining while caressing Twilight's hair, who was still shaking.

- You'll hurt her more if you don't finish this, you'll kill us all. So finish inside her and then we can go.- pleaded Starlight lifting Twilight's tail again.

- Okay, fuck me Shining- said Twilight as she separated her hind legs again, welcoming Shining to ride her again.

With a moan, the unicorn penetrated her sister again, who clenched her teeth as she felt the thrusts in her most sensitive part, wetting her crotch.
The counter marked less than a minute, they had taken too long to get to work.

- Faster, please.- shouted Starlight, seeing how the bar was not even half full. The older brother then increased the speed of his thrusts, pressing his body against Twilight's, who panted heavily, while moving her own hips seeking the pleasure of both.

- Yes, fuck me like a farm animal. Empty all your cum inside my pussy, dear brother.- said Twilight between moans, to try to excite her brother more and that all their effort had not been in vain.

- Oh, yes, it's huge, more! Take my body and make me yours! - Twilight continued, trembling beneath her brother and feeling like they were both about to cum at any moment.

The bar began to empty and Shining shot a huge load inside Twilight and they both fell to the ground exhausted. Twilight lay between her brother's legs, and both panted heavily. Starlight shouted:
- We did it!

Still joined by their genitals, Twilight looked up at the meter, which had stopped at four seconds.

  • Comments
  • Who wrote the story? I don’t mean to sound like I’m a critic on writing fanfics here but it could use some improvement with how it’s being told.

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