created by moldyloam
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Bath-Bomb 'Bolds

With a crash, splash, and a tumble, the three kobolds sat bewildered for a moment in their bathchamber as the various pieces of rubble which formerly comprised their bathtub clattered to rest in the shallow water that now covered the floor. This stunned silence was merely the eye of the storm, however, and the commotion would resume en force as the three conjoined mages coordinated their sizeable shared legs to stand themselves up, at which point the accusations began to fly:

"Olivine, you hussy!" Ferra spat, as she lightly jabbed Olivine's breast with a clawed finger. "Seems that ridiculous potion of yours grew more than just your tits, you've made me and Iridie fat as well!"

"What?! Me?! " Olivine exclaimed. "First of all, Ferra, you're the one who's a hussy!"

"You two--" Iridie futilely tried to interject as Olivine continued, now mocking Ferra:

" Ohhhh, look at me, I'm Ferra! I'm so sexy, I have huuuuge tits! Yes, I made mine bigger because you were being insufferable about how mine and Iridie's were smaller than yours, but at least my growth stopped where I intended. We've been over this, and I wouldn't undo it even if I knew how! Secondly, you're the one who eats too much! Have you tried a vegetable before, ever?"

"That's not--" Iridie once again tried to interrupt, as the two other occupants of their body continued the tirade, further encroaching on poor Iridie's already crowded quarters.

"Oh, you did not ! I'll beat you into a vegetable, you skank!" Ferra retorted, swinging her small fist at the top of Olivine's head, as if she had any chance whatsoever of hurting her busty green teammate, but this would-be coup-de-grâce was easily intercepted, held at bay by one of Olivine's equally weedy arms.

While the two women at her sides continued their righteous battle around her, Iridie's frustration at the absurdity of her companions continued to grow, until finally she had had enough:

"WILL YOU TWO PLEASE SHUT UP!!" Iridie shouted as the two verbal combatants reached a wide-eyed ceasefire. "Olivine's potion didn't make us fat! Ferra, you could perhaps stand to eat a bit healthier, but you didn't make us fat either! We're not even fat to begin with! Any weight we've put on is just our body filling out a bit, and only to a healthy extent. Seriously!"

"...You didn't have to yell at us," Ferra said flatly.

"Yeah, no need to yell, but I guess you're probably right," Olivine conceded.

"You two are ridiculous" Iridie muttered, now somewhat amused by the situation and its resolution. "We'll just have to get a bigger bathtub. And do something about all this water, that probably needs to be dealt with at some point too. But we can worry about that later! Lets just unwind at the hot springs for tonight, and get something rich to eat afterwards! I'd say we at least owe ourselves that after today's hard work."

Thus the three merged mages proceeded to hastily cover themselves just enough to go out in public, looking forward to an enjoyable and well-deserved night out after a long day of doing not much of anything important, nor particularly difficult.

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