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She lets you use her thighs as much as you want~

Model by: Furromantic
VA Pack: BordeauxBlackVA

4K nude braless version on Patreon:
Twitter / X:

  • Comments
  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    Pathetic? I don't see you makeing any animations be grateful for what's here, that paywall is just to support the animator, your not takeing the dick stop takeing it so hard and chill.

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    If you're broke just say that

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    post #2275110

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  • Imagine calling an artist "pathetic" because you can't spend 5 bucks on their Patreon lmao

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    look up "bikomation", then come back and apologize to this artist

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    You are so fucking salty that you're just flat out lying. The amount of animations you've probably seen better than this one could probably be counted on two hands, which works out because that's probably as high as you can count to begin with.

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    How DARE artists want payment for their work! It's absolutely absurd! quit whining about being too broke to see digital lizard titties.

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  • Tayanna is such a lovely lizard and not enough of her, glad to see this (glad to see any LewdChord, love their animations)!!!

    astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    You've never seen breasts before? Also, don't know what your standards are but I find LewdChord animations to be s tier, and I'm obviously not the only one.

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    Looks like someone has no MONEY
    It's just boobs dawg, I've seen way worse paywalling

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    If you think the animation is so bad, then why would you want to watch it again?

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    Angry and horny.

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    Womp womp no one likes you

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    post #5054228

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  • Mdf


    lewdchord said:
    thumb #

    Bro getting put on blast so hard the mods might actually want to remove his comment to protect him at this point.

    Actually, this makes me wonder what the most down voted comment is? I keep getting database timeout errors.

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    Ironic you say this while having a literal sneak peek in your fav list.

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  • lewdchord said:
    post #5054228

    Ha! That’s hysterical! Somebody get the aloe vera for that burn!

    The best part, the brat is pissy because they don’t get to see all the good hard work that was done for free. Heck, I’d wager that if the little complainer created their own models, and then created animations with them, they’d be paywalling the stuff they created as well. Who agrees?

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  • astralmage said:
    Wow. Locking the bra less version behind a paywall? Pathetic.

    I've seen animations that are LEAGUES better than yours, and you have the gall to lock good stuff behind a paywall. Useless.

    You honestly sound like the type of person to get mad at a pizza party for only getting one slice when you didn't pay. The fact I can come onto this website for FREE and get pictures, animations, and videos of every kink and fantasy character I could ever want is crazy! Having a paywall in the art community is for those who want (and can) to spend even just a little more on the artist that they enjoy and want to support their talent.

    Now unless you are going to make art this quality yourself, I will go favorite and enjoy every piece of art in this artist's gallery for literally no money at all.

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