alex abrahams created by rimermin
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Sea Snep

A fan of white foam spread out on the blue waves as the Twin Otter seaplane touched down. "Bear Force One" bobbed on the waves, slowing its advance, and then hooking to the right to head towards its dock. The PA system on board crackled as its pilot, a golden-furred bear named Rose, flipped on her microphone.

"Attention passengers! As you can see, we have now arrived at our destination. We'll be pulling into Cat's Paw Cay Marina in just a moment. Please remain seated until we have tied up at the dock and turned off the fasten seatbelt sign. We hope you have a pleasant stay on Île d' Ours!"

The roar of the propellers faded as the plane floated into place, waves kicked up by a gentle breeze. Mooring lines were swung from dock to pontoon, securing it in place. Rose and her copilot made their way down the narrow aisle to the stern to open the main door. The click of unfastening seatbelts rippled through the cabin, seats rustling as the passengers rose to disembark. Two rows held back, however, the six family members waiting till the end to disembark together.

"God, this place looks amazing!" Alex said as she made her way along the dock towards the island. "The water looks so cool and beautifully blue."

"If memory serves, it's perfection this time of year," Krista replied.

"No wonder you made so many site visits while it was under construction."

"It wasn't as fun as it sounds. Temporary housing, minimal electricity, no plumbing."


"I tried to commute in from one of the larger islands when I could, but it wasn't always avoidable." She took Alex's hand, squeezing it. "That said, the others did their best to make it worthwhile."

"Did they now?" Alex grinned. "You'll have to tell me more once we get settled in."

"It's a date."

"For now, photo time!" Alex stood at the edge of the pier, the shimmering waves behind her. "Couple of each of us, then we gotta go check in!"

September 14th, and I'm only just now getting something up for Sneptember! Will have to make up for that. Happily, this is a good opportunity to do so. This pic marks the beginning of a tropical adventure for the whole family - one that will have significant meaning for one of them in particular!

theodoreursus has been developing Île d' Ours/Bear Island, a Caribbean island resort owned and operated by his cast of characters. We've been bouncing ideas back and forth, including the idea of Krista being chief architect. Visit his profile to learn about his critters (some of whom have interacted with my critters previously) and stay tuned for more on this tale.

Art by rimermin.

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