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"You're Fucked!" part 1


My thoughts are scattered, I am shaking, but I have made it out. First day of freedom, hoping they will not find me. I've already forgotten too much, I need to write down everything that's left.
What I'm about to talk about is a scandal we've been exposed to. How there haven't been a massive outrage yet is beyond me. Maybe you believe that it can somehow be justified? No, you can't justify this.
I had to look through my belongings to help me remember my name, my identity, my previous life... It must've been at least one year... Let me try to explain.

Out of nowhere, a new TV show popped up. It was new, it was different, and very bold. "You're Fucked!" was its name.
Late night TV does not need to censor its content, it does not need to be family friendly, I get that. But anyone who's seen the show would likely be shocked at first.
The idea is fairly simple: it's a game show where different contestants have to play games and must try to win them. The catch is that each game is highly sexual in nature, to the point that it could straight up be pornography.
Each show consisted of just one game, so the program ended fairly quickly. But every game was completely unique, making it interesting to tune in each time it aired.

Online statistics reveal that whenever "You're Fucked!" was on, it caused an enormous spike in the channel's viewership. Lots of people must've loved watching it!
I would lie if I said I wasn't intrigued. While I don't remember most of the shows, the one that stuck with me was also the one that changed everything for me.
"Don't make a sound" was that game's name. The host introduced two lovely girls on stage, both on all fours and tied to a table by their hands and feet using metal cuffs. They would be endlessly pleasured and must keep quiet, as whoever first made a sound would lose.
This was the first time in a while that I was hooked to the show. I quickly finished my chores so I could sit down and watch along.

I hadn't seen either of the contestants in prior games. One was a black lizard with large horns and a thick tail. The other looked a bit like a red dinosaur. Names are never revealed during the show, everyone was simply named "Contestant A", "Contestant B" and so on.
Having been sexually frustrated and living alone at the time, I could not get enough from that lizard lady.
When I started actively watching this game, the timer had already been running for a few minutes. Both girls had powerful machines thrusting a dildo into their pussies. At first, they were still moving around a lot - well, as much as a fully tied up body allows you to.
The camera cut away at times, showing close-ups of their pussies being fucked. Their tail was being lifted by a chain, revealing their hindquarters to the public. I preferred the view that showed their faces. Their expressions slowly changed from discomfort to pure pleasure as the timer continued ticking.
You could see and hear that they struggled breathing - a microphone was right up to their faces, and it picked up everything coming from them. Not too loudly to cause them any trouble, but still audible to everyone.

I've been edging along with them, holding my breath and keeping quiet. It must've been at the 20-minute mark that a new layer of difficulty was added for them. A second set of dildos started coming to life, reaching deep into their asses. The girls were visibly caught off guard, but they managed to keep quiet and press onward. My mind lost track of time, it was hypnotizing to watch and play along with them.
I recall the host talking about vibrators, but it must've ended before they ever came into play. Contestant B got caught breathing too loudly, which made her machines stop instantly. Contestant A noticed this and believed this meant she won. She gasped, but since this got picked up by the microphone, that caused her to be considered a loser as well.
I brought myself to completion and came just before the show ended and the screen cut to ads.

It took me a few minutes to calm myself down, before I started rationally thinking about what had just happened.
Everyone believes entertainment on TV to be completely fake, myself included. But what had I been watching for what felt like an hour? Massive amounts of visual trickery? Or two real girls being forcefully fucked until they give in? Are they doing this willingly? It all felt surreal at that moment.
I vaguely recall previous shows where contestants were doing more extreme things. I was not interested, but it made me think about it even further.
The next morning, I sat down and did a bunch of research on the show itself. There is an obvious lack of negativity surrounding the show, most talking about it like any other reality TV show. No details on the contestants can be found anywhere, except for a form to register as one. The company producing the show is a big mystery, since I was unable to find any information on them online.
Looking through different blogs, I found one person who reviewed their workplace after quitting their job for "You're Fucked!" (they did not disclose their role). Nothing they talked about seemed to be anything extraordinary. The worst they mentioned was the lack of variety in the canteen, and the job being something uncomfortable to talk about, due to being part of the adult entertainment business.


Now, as you could tell by my writing, I am not a journalist. But I felt like there must've been a reason why nobody seemed to be looking into this show. Massive amounts of censorship and lobbying? Or was there actually nothing to be concerned about?
Going through my open browser tabs of research, I stumbled upon the registration form for contestants again. Since I was out of a job at the time, I felt like there wasn't much to lose. They're unlikely to accept me, since I'm a fairly average guy in many regards. To be frank, I hadn't seen any guys on their show at the time either. But besides for basic contact information and ensuring you weren't underage, the form did not have any outlandish requirements. Further details would all be discussed on-site.

What followed was an incredibly lengthy signup process. Most of my time there was spent naked, which made sense considering the nature of the show. Lots of quite confusing paperwork I had to sign, multiple physical and mental checkups. Only then would they even consider me as a potential candidate.
It felt strange, as the only people I had seen were from the company, and all of them were wearing masks. No other contestants in sight. The checkups were done in public facilities, not in any company-owned buildings.
They called me back a few days later and informed me that I could visit them for an interview and that they would pay for my transport.
Eventually, I was picked up by a taxi to be taken to what I presume was one of their studios. No company logo anywhere in sight, but two ordinary looking men introduced themselves as my "keepers" and told me to follow them. Both of them had gray fur, but I could not recognize their species.
The supposed interview actually ended up being a series of physical tests, to make sure I could participate in all the activities they had planned. I was reluctant at first, as I was not prepared for any of this - they reassured me that I simply had to endure it all, without much to do from my side.
My memories of these tests are quite hazy, but I do recall getting an injection of some kind, and that they inserted various things into my rectum.

Looking back at this now, my alarm bells should've been ringing to the max! Why would I let some employees of an entertainment business perform medical procedures on me without informed consent? Over time, I started to get a better picture of what these procedures actually amounted to.
However, at the time I might've been too naive, or maybe drugged out of my mind, I don't know... None of it hurt too badly, but it went on for so long, I just wanted to go home.
I was stuck there for the whole day, and by the end of it, they told me that I'm... now known as Contestant 462! Huh, really? I made it?
The day after, they would host what they called a mock show. "It's like the real deal. You'll play one game, which we will record and commentate. If there is no major incident, it'll be broadcasted in the upcoming days and you'll get your first taste of fame!"
I was overwhelmed by all this information and told them I needed more time to think about it all. I'm no actor, or porn star, or anything. How do they expect me to be ready without any practice or time to prepare?
Although they accepted my wish for more time, I don't actually remember ever going home again. My next memory is that of silently sitting in the dark, when suddenly the stage's curtains were slowly being opened.

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