nintendo and etc created by pakkopako
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  • I mean... It is kinda sad, like REALLY sad, they only seem to be responsive to real time like for a few moments of a day, imagine that you just looked at a clock, then you took your eyes out of it for what you would swear on your life was like 2 seconds and in reality 5 FUCKING HOURS HAS PASSED since you actually looked at the clock, combine it with their (I think) not very long life span and like nearly all Pokemon human-like intelligence, that's one sad existance, shit is like very fucked up case of dementia or alzheimer straight from birth to death
    (I am sorry if any of the information above has made your day worse)

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  • cain-dreemurr said:
    I mean... It is kinda sad, like REALLY sad, they only seem to be responsive to real time like for a few moments of a day, imagine that you just looked at a clock, then you took your eyes out of it for what you would swear on your life was like 2 seconds and in reality 5 FUCKING HOURS HAS PASSED since you actually looked at the clock, combine it with their (I think) not very long life span and like nearly all Pokemon human-like intelligence, that's one sad existance, shit is like very fucked up case of dementia or alzheimer straight from birth to death
    (I am sorry if any of the information above has made your day worse)

    The Courier would like apology and 100 caps

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  • cain-dreemurr said:
    I mean... It is kinda sad, like REALLY sad, they only seem to be responsive to real time like for a few moments of a day, imagine that you just looked at a clock, then you took your eyes out of it for what you would swear on your life was like 2 seconds and in reality 5 FUCKING HOURS HAS PASSED since you actually looked at the clock, combine it with their (I think) not very long life span and like nearly all Pokemon human-like intelligence, that's one sad existance, shit is like very fucked up case of dementia or alzheimer straight from birth to death
    (I am sorry if any of the information above has made your day worse)

    To be fair time is only relevent to the exsistance that you know.
    The avarage cat sleeps 2/3 of its life and at the moment I myself sleep a good 60-80% a day till something ether happens or the situation changes, it was mentally distressing at first but then as time moves on you grow used to it and the lack of things that will be done or accomplished. Will say that memories and knowledge in general regresses the less you relink them as all memories are in a constant state of decay, its only through reusing the mental links ether directly attached to them, searching through them, using them directl do we actually make the link stronger, so even memories become less presistant which is another thing you kind of just get used to. Kind of becoming used to just letting go. I imagine a Slowpoke never really forms strong memories to begin with due to the lack of ability to repeatedly strengthen them so its all they really know. Its kind of a feeling of floating/drifting and not really being here fully, I personally flailed and tried to prevent myself floating but thats only because I was aware of the difference. I imagine a slowpoke is just born in that floaty mindset, just letting happen whatever happens.

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  • sasha_fox said:
    To be fair time is only relevent to the exsistance that you know.
    The avarage cat sleeps 2/3 of its life and at the moment I myself sleep a good 60-80% a day till something ether happens or the situation changes, it was mentally distressing at first but then as time moves on you grow used to it and the lack of things that will be done or accomplished. Will say that memories and knowledge in general regresses the less you relink them as all memories are in a constant state of decay, its only through reusing the mental links ether directly attached to them, searching through them, using them directl do we actually make the link stronger, so even memories become less presistant which is another thing you kind of just get used to. Kind of becoming used to just letting go. I imagine a Slowpoke never really forms strong memories to begin with due to the lack of ability to repeatedly strengthen them so its all they really know. Its kind of a feeling of floating/drifting and not really being here fully, I personally flailed and tried to prevent myself floating but thats only because I was aware of the difference. I imagine a slowpoke is just born in that floaty mindset, just letting happen whatever happens.

    Actually just thinking about it, I wonder if they can do it on command or if its a form of sleep, if they can do that on demand they could be basically motion activated, there would not be a dull moment for them to spectate, which probably would benefit them mentally considering their lack of ability to really move or do much, so observation would probably be their main form of mental input.

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  • sasha_fox said:
    To be fair time is only relevent to the exsistance that you know.
    The avarage cat sleeps 2/3 of its life and at the moment I myself sleep a good 60-80% a day till something ether happens or the situation changes, it was mentally distressing at first but then as time moves on you grow used to it and the lack of things that will be done or accomplished. Will say that memories and knowledge in general regresses the less you relink them as all memories are in a constant state of decay, its only through reusing the mental links ether directly attached to them, searching through them, using them directl do we actually make the link stronger, so even memories become less presistant which is another thing you kind of just get used to. Kind of becoming used to just letting go. I imagine a Slowpoke never really forms strong memories to begin with due to the lack of ability to repeatedly strengthen them so its all they really know. Its kind of a feeling of floating/drifting and not really being here fully, I personally flailed and tried to prevent myself floating but thats only because I was aware of the difference. I imagine a slowpoke is just born in that floaty mindset, just letting happen whatever happens.

    That logic only apllies if we assume that Slowpoke is as intelligent as a cat or dog, which is not much, but nearly all Pokemon display human levels of intelligence and human levels of understanding their state of being and surroundings, which by default makes them rather sad creatures once they bond to anyone or anything, I imagine in the wild that they don't even notice how sad their existance is but once a trainer or just a regular person adopts one then poor thing starts to notice how much faster the time flies by

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  • cain-dreemurr said:
    That logic only apllies if we assume that Slowpoke is as intelligent as a cat or dog, which is not much, but nearly all Pokemon display human levels of intelligence and human levels of understanding their state of being and surroundings, which by default makes them rather sad creatures once they bond to anyone or anything, I imagine in the wild that they don't even notice how sad their existance is but once a trainer or just a regular person adopts one then poor thing starts to notice how much faster the time flies by

    Yeah I can see that, I do wonder through if they can even tell the difference. I mean the lack of movement would be a clear thing they would notice, but I wonder if through evolution they have devloped something to prevent them thinking about it. I know of many who have looked up at birds and have wished to fly, or to be able to run on all fours, or even just the simplistic life of a dog/cat, so they may have even developed where they enjoy being relaxed as every other instinct may be telling them that trying to force themselves to do otherwise would be massively negitive in terms of mental feedback. Conditioning in a sense of acceptence and repetition of what is possible and becoming used to that.

    From and outside perspective I would say its a very sad life, but than at the same time plenty of Pokemon can do far more then many people can so I feel the same could be said about the trainers xD

    I feel worse for Pokemon that live long and are mentally designed to live with there own kind like Ninetales, growing up with most likely no real mental defense against not living their whole life with someone as they travel in packs, but with a trainer they have to watch as they grow and wither away and only through multiple losses do I feel they would build some form of resistance to it.

    I will say I never thought about how slowpokes stop in detail before, but does that mean people get the tails off slow pokes while they are out of it, if so thats kind of far more sad as they may just wake up without a tail, it having been turned into food.

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