deneira created by diamondstorm
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The doors to the dojo slide open and you shuffle in with a yawn. Time to start the morning chores. There's a good chance you'd be by yourself today so the earlier you start, the better.

You take a quick walk through, making sure everything is in order, check on the equipment, and light some aroma pots. Then you grab a broom from the closet and head to the porch for some sweeping. But when you turn back to the main room, you notice someone standing in the open front door; someone very familiar, that you hadn't seen in while.

"Heya hun, how've you been?"

"Deneira!" you gasp in surprise. "What are you doing back?"

Leaning against the door frame, wearing a warm smile and being illuminated by morning sunlight, is a pretty and curvy rabbit. She has grey fur, short black hair, green eyes, and a tight red jumpsuit that shows off her body proudly.

"I thought I'd take a break from my traveling and hop back home for a visit," she says cheerfully.

"Really? That's great," you reply with a big grin. "Did you just get in?"

"Last night," she answers strutting into the dojo and looking around nostalgically. "I was tired so I conked out before seeing everyone. Man, its good to be back here. The dojo is just how I remember."

"Well, you haven't been gone that long," you say. "Things change slow around here."

You reach out your hand for a greeting, but she passes it up and throws her arms around you in a big hug. "It's so good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too!" you stammer feeling her large chest squish against you. "I... I've really... missed you Deneira. Erm... we all have I mean."

"Oh, I have too hun. Say, where's the dojo master? I was hoping to talk with him."

"He's um... out traveling. Should be back in a day or two. He left me in charge of the dojo until then."

She gives you an impressed smirk. "Is that so? Well look at you, all grown up and important now. I remember when I left the master would barely trust you to sweep the porch."

"Hey, that's not true!" you blush slightly under her teasing. "I did plenty around here... you were just too busy being the master's star pupil to notice."

"Star pupil, oh now you're teasing me," she says waving you away with a grin.

You and Deneira had grown up in this small rustic village together and trained in this very dojo. She was like a childhood friend, a big sister, and a rival to you, all in one. Her martial arts skills were the best in the village, but her roaming nature couldn't be kept down, and eventually she left her small home to travel the country. Seeing her return brought back such warm nostalgia, but also reminded you of the secret feelings you'd carried for her all this time.

The laughter and sibling-like banter continues for a while, until you realize you were being a poor host keeping her talking in the front room.

"You must be tired from your travels. Can I get you anything? Food? A cup of tea?"

"Eh, maybe some tea later," she says. "But I'm fine right now. Just excited to see everyone again... and especially this place."

The busty bunny stretches her arms upward and her body gives a little shiver as she grunts. "Woo, I must have slept bad last night, because I'm super stiff. Since we got the dojo to ourselves for a bit, would you mind if I do a few routines?"

"Um... yeah, no problem," you say. "I just thought you'd want to rest..."

"Nah, I'm not tired a bit! I just got back and I wanna reminisce. Let's do a set together, just like old times."

You can't help but be infatuated by her excitement and agree. You both head to the back of the dojo and slip into the changing rooms. Deneira knows exactly where to go and where the training outfits are, so you don't bother to ask if she needs help. A moment later you emerge wearing the dojo's signature dark red cloth shorts.

"Deneira, you ready?"

"Yeah hun... I think so."

Your bunny training partner steps out of her dressing room and the sight of her makes you stagger back. Deneira found "a" training outfit alright, but maybe not the right one. She wears a two piece outfit made of the same dark red cloth as yours, but the coverage is barely enough! Her large boobs are squeezed tightly by a tiny top that's not much more than a chest wrap. And her lower half is covered by a thin loincloth, showing all of her plush thighs and was perhaps one stout gust of wind away from showing much more!

Deneira poses unashamed in her scanty clothing, twisting around to look at herself. "It's a bit smaller than I remember."

M...maybe a LOT smaller!" you exclaim feeling like you should avert your eyes but finding that task impossible. "Are you sure you got the right one? That looks like the kid's size."

"This is the only one that was in the changing room," she says with a pout.

"Let me look around, maybe the others are being washed," you offer."

"Oh, no need to trouble yourself," she says breaking into a casual smile. "I can make do with this. It's super flexible after all!"

With the matter settled she happily trots past you back into the training room. The sight of her lovely figure from the back, wearing that tiny outfit makes a certain portion of your shorts spring forward.

Somehow you're able to force down your horny thoughts, and soon enough you both get back into the groove of your old training regimen. The familiarity of the dojo interior brings back a plethora of fond memories, the yellow screens, the soft tatami flooring, even the smell of the brisk morning air wafting in from outside. Deneira takes a deep breath, gives a few bouncy hops, then launches into her routine. You watch mesmerized as she does a series of kicks, then punches, then blocks, all rapid fire. Whatever Deneira's spent her time doing while traveling the country, its clear she hasn't slacked on her training. Then she leaps high into the air, does a twirling flip, almost giving you a peek at something, and lands with a stumble.

"Augh, I'm all over the place today," she complains. "Glad the master isn't here to see me."

"You know you're supposed to stretch first," you remind her. "Would help get rid of that stiffness too."

"Ah, you're right," she admits with a sheepish grin. "Silly of me... out there in the wilds I never get time to stretch, it's always right into action!"

Deneira slides down to the floor in a sitting pose and spreads her legs forward. "Mind giving me a hand? Stretching is easier and more fun with two people."

Before you know it, you're on the floor with her, in close proximity, helping her with various stretches. Deneira bends forward while you push against her strong back. She grimaces but can't quite touch her toes. Then you help her stretch her arms upward, with both your bodies pressed against each other. You help her lean far back bending her spine in an arch, placing her large jiggling boobs very close to your face. Then finally you help her lift one of her legs up high in a standing split. This time you manage to glance away as her tiny loincloth slides aside, but there's no escape from the softness of her shapely legs against your chest. Try as you might you can't ignore the fact that you're very close to your childhood crush, touching her all over, while she's in a state of barely dressed. Even with years of stoic dojo training, you can't stop thinking about her, and how much you want to hold her in your arms and speak reckless things to her. But you soldier on and help her through her routine with calm humility.

"Ahhhh, that's better. Ok, your turn now."

"What?" you reply half paying attention.

"Come on," she repeats with a mischievous glint. "Let's see how flexible you are."

Now Deneira repays your assistance by helping you through all the same moves, except this time your positions are reversed. She cheers you on encouragingly as you grunt and grimace through your routine, not realizing that your strain isn't from the stretching, but by the challenge of staying focused while her soft body is pressed against you every which way. To Deneira's apparent surprise, you succeed at all the moves without too much trouble, perhaps even smoother than her.

"I'm impressed," she says afterwards. "You've really kept up with your training... I feel like a slacker now."

"Don't be hard on yourself," you reply. "You've been busy is all. I'm sure the country is a better and safer place with you roaming about and having adventures... I've just stayed here and kept to myself."

Deneira's gaze softens as she gazes at you adoringly. "You're like this village hun... exactly the same as I remember, in the best way possible. After years on the road, the thing a person craves most is a piece of home and the familiar face of someone who cares for them. Thanks for not changing too much."

Your heart swells slighting under her loving praise and you scoot closer to her. "And you've changed so much... in the best ways possible."

"Oh? And how have I changed, may I ask?"

"Well... you're stronger, I can tell. And you've a more worldly look... that look that travelers get about them when they've seen more than just their own backyard. And... well... you seem kinder too."

"Kinder," she repeats her ears giving a twitch of indignation. "So I was a cruel tyrant the last time we saw each other eh?"

You wilt under her accusing smirk for a moment. "Oh no, I'm not saying that! You've always been good to me... well... you did play some mean pranks when we were growing up... but all I saying is... now you seem... friendlier..."

"Ok, you can stop talking now," she cuts in with a laugh. "I think I get what you're saying... but really go on... what's one more thing?"

Her bright green eyes gaze at you fondly, looking wide and eager for more attention. You can see her bunny tail swishing around over the droop in her loincloth, and at this close angle, her huge breasts hang down, barely contained by the thin red fabric.

"You... you're more beautiful," you manage to confess.

Deneira's eyebrows jump in surprise. "More... beautiful. Oh... I uh... wasn't expecting that."

"But its true," you insist, gently grabbing her hand with new boldness. "You've always been beautiful to me Deneira... that's part of why I missed you so much when you left. But now you're back and even prettier than I remember... and seeing you again makes me so happy. And, well... I'm just tired of hiding it; of pretending not to notice you. I know I'm probably just a friend to you... but there, I got it out. Do whatever yo..."

Suddenly Deneira lunges forward and throws her arms around your neck. Her entire scarcely dressed body squishes against your bare chest, and you're enveloped in soft warm fur.

"That's sweet of you to say those things," she mumbles into your ear. "You've always been so nice to me, I wondered... but I wasn't sure. Sorry for being such a block head about those things. I've been so focused on martial arts and traveling... but I learned that it gets real lonely on the road by myself. I used to not care... but now it makes me happy to be called beautiful... especially by you."

Unable to maintain your composure, you give into her hug and put your arms around her back. You hold that precious bunny in your arms and squeeze her as tight as you can, just like you've always dreamed of doing.

Then she gives a little yip and slides out of your grasp, rubbing her back. "Oof, think I nearly pulled something. Guess I'm still stiff from last night. Hehe... sorry for being a mood killer."

"Oh no trouble," you assure her still feeling a warmth swelling in your chest. "Um... maybe we should finish up here. We can get dressed, check out the rest of the village... maybe I can treat you for something tasty... or fix that pot of tea."

Deneira gives you a sly gleam in her eye. "That all sounds lovely, but we're not done yet. I gotta get this stiffness out of me. If stretching won't do it, then maybe a massage will. Would you be willing to help me again hun?"

"A massage? Sure thing... I think I still remember what the master taught me about pressure points."

Deneira makes a happy sound and spins around on the floor. She flips over onto her belly, sticks her back side toward you, and spreads her legs wide, almost parallel. Your shorts become tight again as her huge butt is posed against you with only a tiny piece of cloth for coverage. She gives you an adoring look back over her shoulder, probably enjoying your flustered expression.

"Treat me good hun and I'll treat you good later. Don't be too rough... but not too gentle either. I can take it."

With your heart hammering you bend over her and go to work massaging her body. First you grab her thick thighs one at a time, with both hands, and work your way down to her knees. Using all the techniques that your training gave you, you work through her various pressure points and release the built up tension. Her legs are so incredible soft, but underneath is a strong layer of muscle. With both legs done you move to her back. You squeeze her waist, then her torso, then her upper back and shoulder blades. Tracing your hands down the curve of her spine and pressing the proper spots to ease her stiffness. While you massage her Deneira responds with a steady stream of moans and whimpers that at first sounded natural, but soon amplify into straight up erotic. You start to suspect that she's playing it up quite a bit to arouse you. Playing into her game you lean forward and whisper into her long ears.

"There's a lot of tension in your booty... do you want me to work it out too?"

"S... sure... keep going hun."

Your heart is pounding like a drum now as you flip up her loincloth and finally gaze at her massive cheeks, puffy crotch, and pink slit. You let loose your desires and start groping her huge behind, squeezing it, spreading it, and massaging it. It's even softer than you could have ever imagined. Now Deneira's moans were likely real as you give the poor lonely bunny the attention she's gone without for so long.

"Hun... ah... you're really going wild back there! I think the tension is gone now."

Once satisfied you lean forward over her and whisper again.

"Sorry Deneira, your body is just so nice, I can't help it. How about your breasts now? Do they need massaging?"

With a tender smile she rolls over on her back and slides up her tiny top, letting her massive boobs fall out. "These really do need it... they're so heavy, sometimes they're a pain to live with."

"Let's see if I can make them feel better," you offer.

Deneira spreads her legs apart and allows you to lower yourself on top of her. Both your bodies fit against each other perfectly, as you slide up on her. Using your knees to lift yourself slightly, you place one hand on each breast and go to work. However soft Deneira's butt was, her boobs are even softer! Pure fat and fur squishes between your fingers as you weave your massage. Her pointy nipples slide around and under your groping as you attack her breasts from every possible angle. Now you can properly see her face, and the added stimulation is almost too much. But the instant feedback proves to be useful in your efforts to make her feel good. Indeed Deneira's boobs were huge and probably caused a lot of discomfort being trapped in tight clothing all the time. This time you reign in your lust and try to massage them properly, squeezing at all the right locations, and rubbing them gently and soothingly. Deneira's face is pure bliss as her heavy chest gets treated so lovingly. Her eyes squint up at you and her lips quiver.

"Get down here and kiss me before I pull you down," she whispers.

Letting go of her boobs, you slowly lower face down to hers... and then...

Voices sound outside bringing you and Deneira crashing back to reality. You both can hear people walking up the lawn to the dojo. Quick as a flash you leap off of your partner and flatten down your shorts in all the crucial places. Deneira springs upright faster than a blur and puts her own skimpy outfit back in order, Just in the nick of time a pair of girls walk through the open front door and into the dojo.

"Deneira!" one of them exclaims. "You've come back!"

"What a surprise!" another says happily. "When did you get here?"

"Just last night," Deneira responds completely chipper and unflustered.

She goes up to greet the girls while you mumble about going back to put some tea on the fire. You hear one of the girls comment teasingly on Deneira's small dojo uniform, saying that she should change into something bigger or it'll drive the men in town crazy.

Once back in the changing room you slip out of your shorts and put back on your full robes. Suddenly the door to the room slides open and Deneira sneaks in quickly. Without saying a word, she strips down naked in front of you and plucks one of the large sized robes from the shelf and puts it on. Then before you can say anything she spins around, puts an arm around you, and pulls you in close for a kiss. Her downy muzzle and cold bunny nose tickles you while you lovingly return the kiss, stroking her back with one of your hands.

A moment later the kiss ends and she backs away to gaze into your eyes.

"We'll have to finish that massage later tonight," she says.

"Yeah... sounds good," you agree somewhat dazed. "Say Deneira... how long will you be staying here?"

"A few days at least... maybe a week."

"You wouldn't be willing to stay forever this time?"

"Nah, sorry... I... I can't do that. It's just how I am."

"I understand," you reply sadly.

"Maybe... you'd like to come with me on my adventures?" she suggests happily.

"Nah, sorry... I'm needed here. Besides... I'm too much of a homebody."

"Ah... yeah... I understand."

A somber silence threatens to set in, so you speak quickly. "Well... guess we just have to make the best of our time together then. After all... I've loved you in secret for this many years... it'll be great to love you openly for a week or so."

Deneira beams happily. "It sure will hun."

Putting my canine blitz for this year on pause to draw some more art for my OCs, starting with my precious bunny Deneira.

It occurred to me that while I've described Rachel's life and personality a little, I've barely said anything about Deneira. Some of that is because the details about her life are a bit mysterious and are set to be revealed in the comic that I'd like to make for her some day, but some of it is because I'm forgetful and lazy. So here's a short picture series I'm calling "Deneira's Visit Home".

In this series we learn that Deneira comes from a small rustic village on the far outskirts of the main Kingdom. This village is known for training up capable martial artists and warriors under the teachings of its dojo master. Deneira's actual occupation is that of a wandering warrior for hire, and she's spent much of her adult life traveling across the Kingdom, doing odd jobs, beating up bandits, and trying to live life while making her country a safer place. In short, Deneira is living exactly the kind of adventurous life that Rachel dreams of, and is part of why these two hit it off so well. But even a wandering wayward bun gets lonely and homesick sometimes, so here we see her returning to her hometown for a short visit, and reuniting with a childhood crush.

Check out my artist pages. Thanks!

Hope you all enjoy.

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