max strong created by renser
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In this timeline, Max quickly became friends with Brad (the pig shown above) due to them going to the same Strongman events and started hanging out with him in his house. After some time, Max moved in with Brad to his apartment and quickly started having sex daily with him. Brad enjoyed drinking Max's cum, and this quickly became his obsession. At one point they had sex six times a day, and this started to have an effect on Max. For some time his main purpose was feeding Brad with his cum. This caused Brad to get obese and Max to become little more than bones. Max is not happy with this situation, but he has become so weak he can barely open doors or do anything, so he has only one hope left: that Brad gets tired of his new toy.

It has taken sometime for me to finish this, and I kind of rushed it at the end, but I think it's alright. There's certain details about it that I really enjoyed making, like how Brad is lifting Max with his left hand alone or how Brad's dick is way smaller than Max's, creating a weird contrast between them. I also love how both of their faces are the complete opposite, Brad's with his full lips and swollen cheeks, a complete contrast to Max's skeletal yet masculine face.

I love these two, I don't know if I'll do more with both of them in the future, but for now this is all. I hope you'll enjoy this.

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