mickey mouse (mythology and etc) created by higurashi029
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Comic Relief - Drew Transforms

Drew was bored to death. The house was all to himself for the past two days since his husband Sebastian had gone to an important health professional summit out of state. It was a last-minute thing, so Drew could not get some days off and had to spend his nights alone. Missing his husband, Drew tried to find some ways to occupy his free time.

Drew read some books he had meant to read ages ago. He watched some of his favorite Disney movies. He even cleaned up the basement to prepare it for their full moon escapade. But on the third evening, Drew got extremely bored. Having the night be the full moon did not help to ease his tension. Although Sebastian had promised him he would be home for the full moon (he had always made sure of that), Drew would rather have his husband home tonight.

Drew had already felt the signs of the moon's power over him. He felt warmer than usual, perfusing from even the slightest strain. His legs and arms would not stop itching. He found himself showering earlier than usual to ease some of the heat he was feeling. And, of course, he was also getting increasingly horny. Hundreds of dirty thoughts and animalistic adventures ran through his mind. He longed to transform with his alpha husband beside him, ripping out of their clothes, becoming huge muscular beasts. Sigh, Drew thought, I wish you were here already. He fondled his crotch, feeling it getting warmer and bigger by the second. Shaking his head, Drew tried to think about other dull things like doing groceries or anything to keep his mind at bay.

“I know!”, Drew said cheerfully. “I’ll clean our bedroom, so it is all tidy when Sebastian comes home, starting by throwing some of our old stuff.” Pleased with his decision, he went upstairs and took some boxes, and readied the vacuum cleaner. He switched his shirt to some old red Mickey Mouse T-Shirt he took from the closet. Noticing his dick had softened, he almost regretted cleaning that late at night. But he managed to suppress his wolfish urges. Starting with the wardrobe, Drew had been sorting his old clothes out. Since he had joined the werewolf, some of his old smaller clothes have become, well, small. We really need to do some shopping soon, he grunted, I’m running out of clothes.

He put some shirts and pants in the cardboard box but kept some apart. “Well,” he said to himself, “I can’t deny I like ripping out of them when I grow some muscles,” Drew smirked. Immediately his dick sprang to attention, thinking about the mesmerizing changes his body was going to undergo tomorrow with his sexy alpha husband. Soon, he looked at the bulge forming inside his shorts. Drew tried to banish all things he knew he was going while transforming with Sebastian, starting with those sexy, manly feet of his. His dick grew some more in response, steadying almost at the point of no return, and Drew began to sweat rapidly and breath fast. “Ngggh, concentrate, Drew!" he said to himself, "Save it for tomorrow”.

Turning back to work, Drew moved to take stuff from the drawers and the bed storage drawer underneath, finding some old magazines and catalogs. Then, Drew noticed them. His old stash. “Oh my God!” he exclaimed as if finding a treasure or winning a lottery ticket. There rested several horror magazines and comics. Three particular comic books stood out to him, as memories of his late teenage years returned to him when he had started fantasizing about werewolves. His obsession with lycanthropes had soon developed into a huge kink, leading him to look for proof of their existence. That eventually led to meeting his gorgeous then-boyfriend now-husband, Sebastian.

“I can’t believe I didn’t throw those years ago,” Drew told himself. The three horror comic books, “An Uncensored American Werewolf in London'', were something unique. Not only did they have a classic werewolf transformation, portrayed over 30 pages (!), but the details inside were so high-quality. It had everything Drew loved about the transformation. The muscle growth, the sprouting hair, and of course, the stretching feet turned into power paws (The last one spanned four pages!). Feeling his balls stirring, he watched as his dick engorged with more blood. It grew even bigger, crossing the threshold of transformation. A huge tent formed in his pants, and somewhere inside his brain, he knew he was compelled to satisfy his need now. “Well, it’s not like Sebastian is here, and it may calm me down until he returns”, Drew discharged himself.

Drew climbed up their bed, rested his upper back against the pillows, and looked almost hypnotically at the cover of the comic books. It featured the incarnation of his werewolf fetish - A hairy muscular beast-man standing on his huge digitigrade legs, claws ripping through the protagonist’s Nike running shoes. The face had just begun its slow, painful transition into a snout.

Sweat poured from Drew’s forehead as he felt his body flaring up. His blood vessels carried oxygen to every part of his body and fed his changing organs. First to go were his hands. Being bitten by a true-blooded werewolf, Drew could maintain control of some aspects of the transformation. But he still loved to see himself succumb to his inner beast, to feel some of the pain the change brought.

And no sooner than thinking that, he felt his hands as they stretched forward, deserting his thumb behind. The fingers elongated and bent as he thought of the claws emerging, pushing his puny fingernails out of his body. And in mere seconds, just as Sebastian taught him in their previous transformation sessions, blood dripped from his mutated hands. Black crusted matter protruded from his fingers, breaking his human nails. Soon enough, Drew was playing with his new sharp black claws. Wanting to feel their power but hating to ruin their bed sheets or bed frame, he ran his claws across the sides of his Disney T-shirt, above his shoulders, and near his chest, scratching it deep and hard. Four tearing holes formed under the shirt’s short sleeves, and he felt the already hairy skin on his chest bleeding. It stung but somehow felt good, knowing those cuts would heal fast. One of the perks of being a werewolf.

Drew then turned his attention to his feet and concentrated on them as he reminded himself of his husband’s big feet turning into huge paws. His cock pulsed, claiming his centralized position as the blood pump, demanding more of his body. It enlarged and thickened well above its usual eight-inch size while Drew felt blood running into every vein on his feet. Each tarsal bone of his four toes extended, stretching upward and then forward. Then with a loud crack, his feet extended and became longer and bigger in size, stretching the white socks Drew was wearing to their limits.

“Oh yeah,” he moaned. “Bust out of those socks”, Drew demanded of his feet, as Sebastian had instructed him to do so. The socks groaned under the pressure of stretching feet and expanding toes. Strands of brown hair soon covered the changing toes as a new set of claws pushed through the skin and broke the conceding toenails. A second later, a RIP sound emerged from his socks. The strong claws ripped through the sole and toe parts of his right sock, shredding it completely. Part of the left sock survived the process, allowing the newly emerging claws to destroy only some of it. Drew smiled as his soils and arches grew in size, becoming meatier, and soon black pads formed. The change further coursed throughout Drew, traveling to his ankles and reconfiguring them to a more digitigrade stature.

“Fuck yeah”, Drew said while looking at the magazines. He thought of the transformation of himself and his husband, projecting it to the comics. Drew grabbed his pants and loosened them, grabbing his cock out of his boxers with his right paw and stroking it gently while flipping the pages of the magazine with his left paw. He was pleased that the images inside could still manifest his urges. It also further triggered and hastened the transformation, evoking his favorite part - his muscles.

Cords of flesh condensed and thickened as his quads and calves gained on muscles very fast, putting pressure on his pants. The fur that had already entirely engulfed his feet spread to his legs, covering the bulky masses. His pants could not bear the bulk of massive muscles, and the fabric tore in several places: Above his Achilles heel, around his ankle, and across his taint. A thick layer of brown hair popped outside of those holes, as Drew became harrier by the second.

The last forming hole conveniently enabled a smooth growth of his coccyx, which stretched longer outside of his body, creating his wolf tail. Drew moaned as the appendage grew and adopted its own spirit, tickling his cock. That amplified his libido, and the cock stretched longer, becoming blushing red. The cock appeared less human in shape as the base attached to the scrotum inflated, and fur soon covered his tangerine-sized balls. Drew only wished his alpha was with him so he would put his cock to use.

Multiple cracks echoed in the room as Drew's spine extended. Each vertebra grew and added to his torso, making him taller. Muscle pushed through his stomach, burning what remaining fat was there. Soon, there formed a beautiful still-hard eight-pack. Drew felt his rib cage burning, and he gnarled from the mix of pain and pleasure. To alleviate some of the pain, Drew concentrated on his beloved pectoral muscles. He demanded them to grow, remembering another of Sebastian’s teachings..

“Grow, ughh, Make me huge!” He thought while continuing to beat his cock faster. Precum dripped on his ragged pants.

His chest adhered and yielded to his command, and Drew felt the muscles bulging and rippling. Looking down, Drew saw his chest ballooning, pushing his wearing-out Mickey Mouse shirt above his waist and exposing the lower chocolate-cube-shaped abs. And if his shirt did not suffer enough damage from his growing frame, his shoulder blades thickened, pushing the red shirt up and then ripping it. The thick fur traveled further up from his crotch and covered each muscle it had encountered. The wind breeze brushed against the fur, accelerating the growth. His sweaty armpits were soon covered by a brown pelt.

“Hehrrreheh”, Drew chuckled, his voice already dropped and sound guttural. Looking at himself and seeing how buffed he was, Drew almost busted on the spot. But he managed to edge himself and focused on his face, closing his eyes. Summoning the beast inside him, Drew asked it to purge his teeth outside of his mouth, and, indeed, the teeth fell onto his bed, slipping to the floor. He opened his now ivory-hued eyes, and sharp curved fangs drew out from his gums. Four of them extended even further, almost piercing his lips. Looking up to both his sides with his yellow wolfish eyes, Drew summoned his ears to erect and stretched longer, allowing the fur to cover them as well.

About to purge his human cum, Drew edged exactly in the right moment and relaxed. He looked at the transformation of the werewolf in the comic magazine, imagining Sebastian taking his place. Seeing Sebastian’s snout cracking out in his mind, the jaw and nose pushing outward, Drew was ready to ejaculate. But at that moment, his wolf reminded Drew that no transformation is complete without the signature snout. With a loud final crack, his jaw dislocated and stretched forward. Having no control, Drew trembled as his cock finally shot his first rope of thick cum followed by another one and two more.

“Hmfff, hmmffff”. Trying to calm himself and slowing his accelerated heart rate, Drew closed his eyes and huffed a few times. He realized he had become a werewolf again, this time transforming on his own.

“Well”, said a very familiar voice, and Drew’s fur rose up, sending goosebumps all over his body as he jolted in surprise. Sebastian was supposed to come tomorrow morning! Why didn’t he tell me?

“I am very disappointed with you, Drew," he said, expressing his disappointment. "I was able to come early, not wanting you to be alone a night before the full moon, and here you are, transforming without your alpha?” There stood Sebastian, a look of disapproval on his handsome face, sending vibes of discontent towards Drew.

“I… Um… Ehm...” Drew muttered and lowered his face, feeling awful, while his cock still aching to release the new reserves of Wolf’s cock. His world was about to crumble for disheartening his husband.

“Look at your alpha when he speaks to you!” commanded Sebastian, roaring.

Drew looked up, frozen and paralyzed in fear, disappointed with himself, and saw Sebastian cracking a devious smile. Chuckling, his husband nodded, admitting he was just messing with him. With a flash of a second, his gorgeous alpha husband pounced on him, his ears twitching and his body cracking. Sebastian moaned and then whispered in Drew’s wolf ears, his voice already changing, “How’s that for comic relief?”

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