daxter (sony interactive entertainment and etc) created by welden (artist)
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SHORT STORY: Night Shift Visitor

Working night security is a pretty sweet gig, but you have to admit that it's a bit scary to be walking alone outside in the dark, carrying nothing but your thoughts and a flashlight.

Your last couple of shifts have felt especially weird. Movements in the corners of your vision, quiet footsteps, and the unshakeable feeling that you're being watched. Intently watched.

You must be tired. At least, you hope that you aren't going crazy or something.

A far-away hissssss snaps you out of your thoughts. You recognize it immediately as the sound of spray paint.

You sigh, and start off towards the source of the sound, scanning your flashlight back-and-forth as you look for the wrongdoer. He must be just around this next corner--

Ah, he's clearly been expecting you.

Perched atop a ledge, the culprit stares down at you in silence, breathing slowly in anticipation.

With his sheath all-too-conveniently located at your mouth level—and uh, so close that you can literally smell it—he knows that you know exactly what he wants.

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