Furaffinity Description
I'm not trying to be funny. I'm trying to tell you what I just did. I have no shame lmao.
Be warned, this can be a little squicky. Also, please do not attempt the thing that I did.
Sounding Story (and consequences)
So, in the heat of the moment, I decided it'd be a good idea to get a thin long object and do what the image says. I got this head massage thingy from the department store, pulling the exact same face as the image the entire time I was there (though, to be honest I kinda look like that most of the time).
So I went home, unbent one of the wires, and... did the thing. I'll be honest with you, it actually felt pretty good, if you think that pain feels pretty good. But I do genuinely like pain. And so I enjoyed it. However, it didn't last very long.
Like, the sensation is kinda what you'd expect. I anticipated there to be some pain involved. But after a few centimeters in, I started to feel worry. Like, I feel like the inner walls of my dick isn't meant to withstand this kind of force, and to be fair, it isn't. It was really scary, I thought I might actually be injuring myself. When I carefully pulled the thing back out, I was expecting to see red. Thankfully, there wasn't any blood.
So yeah, it was like 30 minutes ago and it still hurts. I didn't even go that far, maybe like only 1/4 of my shaft. Did I regret it? Maybe. But I'm sure as hell isn't trying this again anytime soon.
Oh, and I didn't disinfect the thing first before I did this. I only realized this mistake after it was too late. If the hurting doesn't stop I'm just gonna go to the doctor. I hope the only things I lose from this are my $3.5 and my time. I don't want to lose my ability to pleasure myself.
You should probably ask your doctor too about which things you can shove into your cock. The answer will probably be "no", but believe me, they'll know better than some horny idiot on the internet.
Moral of the story: don't do stupid things with what you hold dearly to your life. Not much lesson here other than common sense. I do have something to say though, about a trope I've seen like twice on cock vore pieces: Things do feel better going out than in. Especially when they are liquid.
Edit: It's been almost two hours and it still hurts. Things are much more different when you're no longer horny.
Edit 2: Lmao, someone uploaded the full story to e6. My dignity is in tatters or something. Good thing I don't mind being humiliated like this. Idk, I drew myself as a living pile of shit and worn it as my profile pic there for like 2 months. I probably don't have any dignity.
Edit 3: I just woke up and it still hurts. Not as bad as before, though. I believe it'll cease after a while.
Edit 4: Still hurts, but generally better. I was supposed to go to the clinic yesterday, but it was closed. So I went to the hospital but the specialist wasn't available. I'm gonna get checked out today after class.
Edit 5: I went to the clinic. This was on Monday, actually. I just forgot to update. I also forgot to take the antibiotic the doc prescribed to me on one morning. Also, I caught cold from someone while at the clinic.
Edit 6: It's been a week. I had a check up again on Tuesday and apparently I'm clean of any infection. Yay!
Coffee Bean Cat
MemberUtterly Depraved /s
MemberI bet the local hospital just loves you.
Seriously though this is quite common, so please only use actual toys intended for that use. Doctors have loads of stories like this artist's and some don't end as nicely. Embaressment is the least bad outcome. Yes this applies to all your holes.
You can cause a lot of damage using inappropriate items. You probably don't want to end up like the buckyballs guy or damage your your insides and have to wear a daiper or catheter.
Fantasy =/= reality.
MemberYep. I learned my lesson pretty quickly from the experience. I'm pretty sure I didn't cause injury (or at least I hope), but am still very worried about getting an infection.
You can drop the /s to be honest. I'm already so far to the floor right now that I'm practically 6ft under.
Memberquick tip for everyone here, please dont try to use bread... T^T especially dry(unbuttered) bread... It may taste good at the end but it doesnt feel nice. ;-; Dont ask me how I know this...
MemberCan I ask what "It might taste good at the end" is supposed to mean in this context?
Wait, need to amend the comment. Do I want to know, or is it something you wish to forget?
MemberOh y'know... I meant the creamfilled bread afterwards tastes good but I wouldnt recommend it
Goobie II
MemberYou fucked a loaf of bread????? what???
MemberOh boy, I have an inlaw that worked at a hospital, she said that a guy came in that did this with a Nintendo DS stylus, he got it all the way into his body proper and couldn't find it...... poor guy, stupid, but poor guy......
MemberI am both terrified and curious to read this story
Member~yeast infection~
Member> reads description
you could not waterboard that information out of me man
user 1583451
MemberOBJECTS THAT I HAVE SHOVED UP MY ARSE (A Bruno Powroznik Classic)
MemberI.... kinda wanna see art of what you did ngl
MemberI actually have already sketched this! I'll finish it later because I'm still working on something else.
Lance Armstrong
Janitorpost #4179505
MemberThe description sounds like something from a whang video tbh. Every day I get more and more surprised at the average horny-person’s willpower, impressive he even thought to use a head massager ngl.
MemberBuckyballs guy?
MemberAll these comments are cursed
MemberLinked together like 30 buckyball magnets and tried to sound with em...
MemberI guess you could say he was inbread...
MemberSharpie :)
Memberholy shit this post and its content is gold
I am reminded of an ER story my mother told me (she was a medical coder) of someone deciding to use a raw hotdog as a dildo. had to get that thing surgically removed for some reason, don't remember if it was made clear why.
ahh, the things people will shove into their orifices.
Beat the Beetle
MemberGod, glad that you were fine in the end.
Member<3 Its cool that your cleared in the end lol (seeing red worries lol -shudder-)
There is still steel dab stylist tools or "those" dessert spoons :3
Best ov luck for the future (2024) SafteyFirst
MemberIronically, this was a sound decision.
MemberI will think of you every time I see one of those head massage things.
MemberI came here looking for _____, but I found this funny story instead. Incroyable.
MemberI was hoping I misread the text, or that English is not your native tongue, and you meant to say you were looking for things to shove your cock into.
user 996384
MemberYou are god's bravest warrior
MemberI'm asking
Memberbro fucked a loaf of bread
user 2010713
MemberMy face looking for flexible tubing for an enema kit in a Home Depo x3
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