princess celestia and princess luna (friendship is magic and etc) created by john joseco

Last Tumblr blog post of "Ask Princess Molestia"

  • Comments
  • Really gutted it's gone but at least I got to witness the birth, the rise and death of the ask molestia tumblr. It's been one hell of a ride. RIP

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  • Just FYI, I think it was JJ who deleted it, not tumblr. I guess he got tired of it and decided to move on to other projects.

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  • masterwave said:
    Why did it get deleted?

    mechawolf said:
    Just FYI, I think it was JJ who deleted it, not tumblr. I guess he got tired of it and decided to move on to other projects.

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  • wtf, stopping the tumbler, okay i can understand. But why would he simply delete his entire tumbler. Does he have a site of his own where he keeps everything?

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  • He deleted it because he was sick of the straw feminist shitheads giving him hassel for it. There are valid feminist causes, this was not one.

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  • Shchenya said:
    There are valid feminist causes, this was not one.

    True indeed.. I'm really sad to see it gone, and now that god retarded pinkiepony feminist is all like she won... Gosh! :[

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  • Yeah, this is exactly why I save everything I find interesting to my local drive. Anything stored online is inherently unreliable and can be deleted on the whims of ISPs, hosting services, copyright authorities, server failures and whatever else. In fact, I'm pretty sure this will eventually cure the people of the recent "let's store everything in the cloud" craze.

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  • What makes it all the worse, is that Gamer!Luna went out with her sister. IMHO JJ's Luna was one of the most adorable Lunas around. I'm already missing her. T.T

    I do have a saved copy of Ask Molly, but it's as old as August '13. JJ said something about putting up an archive, though, but I'm going to make a copy. Hell, maybe I should put it online as sort of memorial blog, just to spit in haters' collective face.

    R.I.P., one of the best blogs.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    So how do we go about destroying "pinkie pony"?

    First of all, are you 100% sure it's her fault? I thought JJ said otherwise.

    Second, it will achieve nothing. Of course it would be nice to brute the password for her tumblr and turn it into Molly memorial, but will it be worth the effort?

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  • This pinkie pony bitch needs to get a fucking life. I say we spam the internet with as much big sexy rape themed pics as possible. She may have destroyed the source but she can not destroy the spirit.

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  • Well truth be told not only was it hate groups but Hasbro themselves sent a C&D on JJ. JJ officially stated he was going to end it for other projects but seeing the C&D brings dread to any artist out there. Hasbro is attempting to clean up the internet of all the "Adult oriented" Pony art (Music, Fics, and art)

    Good luck with that Hasbro, stop living in the past and accept this is the Internet. The biggest cesspool on the entire planet.

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  • Lunaz said:
    ask princess molestia has been around for ages now.

    why react now ???

    NightOfEternity said:
    We salute to another tumblr take down for whatever reason. It will be missed dearly :<

    Captain_Courage said:
    I will never see if gamer Luna, and derby finally start to date :'(

    masterwave said:
    Why did it get deleted?


    IHateRule34 said:
    First of all, are you 100% sure it's her fault? I thought JJ said otherwise.

    Second, it will achieve nothing. Of course it would be nice to brute the password for her tumblr and turn it into Molly memorial, but will it be worth the effort?


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  • WhiteEscorpion said:


    why am I a Feminists for only wanted to see what happens with gamer luna, and derpy?

    i'm not "aiming at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women"

    i just liked the story for them both :/

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    So hold up.

    What happened, exactly? (no one-word answers, guys.)

    Apparently hasbro ordered a cease and desist and tumbler killed it. Pinkie pony is crowing victory like the immature little shit it is.

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  • Captain_Courage said:
    why am I a Feminists for only wanted to see what happens with gamer luna, and derpy?

    i'm not "aiming at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women"

    i just liked the story for them both :/

    They should stick with this...

    "aiming at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women" real life, instead than fighting in fantasy and fictional land.

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  • IHateRule34 said:
    What makes it all the worse, is that Gamer!Luna went out with her sister. IMHO JJ's Luna was one of the most adorable Lunas around. I'm already missing her. T.T

    I do have a saved copy of Ask Molly, but it's as old as August '13. JJ said something about putting up an archive, though, but I'm going to make a copy. Hell, maybe I should put it online as sort of memorial blog, just to spit in haters' collective face.

    R.I.P., one of the best blogs.

    There are many out there who have saved every single posting, myself included. There is nothing to fear as im sure many including JJ will have it all posted at some point if it's not already. There may not be any more new images but nothing already posted was lost. Will be missed

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  • WhiteEscorpion said:
    They should stick with this...

    "aiming at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women" real life, instead than fighting in fantasy and fictional land.

    ... your hurting my head over how off topic that is... no one is fighting, and has nothing to do with being Feminist by just liking a story.

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  • Captain_Courage said:
    ... your hurting my head over how off topic that is... no one is fighting, and has nothing to do with being Feminist by just liking a story.

    It appears that some of them didn't like it, and wanted to stop this story permanently.

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  • This right here is an amazing example of a rape joke comic. Let me go fap to it.

    But honestly I am going to miss Gamer Luna and Molly.

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  • Welp, I'm very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very pissed. What should I do?

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  • Captain_Courage said:
    I will never see if gamer Luna, and derby finally start to date :'(

    Eh, well the good thing is, Gamer Luna exists now so it's not that bad. Same Molly had to go though.

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  • ThirdUsername said:
    Fuck you. Fuck you all.

    of course I know rape isn't a joke, I happen to be a victim too. but this is artwork, fantasy, fake. go hound actual rape pictures, actual rapist. also, welcome to E621's justice system.

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  • ThirdUsername said:
    No. Nononononono.









    It got taken down for a very good reason. Even though I myself am a furry AND fan of the show, I do my best to keep all of this absolutely disturbing shit away from the actual public, where it could and definitely HAS scarred kids, the actual target audience for the show, for life. This includes things such as, oh, I don't know, participating in the Monthly Safesearch Wrap Up. And now you people are defending a blog that attempted to make RAPE a 'JOKE' alongside being completely public!?

    I stumbled across it in my early days on tumblr, and thought it was a bit goofy, and I liked the Gamer Luna portions. I'm glad Joseco has continued with JUST Gamer Luna, and without this absolute disregard for those who have fucking suffered.

    I just can't believe it. THIS is why 'Brony' is a term synonymous with misogynistic jackass. THIS is why people hate the 'Fandom' outside the target demographic, and THIS is giving those of us who still enjoy the show and think it's cute and do things to KEEP THE DEMOGRAPHIC WATCHING a BAD NAME.

    Fuck you. Fuck you all.

    Comments like this are not acceptable and need to stop

    Rape isn't a joke but this is fiction and your time is better served in other places

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  • Ugh. Let me put it another way.

    Rainbow_Dash said:
    Rape isn't a joke but this is fiction and your time is better served in other places

    Question: If I were a victim of rape, are you saying that I shouldn't be offended and possibly triggered by something like this? Are you saying I shouldn't be disgusted by this?

    Another question: You guys are claiming that Pinkie Pony is *ahem* 'A retarded feminist', and that you guys are threatening to 'Send many rape-themed MLP pictures to her' and 'Hack her blog and turn it into a Molestia memorial blog'. First off, why do you think it's feminism? It's common sense, Rape is bad, MLP is cool, together it's completely and utterly scarring to people who stumble across it (A good reason why I participated in the SafeSearch Wrap Up last month). I don't know what's so hard to grasp. Second of all, you're...wanting to potentially send someone into a rape trigger-induced catatonic state at worst and severely scar them at best, just because something you liked that was incredibly controversial and definitely widely offensive was justifiably taken down with the help of her?
    Plus, hacking her blog and bringing the content back would just result in a blog with obviously a lot of work put into it being deleted because asshats like you decided it'd be 'justice'. Then again...

    Esme_Belles said:
    of course I know rape isn't a joke, I happen to be a victim too. but this is artwork, fantasy, fake. go hound actual rape pictures, actual rapist. also, welcome to E621's justice system.

    Yeah. The justice system here is obviously screwy if even one of the admins is defending rape jokes.

    Speaking of which, yes, I know this is fiction, but if the world worked by your beliefs, then the damn comic would still be up, as would a buttload of incredibly offensive shit that has likely been taken down out of either common sense or forcefully brought down.

    And trust me, there aren't enough people hounding rapists, actual rape footage, and rape defenders, and I'm one of the ones fighting with them. And there's a good deal of people like me who are hounding you sacks of shit, and for good reason.

    Molestia was a great artist doing something that offended a lot of people for good reason, so it got taken down. It was a big mistake, but from it, a new comic has been birthed, and it's damn decent so far. I hope he keeps writing, and stays away from anything that's gonna offend people.

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  • ThirdUsername said:
    Question: If I were a victim of rape, are you saying that I shouldn't be offended and possibly triggered by something like this? Are you saying I shouldn't be disgusted by this?

    Yep :p

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  • ThirdUsername said:

    Alright I'll put it simply. If something offends you, do no look at it. This is the universal law of the internet and real life really. I am not defending rape jokes, but I will most certainly defend user's rights to enjoy such content if they should want to see it. I find many things offensive but it's not right or fair for me to put blame on the people that do not find it offensive, or request it be removed.

    I am not saying that you should not be offended but that you should not bother others with the fact that you find something offensive, as we all have different things we find offensive

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  • Sofi said:
    pinkie pony detected.


    And if not, if only there was some kind of BLACKLIST she (I assume) could use to save people headaches . . .

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  • Sofi said:
    pinkie pony detected.

    Which one? Third? Cuz sure sounds like it.

    @ThirdUserName piss off, seriously. I'm not a sack of shit. I was taper when I was seven. But unlike you, ive learned to deal with what happened instead of harrassing people who arnt doing YOU any harm. You don't like the artwork don't look at it, its not as if someones there in your home sticking a gun too your head saying look at this or ill blow your head off.
    as for the hacking and the other threat people have made. Pinikie made few friends when she harrassed JJ to the point of him giving up. Its like me going, "oh hey! I see your straight, or your gay. Well that makes you evil and you sould die!!!1!"
    Just cuz your oppinions or arguments have weight (or you 'think' they do) doesn't mean you throw it around, people get hurt that way and more than not, its the one throwing the weight around. Just cuz you want rights for women, or are feminist doesn't give you the right or cause to be a bitch, which with your last post you look more and more like.

    Now a side note, artwork of illigal stuff, cub, rape, snuff, ect cause a 'decline' in actual instances of violent crime of the same depiction in the real world. What would you rather? A creep looking at a drawing or drawing something and satisfying those dark evil urges that way where no one gets hurt...or that same person slinkijg out of their home and victemising 'actual' victems and thus actually harmijg someone? There are reports of country's where CP Art is legal, but not the real suff. Child abuse, rape, ect has declined because its no longer a coveted illigal tabboo activity.

    Next time you think of screaming to the heavens about a piece of fantasy artwork stop and consider this.

    "You're Time Is Better Spent Doing Something About Real Rape." That and your misdirected crusade to clean a hopelessly corrupt and dirty Internet is what does more damage.
    The Internet will always have stuff like that on it, getting a few sites here and there deleted wount do much to stem the tide, it'll just piss off large groups of people and trust me, there are people out there who are mentally unbalanced and could Infact decide to get payment and do something in revenge to you or your friends/family.

    feminist, activist, ect, can be just as bad as what they are fighting against, they take it too far, don't keep calm heads and everybody suffers including the ones who wouldn't have if not for their actions.

    Everyones entitled to their own oppinions, they are not entitled to force it uppon others.

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  • Esme_Belles said:
    Which one? Third? Cuz sure sounds like it.

    Of course I'm talking about her.

    But I do think it's rather despicable of people like them, comparing drawings to the real thing.

    Demonizing the people that draw it. Using brute force, fear tactics, whatever they have to overpower the opposing group.

    But then again, I'm just your average pro-choice, pro-gun, anti-government nutter.

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  • Captain_Courage said:
    I will never see if gamer Luna, and derby finally start to date :'(

    Actually, he's still doing a Gamer Luna Tumblr. It's just Molestia that's not around anymore.

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  • ThirdUsername said:
    No. Nononononono.









    It got taken down for a very good reason. Even though I myself am a furry AND fan of the show, I do my best to keep all of this absolutely disturbing shit away from the actual public, where it could and definitely HAS scarred kids, the actual target audience for the show, for life. This includes things such as, oh, I don't know, participating in the Monthly Safesearch Wrap Up. And now you people are defending a blog that attempted to make RAPE a 'JOKE' alongside being completely public!?

    I stumbled across it in my early days on tumblr, and thought it was a bit goofy, and I liked the Gamer Luna portions. I'm glad Joseco has continued with JUST Gamer Luna, and without this absolute disregard for those who have fucking suffered.

    I just can't believe it. THIS is why 'Brony' is a term synonymous with misogynistic jackass. THIS is why people hate the 'Fandom' outside the target demographic, and THIS is giving those of us who still enjoy the show and think it's cute and do things to KEEP THE DEMOGRAPHIC WATCHING a BAD NAME.

    Fuck you. Fuck you all.

    You fave'd this.

    And this.

    And this.

    Can't forget this.

    All of these are significantly more rape-y than Molestia ever was. So, are you drunk or just a flaming hypocrite?

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  • Rainbow_Dash said:
    Alright I'll put it simply. If something offends you, do no look at it. This is the universal law of the internet and real life really. I am not defending rape jokes, but I will most certainly defend user's rights to enjoy such content if they should want to see it. I find many things offensive but it's not right or fair for me to put blame on the people that do not find it offensive, or request it be removed.

    I am not saying that you should not be offended but that you should not bother others with the fact that you find something offensive, as we all have different things we find offensive

    Fine, I'll back off. I get that I'm not wanted here. And just so you know, I'm a guy. And a feminist.

    Enjoy your...stuff, however disgusting a combination it may be...

    SirAntagonist said:
    All of these are significantly more rape-y than Molestia ever was. So, are you drunk or just a flaming hypocrite?

    I'm gonna go with 'neither' here. My big problem with all this was the fact that it completely public and mixed MLP with...rape. And not even ambiguous, it was there and it was proud of it. The only reason I liked the other things was because hey, boobs. For all I know, the first two could be completely consensual. The second two...ehhh, you're right, they're a bit of moral questionability, but to be correct, that's most likely sexual harassment or assault, which is a step down from rape, albeit still very wrong. So slight hypocrisy from me, but not in the realm you were claiming.

    But whatever. I'll leave this all alone forever. :/

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  • ThirdUsername said:
    Fine, I'll back off. I get that I'm not wanted here. And just so you know, I'm a guy. And a feminist.

    Enjoy your...stuff, however disgusting a combination it may be...

    I'm gonna go with 'neither' here. My big problem with all this was the fact that it completely public and mixed MLP with...rape. And not even ambiguous, it was there and it was proud of it. The only reason I liked the other things was because hey, boobs. For all I know, the first two could be completely consensual. The second two...ehhh, you're right, they're a bit of moral questionability, but to be correct, that's most likely sexual harassment or assault, which is a step down from rape, albeit still very wrong. So slight hypocrisy from me, but not in the realm you were claiming.

    But whatever. I'll leave this all alone forever. :/

    90% of Molestia was sexual harassment. Did you even read the fucking blog? And I'd say a bound and gagged reindeer and a furious cat don't exactly emit an air of "consent". And if you're going by that logic, HEY! Everything on the Molestia blog was consentual! Heck, they were just playing along!

    It's complete and total hypocrisy from you.

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  • ThirdUsername said:
    Fuck you. Fuck you all.

    I suppose in my haste to add my own sarcastic comment, I forgot to make my point clear...

    I was trying to convey that most of the Molly comics I liked weren't the ones that involved rape or even sexual harassment. I am mostly sad that those comics got taken out with the rest of them.

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  • For those of you who like Molly:

    Say not in grief "She is no more", but live in thankfulness that she was.
    You will always live on in our hearts...and hard drives...
    (Imaginary cookie to anyone who gets the reference)

    And to those of you who wish Molly would just disappear from the face of the universe, never to be heard from again, I'm sorry, but this is the internet and earth, Molly will live on in the hearts of her fans, their hard drives, the cloud, and web sites in general. "Once it's on the internet, it's there forever"

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