yano created by dolphinproject
Children: 2 children (learn more) show »
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  • "Ted I know you're new, but I need you to scrub the cum off the tank on one side and the butthole marks off the other"

    "Fucking wut?"

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  • malikfoxen said:
    Wait, image just says whale, tags say dolphin and whale. Which one is it?? Is it both?

    Yano is an Orca.
    E621's tagging system just automatically puts the dolphin tag on an image if it detects the "Orca" tag, nothing that can be done about that as far as I know.

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  • rothar said:
    Yano is an Orca.
    E621's tagging system just automatically puts the dolphin tag on an image if it detects the "Orca" tag, nothing that can be done about that as far as I know.

    They ARE dolphins...

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  • moroze said:
    "Ted I know you're new, but I need you to scrub the cum off the tank on one side and the butthole marks off the other"

    "Fucking wut?"


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