scp-1471-a (scp foundation) created by molotovgtm
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SCP - 1471

  • Comments
  • Bloodscale said:
    He's actually quite a nice guy - for a Euclid. Honestly, I don't get why they ranked him Euclid anyway.

    I just imagine this one constantly waving once you seen this subject 10 feet away from you, a long with trying to do sign languages.

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  • Billyjeans22 said:
    I just imagine this one constantly waving once you seen this subject 10 feet away from you, a long with trying to do sign languages.

    They explicitely stated that it has never done anything harmful to anyone. Given how even a nuke would be ranked 'safe' by the Foundation, I don't get that rating. Then again, people on the side tend to categorize their SCP's too highly all the time.

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  • Bloodscale said:
    They explicitely stated that it has never done anything harmful to anyone. Given how even a nuke would be ranked 'safe' by the Foundation, I don't get that rating. Then again, people on the side tend to categorize their SCP's too highly all the time.

    It's Euclid because they don't really know what it's intentions are, and it is difficult to contain.

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  • Bloodscale said:
    He's actually quite a nice guy - for a Euclid. Honestly, I don't get why they ranked him Euclid anyway.

    Euclid isn't a rank of how dangerous he is its a rank of how well they know about him

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  • Bloodscale said:
    He's actually quite a nice guy - for a Euclid. Honestly, I don't get why they ranked him Euclid anyway.

    He has not shown any dangerous traits yet so I don't get why either. And by now I would think the SCP foundation would know him.

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  • Of some very interesting SCP stories I already read until now which gave me much to think afterwards, this may be the one I'm wasting my thoughts on the most time.
    Undeniably, everyone seeing 1471-A (let me call him MalO for now) for the first time may have witnessed the fucking creeps. I had, too. After I read its story, the thought of this entity haunting me for the rest of my life made me feel uncomfortable as fuck. Then I read it again and realized something. Something which could be indeed very sad.
    Imagine being born, or being thrown out on this world. But not as an usual human being, but as something different that never existed before on this world. Though you differ in your looks compared to human beings, you are also able of having emotions, and you are eager for company and social proximity just like them. Because it's in your instinct, just like in theirs.
    Now imagine to approach these human beings, hoping to meet some like-minded companionship you can come along with good. But the first reaction people show by the first sight on you is horror, distress, and pure fear. They may avoid you, run away from you or even try to kill you.
    As you try again and again to approach other beings, they display the same reaction every time again. Sooner or later you have to realize, that only the way you are, you're simple existence, scares people off. But why? You could actually be such a nice guy to come along with other beings. Since they never learned to know you're true nature, you conclude that they always draw conclusions from your appearance. Disheartened and frustrated, you wander around this world aimlessly to find an entity esteeming you worthy enough for having one's companionship some day.
    When actually do we find something "scary", "creepy", "horrifying", or something similiar. The common sense of people of perceiving things in an usual matter has taught us to retreat from the unknown things we connect with danger, pain, disgust, death etc. in any way. But this all means we judge those things in pure subjection. We forget to see the things objectively, to recognize something by the true nature of it, to actually look behind the curtains.
    I think it's a great, thought-provoking concept applicable on old childhood fears, maybe some SCPs and so on. Thinking about this made me lose much of the ridiculous fears I have of something cowering in the dark.
    With all this said, forget the sorrows that people like me have with finding themselves in society. They are nothing compared to the one's MalO may have.
    To be honest, if that app was real, I really would think about getting it. MalO seems sympathic to me in the meantime, I would want to explore his true nature.

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  • Bloodscale said:
    They explicitely stated that it has never done anything harmful to anyone. Given how even a nuke would be ranked 'safe' by the Foundation, I don't get that rating. Then again, people on the side tend to categorize their SCP's too highly all the time.

    A nuke would be ranked as Safe because it is easy to contain; it doesn't live, it won't outright kill you if you touch it and it won't breach its containment cell.
    A Euclid rating would be given because this SCP is living, sentient and unpredictable.

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  • To aid in research and containment to one or few active Mal0 devices, they should organise a class D or volunteer cadre of participants to use the app.
    Many of their intelligent SCPs, in fact all of them with no other malevolent purpose or haven;t been excessivly "wronged" by the organization tend to assist them. the clockwork man and such. Teeeechnically, several of the high ranking doctors should be SCPs. Being that this thing can travel with seemingly no effort and can go around mostly undetected, it they would make a fantastic agent or informant. Now, they may be stalking folk to eat their souls, so the Foundation gotta be careful.

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  • As for the menacing Syderen, I have the pleasure of knowing the rumored being and knowing her full anatomy. This closely resembles her, but the eyes are a bit different.

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  • Syderen said:
    As for the menacing Syderen, I have the pleasure of knowing the rumored being and knowing her full anatomy. This closely resembles her, but the eyes are a bit different.

    Also, her skull face is not her true face, the skull plate can be removed in two segments to reveal her pretty canine face underneath, and you can see her exquisite eyes better.

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  • Removing SCP Containment Breach tag because I'm PRETTY sure this SCP isn't naturally in the game. If I'm wrong, someone re-add the tag.

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  • Bloodscale said:
    They explicitely stated that it has never done anything harmful to anyone. Given how even a nuke would be ranked 'safe' by the Foundation, I don't get that rating. Then again, people on the side tend to categorize their SCP's too highly all the time.

    it's due to it's difficulty of containment and it's memetic properties along with the possibility of a xk-class end of the world event if the paranoia it causes spreads to too many pepole or causes another keter or (unofficially) higher scp such as cain/able wichever one is the keter 682 or some versions of 1 to be able to escape and cause their own xk event

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  • Bloodscale said:
    They explicitely stated that it has never done anything harmful to anyone. Given how even a nuke would be ranked 'safe' by the Foundation, I don't get that rating. Then again, people on the side tend to categorize their SCP's too highly all the time.

    So the thing about SCP's is that they are ranked on the scale of

    SAFE- Easy or willing to be contained

    EUCLID- Hard to contain or tries to escape whenever given the chance

    KETER- Either Impossible to Contain, or will actively try to break out of containment

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  • Apekis said:
    Removing SCP Containment Breach tag because I'm PRETTY sure this SCP isn't naturally in the game. If I'm wrong, someone re-add the tag.

    It might be in the newest update.idk. Markiplier was talking about it and it can appear in the loading screen

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  • KisstuneInferno said:
    So the thing about SCP's is that they are ranked on the scale of

    SAFE- Easy or willing to be contained

    EUCLID- Hard to contain or tries to escape whenever given the chance

    KETER- Either Impossible to Contain, or will actively try to break out of containment

    Wrong... Why is everyone wrong about this? Have NON of you actually read the SCP Foundation?

    Safe-class objects are those anomalies that are either sufficiently understood that they are now completely and reliably contained on a permanent basis or otherwise do not trigger their anomalous effects unless intentionally activated.

    Classifying an anomaly as Safe, however, does not mean that handling or activating it does not pose a threat, and personnel are to be reminded that all Special Containment Procedures and safety protocols are to be observed at all times."

    Euclid-class objects are anomalies that are either insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable, such that reliable containment is not always possible, but do not pose sufficient threat to qualify for Keter classification. The vast majority of anomalies cataloged and contained by the Foundation are initially classified as Euclid until they are either sufficiently understood or exhibit sufficient danger to qualify for reclassification.

    In particular, any anomaly that exhibits autonomy, sentience and/or sapience is generally classified a Euclid-class entity at minimum, due to the inherent unpredictability of an object that can act or think on its own."

    Keter-class objects are anomalies that pose an inherently serious threat to the safety of Foundation personnel and the rest of mankind and either require extensive and complex procedures to contain or cannot be fully contained by the Foundation's current technology and knowledge.

    These anomalies are generally considered the most dangerous ones in Foundation containment, and all research efforts are directed towards enabling more reliable containment of such anomalies or, as a last resort, the timely neutralization or destruction of its anomalous effects."

    So basically:
    Safe means they know enough, or everything about an SCP to property Secure, Contain and Protect. They can be killers, they can be friendly, they can be assisting, it all goes down to they CAN be contained and there is no further notice on research to figure out how it works.

    Euclid means they don't fully understand the SCP to best Secure, Contain and Protect and/or require more research to understand the being, item, object.

    Keter means they are unpredictable, they can escape, and are basically not able to be secured, contained and protected. In big events, the SCP Foundation will try to neutralize too dangerous Keter SCPs.
    Some Keters are ranked as -safe- because the SCP foundation found a way to hold them in place, without them moving, without them trying to escape. However in a case of a breach the SCP foundation may use the nukes on site, to try and halt or kill the containment breached Keter class SCP.

    For SCP-1471 -It- is classed as Safe-Euclid, as they can safely contain any, if not all mobile devices, computers and such, that it has been downloaded and run on. They have safety regulations on how to handle it, without having any negative side effects to any personell on site who has been exposed to it. But since they can't locate, secure, contain and protect the original file of Mal0 they class it as Euclid, as it can appear in any place of the world, as it is still on the world wide web.
    They also don't know how it copies, and uploads itself to sites, markets and such, so they have further investigations to go before they can fully understand how it works.
    -It- is also genderless, hence the reason for -it-.

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  • I feel bad for the creator of this design, she is now constantly denounced for use her own design just because someone stole it for an SCP article :(

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  • bloodscale said:
    He's actually quite a nice guy - for a Euclid. Honestly, I don't get why they ranked him Euclid anyway.

    They are rated depending on how hard they are to contain, not how dangerous they are, there are euclids that are harmless and there's probably one safe that is extremely dangerous but super easy to contain

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  • bloodscale said:
    He's actually quite a nice guy - for a Euclid. Honestly, I don't get why they ranked him Euclid anyway.

    Euclid is not necessarily meaning they are dangerous but how hard/easy they are to contain. I.e something can be as safe as butter but is super hard to contain could be put as keter, and something that can kill multiple people can be safe bc it is so easy to contain

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  • suprisingly one of the SCARIEST SCPs in the SCP fandom
    and furries SIMP SOOOOO HARD for SCP 1471-a.
    Myself included
    and I want to know...why do we love this creepy bone faced monster so much?
    And can some people look past the porn and STILL find it attractive?

    I KNOW I can, but if I saw it in person, I may fear for my life.
    This is a strange mixture of fear and arrousal

    AKA fearboner. I think all furries have a fearboner for 1471-a

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