easter bunny and jesus christ (christianity and etc) created by unknown artist
  • Comments
  • Meh! It's an interpretation of a deity that people have followed around for centuries, same with Other deities like Allah, Odin, The Virgin Mary, etc, etc...

    Who gives a shit? When we eventually die, we will not be reborn or live forever in some sort of paradise; we will decompose and return back to the Earth and others will take our place, then the process will continue until all living things cease to exist and all of man's creations will rust away, leaving the world as pristine as the day life began.

    God is a myth; plain and simple.

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  • Sablelieger said:
    Meh! It's an interpretation of a deity that people have followed around for centuries, same with Other deities like Allah, Odin, The Virgin Mary, etc, etc...

    Who gives a shit? When we eventually die, we will not be reborn or live forever in some sort of paradise; we will decompose and return back to the Earth and others will take our place, then the process will continue until all living things cease to exist and all of man's creations will rust away, leaving the world as pristine as the day life began.

    God is a myth; plain and simple.

    Welp, we don't know that. It's also more pleasant to think that we still exist after we die, like little Timmy that died of cancer can play on the clouds, completely healthy. Who are you to deny people their happiness? That's no worse than when bigoted Christians want to stop gays from being happy. The sword swings both ways.

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  • ifurry said:
    that's fucked up faggot

    Don't say such things about Jesus.

    Moon_Moon said:
    Welp, we don't know that. It's also more pleasant to think that we still exist after we die, like little Timmy that died of cancer can play on the clouds, completely healthy. Who are you to deny people their happiness? That's no worse than when bigoted Christians want to stop gays from being happy. The sword swings both ways.

    It's also more pleasant to think that the Santa makes gifts each year in his north pole workshop, than to know that they are made by children in China. Therefore let's not tell anybody that Santa is not real.

    Also, are you suggesting that gay people also need to be deluded in order to be happy? Interesting hypothesis, but rather wrong.

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  • Sablelieger said:
    Meh! It's an interpretation of a deity that people have followed around for centuries, same with Other deities like Allah, Odin, The Virgin Mary, etc, etc...

    Who gives a shit? When we eventually die, we will not be reborn or live forever in some sort of paradise; we will decompose and return back to the Earth and others will take our place, then the process will continue until all living things cease to exist and all of man's creations will rust away, leaving the world as pristine as the day life began.

    God is a myth; plain and simple.

    Don't talk like you know what the hell happens when we die. Get over yourself. You could die and become a fucking pine cone for all the knowledge you have.

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  • Imaderule34 said:
    You could die and become a fucking pine cone for all the knowledge you have.

    Awesome! Can I also become a pine cone when I die?

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  • Moon_Moon said:
    Welp, we don't know that. It's also more pleasant to think that we still exist after we die, like little Timmy that died of cancer can play on the clouds, completely healthy. Who are you to deny people their happiness? That's no worse than when bigoted Christians want to stop gays from being happy. The sword swings both ways.

    Well that was downvoted to shit. I agree completely though. images and comments like this are only meant to offend. telling someone what they believe in is wrong because you don't agree is just ass move.

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  • Imaderule34 said:
    Why would you wan't to be a pine cone of all things?

    post #235742
    Because they are awesome! And they are better than god - they actually exists.

    Imaderule34 said:
    telling someone what they believe in is wrong because you don't agree is just ass move.

    Um, no. Not because "you don't agree".
    All religions are wrong because they can't prove that anything they believe actually exists. And yes, the burden of proof is on their side - just like for people who claim that they have dragon under their bed.

    Christianity is additionally more wrong because it is based on book which worship the god that is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

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  • Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
    some stuff.

    Yeah I don't really care if It's right or not. You don't have proof of nonexistence yet here you are saying how You know what exist and doesn't.

    Who put you on the planet?

    Evolution? God? Or a fetus dosed in alcohol? Doesn't really matter.

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  • Imaderule34 said:
    Who put you on the planet?

    Evolution? God? Or a fetus dosed in alcohol? Doesn't really matter.

    I would say that it really does matter. It matter whether or not you are product of invisible psychopathic manchild, and all diseases are made just because he thinks it's part of his great plan.

    Probably for you "evolution" is just word you heard from your teacher. You didn't really bother to get what it means. However people who don't have attitude "I don't bother, so anyone else shouldn't bother." know that on answer on whether we're created by some god, or by evolution depends whether we should still make medications, or we should pray/make lawsuit against invisible man. Hint - practice shows that people praying instead taking medications are idiots.

    You don't have proof of nonexistence

    And you don't have proof that you are not Barbados. Until you give something that proves otherwise I'm not talking to you, you ban evader!

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  • Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
    I would say that it really does matter. It matter whether or not you are product of invisible psychopathic manchild, and all diseases are made just because he thinks it's part of his great plan.

    Probably for you "evolution" is just word you heard from your teacher. You didn't really bother to get what it means. However people who don't have attitude "I don't bother, so anyone else shouldn't bother." know that on answer on whether we're created by some god, or by evolution depends whether we should still make medications, or we should pray/make lawsuit against invisible man. Hint - practice shows that people praying instead taking medications are idiots.

    And you don't have proof that you are not Barbados. Until you give something that proves otherwise I'm not talking to you, you ban evader!

    What? how Am I a ban evader? That doesn't even make sense.

    I'm not gonna try to prove I know what evolution means and I'm not gonna prove something I don't really believe in either.

    And frankly I don't really care about proving anything to you. Why should i care if YOU don't believe in something? That's not my point and I'm done with this conversation. The only reason you upload these images is to get into arguments so really you're just a troll.

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  • Imaderule34 said:
    The only reason you upload these images is to get into arguments so really you're just a troll.

    You know that you could avoid seeing this image by blacklisting sacrilegious tag, right? Posting mlp images is not trolling mlp haters. Posting sacrilegious pics is not trolling religious people.

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  • Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
    You know that you could avoid seeing this image by blacklisting sacrilegious tag, right? Posting mlp images is not trolling mlp haters. Posting sacrilegious pics is not trolling religious people.

    I Just noticed their was one and I did add It to my black list. But you and I both know you only uploaded this to piss people off. Therefore trolling.

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  • lol religion on the internet

    None of us know what's at the end. It may be evil, it may be good, it may be nothing. We glorify Jesus and Yahweh as good, but who's to say that Lucifer wasn't the true god? Who's to say they exist at all?

    Imaderule34 said:
    I Just noticed their was one and I did add It to my black list. But you and I both know you only uploaded this to piss people off. Therefore trolling.

    Or Gilda knew that people would find this funny. I certainly did.

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  • SirAntagonist said:
    lol religion on the internet

    None of us know what's at the end. It may be evil, it may be good, it may be nothing. We glorify Jesus and Yahweh as good, but who's to say that Lucifer wasn't the true god? Who's to say they exist at all?

    Or Gilda knew that people would find this funny. I certainly did.

    I agree. We really don't know and can't know so we might as well respect each other's beliefs. And yeah Gilda was just trolling. But we both got flagged so it's over now.

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  • Imaderule34 said:
    I agree. We really don't know and can't know so we might as well respect each other's beliefs. And yeah Gilda was just trolling. But we both got flagged so it's over now.

    Well, respect only goes so far.

    At the point where free speech is considered "blasphemy" then I think it's violating my rights. Anyone who didn't wish to see this could have just blacklisted sacrilegious. I don't think Gilda was trolling. He/she was probably just in it for the laughs. You can't respect everyone's beliefs, remember. post #141818 was far more offensive from this, and was widely well-received.

    Just say'n.

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  • Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
    post #235742
    Because they are awesome! And they are better than god - they actually exists.

    Um, no. Not because "you don't agree".
    All religions are wrong because they can't prove that anything they believe actually exists. And yes, the burden of proof is on their side - just like for people who claim that they have dragon under their bed.

    Christianity is additionally more wrong because it is based on book which worship the god that is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

    You could at least bother to credit Richard Dawkins for his work. >_> I really don't find your lack of originality incredulous.

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  • SirAntagonist said:
    Well, respect only goes so far.

    At the point where free speech is considered "blasphemy" then I think it's violating my rights. Anyone who didn't wish to see this could have just blacklisted sacrilegious. I don't think Gilda was trolling. He/she was probably just in it for the laughs. You can't respect everyone's beliefs, remember. post #141818 was far more offensive from this, and was widely well-received.

    Just say'n.

    I'd imagine you, of all people, would realize that how well-received something is is more of a matter of localization than actual content. This website is (apparently) predominantly American, which is essentially the only defining factor in the uproarious pseudo-intellectual "debate" occurring above.

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  • Hyper_Beam said:
    I'd imagine you, of all people, would realize that how well-received something is is more of a matter of localization than actual content. This website is (apparently) predominantly American, which is essentially the only defining factor in the uproarious pseudo-intellectual "debate" occurring above.

    WHy the hell you think that? e621 even not hosted in USA, also it was created as alternative to American one, due to their "Patriot Act" policy is much-much harsher than that. . It's probably your egocentrism (if you're American) or fanatism saying that.

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  • Hyper_Beam said:
    I'd imagine you, of all people, would realize that how well-received something is is more of a matter of localization than actual content. This website is (apparently) predominantly American, which is essentially the only defining factor in the uproarious pseudo-intellectual "debate" occurring above.

    I'm aware.

    My point was as such: deleting this while allowing the Mohammad picture to remain here is myopic and religiocentric. To silence the words of those you don't like and to allow the words of those you do makes the site partial and elitist.

    That being said, it would be much appreciated it you didn't try to start this up again.

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  • Somehow comments about religion are rampant, where the entire point is missed.

    The point being painting eggs on Jesus's testicles is fucking funny.

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  • SirAntagonist said:
    I'm aware.

    My point was as such: deleting this while allowing the Mohammad picture to remain here is myopic and religiocentric. To silence the words of those you don't like and to allow the words of those you do makes the site partial and elitist.

    That being said, it would be much appreciated it you didn't try to start this up again.

    Wait, what exactly was I starting? o_o Also, I don't specifically recall anyone saying that the image should be deleted.

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  • Sablelieger said:
    Meh! It's an interpretation of a deity that people have followed around for centuries, same with Other deities like Allah, Odin, The Virgin Mary, etc, etc...

    Who gives a shit? When we eventually die, we will not be reborn or live forever in some sort of paradise; we will decompose and return back to the Earth and others will take our place, then the process will continue until all living things cease to exist and all of man's creations will rust away, leaving the world as pristine as the day life began.

    God is a myth; plain and simple.

    And they laughed at me for encouraging transhumanism.

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  • DragonLord666 said:
    It's called Internet Road

    Meme lane

    Imaderule34 said:
    Well that was downvoted to shit. I agree completely though. images and comments like this are only meant to offend. telling someone what they believe in is wrong because you don't agree is just ass move.

    Naw, more like just another opinion.

    Imaderule34 said:
    Yeah I don't really care if It's right or not. You don't have proof of nonexistence yet here you are saying how You know what exist and doesn't.

    Who put you on the planet?

    Evolution? God? Or a fetus dosed in alcohol? Doesn't really matter.

    We have proof of nonexistance for "god". WE HAVE GONE TO SPACE.
    We also know *what* put us on this planet, it was a meteorite.
    And also, evolution has been studied, and recorded, and it is the truth.

    SirAntagonist said:
    I'm aware.

    My point was as such: deleting this while allowing the Mohammad picture to remain here is myopic and religiocentric. To silence the words of those you don't like and to allow the words of those you do makes the site partial and elitist.

    That being said, it would be much appreciated it you didn't try to start this up again.

    True dat, the only problem is that THAT compares to stabbing someone to death and another person, and when the authorities saying, " You can't arrest me for one murder, otherwise you'll be saying the other victim is legally murdered!"
    Ya see where this is going?

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    True dat, the only problem is that THAT compares to stabbing someone to death and another person, and when the authorities saying, " You can't arrest me for one murder, otherwise you'll be saying the other victim is legally murdered!"
    Ya see where this is going?

    The fuck are you smoking? You'd just be arrested for 2 murders.

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  • SirAntagonist said:
    The fuck are you smoking? You'd just be arrested for 2 murders.

    Then why aren't both pics removed? I honestly don't care, but some do.

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    Meme lane

    E621 avenue, youtube boulevard, Facebook plaza, Twitter Street, May i say more?

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    Then why aren't both pics removed? I honestly don't care, but some do.

    Because we don't remove a picture just because it fucking offends someone. That's what the blacklist is for.

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  • SirAntagonist said:

    Because we don't remove a picture just because it fucking offends someone. That's what the blacklist is for.

    True dat. I'm listening to the walrus song, it makes me totally unable to even get the slightest unhappy!

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  • LegoBen said:
    Go die in he'll you little piece of fucking shit you are not God and you don't get to decide what happens when we all die so don't even pretend like you do you little fucked up faggot

    Not very Christ-like.
    Also " insulting to Christians and Christianity."? Really?

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  • BTM said:
    Never thought I'd see a theological debate on a site for cartoon animal porn.

    people will always argue and try to defend what they think is right or "their ways".
    The internet gives them the power to do so without remorse.

    And while this is subtly porn, I only hope that something could be done about this terrible war going on in the comments section.

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  • Well these are just fun comments XD Its funny how there are three sides here too.

    Those who give a fuck, those who don't, and others that are just like what the fuck XD

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  • Here's how I see it: the artist is pointing out that Easter has become all about egg hunts and bunnies, not about the Crucifixion anymore. thus, for being a mildly amusing PSA, I upvote this.

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  • Moon_Moon said:
    It's also more pleasant to think that we still exist after we die

    Maybe for you. I doubt any of my dead relatives would want to know what I've been up to down here, and quite frankly, that's not a conversation I want to have *if* I go to heaven.

    "Grandma! Grandpa! I missed you!"


    Lol wait, I forgot, according to the bible, I'm not allowed to be a person, and enjoy all that life has to offer. I'm supposed to take care of my husband, take care of the cooking and cleaning, and suffer my chastity whenever my husband feels like it, in missionary. And I'm not allowed to enjoy it like the sinful whore I am by birth.

    Thanks bible. Without you, I'd never know my place in this world!

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  • AshleyKitty said:
    Maybe for you. I doubt any of my dead relatives would want to know what I've been up to down here, and quite frankly, that's not a conversation I want to have *if* I go to heaven.

    "Grandma! Grandpa! I missed you!"


    Lol wait, I forgot, according to the bible, I'm not allowed to be a person, and enjoy all that life has to offer. I'm supposed to take care of my husband, take care of the cooking and cleaning, and suffer my chastity whenever my husband feels like it, in missionary. And I'm not allowed to enjoy it like the sinful whore I am by birth.

    Thanks bible. Without you, I'd never know my place in this world!

    This is why I gave up on Christianity a LONG time ago.

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    This is why I gave up on Christianity a LONG time ago.

    Religion in general is a fat hoax. But I think Catholicism is the worst of it. They're the bible thumping, wrist slapping ruler cracking bigots.

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  • AshleyKitty said:
    Religion in general is a fat hoax. But I think Catholicism is the worst of it. They're the bible thumping, wrist slapping ruler cracking bigots.

    I actually had a plan once to learn Italian and go try and become the Pope, then reshape the entire Catholic religion.

    Which is probably not allowed, but still.

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    I actually had a plan once to learn Italian and go try and become the Pope, then reshape the entire Catholic religion.

    Which is probably not allowed, but still.

    Just make them believe you have the backing of God.

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  • AshleyKitty said:
    Just make them believe you have the backing of God.

    I actually think there's a rule that is basically "Everything the Pope says is true and must be upheld" in the religion.

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    I actually think there's a rule that is basically "Everything the Pope says is true and must be upheld" in the religion.

    Probably. Any rube who believes in a mystic man in the clouds will believe what is clearly a control scheme.

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  • Charlemagne's_Wolves said:
    The thing that's quite amusing is the fact that the bible preaches that if you're a sodomite you'll go to hell. Is that really a disincentive? It would surely mean that Hell is a massive gay hotspot which probably wouldn't deter gay people from partaking in gay sex.

    even more interesting is that Jesus partook in gay activitys himself. Its the people who eventually turned it into a religion that warped it into a massive homophobic cult.

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  • I must be human, because I love people making fools of themselves when not necessary. By the Lord Pine-cone Macholett, I sure enjoy the misfortune of others because Sy-chol-lo-gy says so.

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  • Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
    Awesome! Can I also become a pine cone when I die?

    Bad_Cannon said:
    OOOOOOOO! Me to!

    can i be your pine tree?

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  • Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
    I actually had a plan once to learn Italian and go try and become the Pope, then reshape the entire Catholic religion.

    Which is probably not allowed, but still.

    Eh I think the current one is making fair progress on that

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  • Fenrick said:
    Wow, I haven't read anything that ignorant outside of the youtube comments section. Really, I'm impressed.

    And I don't see why Moon Moon got downvoted to hell for not being a bigot.

    Way late to this party, but the irony of your post speaks for itself.

    That, and your tl;dr second post is pretty much the most pretentious form of double think I've seen off of youtube.

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  • Fenrick said:
    Yeah, I took the bait.

    I don't see why you're under the impression that my comments are the offensive ones, though.
    Unless you're, you know, a bigot.

    Apparently "bigot" is the only argument your narrow mind can come up with. Like calling someone else a "troll" just to try and discredit them.


    Logical fallacy. The court resides, you're not worth debating. Judge sustains. I'll not be coming back to engage with your pathetically narrow slanderous viewpoints again. Bye.

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  • Fenrick said:
    Actually your disdain towards the religious seems like pretty clear-cut bigotry to me.
    And good. I don't enjoy the company of smug, unashamedly prejudiced people much.

    Yeah, I can't really say that disliking bigots for being bigots, makes one a bigot. That doesn't really work with me.

    Being intolerant of intolerance doesn't make someone a bigot. =\

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  • Moon_Moon said:
    Welp, we don't know that. It's also more pleasant to think that we still exist after we die, like little Timmy that died of cancer can play on the clouds, completely healthy. Who are you to deny people their happiness? That's no worse than when bigoted Christians want to stop gays from being happy. The sword swings both ways.

    Denying someone basic human rights is definitely nowhere near the same as trying to help someone who is clearly delusional and/or brainwashed.

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  • The_Diggler said:
    I agree completely though. images and comments like this are only meant to offend.

    Offense is not given; It is taken.

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  • So many zealotous atheists bashing on a religion for no reason...it's sad that people have to hate each other on s site made for porn. It's like a disease.

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  • The_Diggler said:
    Don't talk like you know what the hell happens when we die. Get over yourself. You could die and become a fucking pine cone for all the knowledge you have.

    Nah, with all the people dying in the world today, and the total lack of pine trees, you're just wrong.

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  • Granberia said:
    post #235742
    Because they are awesome! And they are better than god - they actually exists.

    Um, no. Not because "you don't agree".
    All religions are wrong because they can't prove that

    anything they believe actually exists. And yes, the burden of proof is on their side - just like for people who claim that they have dragon under their bed.

    Christianity is additionally more wrong because it is based on book which worship the god that is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully

    Dude you don't know if there is a god or not no one dose so shut the fuck up and shut your mouth and get your hands off the key pad because you don't know all we can do is hope there is a life after death you are just a guy who doesn't what to hope and plus you can prove that there is no god there are some things that can't be proven by science so just live life and hope for the best and let people worship there God you will only make things worse if you try to stop it.

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  • Imaderule34 said:
    Don't talk like you know what the hell happens when we die. Get over yourself. You could die and become a fucking pine cone for all the knowledge you have.

    I know what happens when we die, I can see it and I can explain why. The concept of a soul is already hopeless, a full afterlife is straight-up megalomany.

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  • Moon_Moon said:
    Welp, we don't know that. It's also more pleasant to think that we still exist after we die, like little Timmy that died of cancer can play on the clouds, completely healthy. Who are you to deny people their happiness? That's no worse than when bigoted Christians want to stop gays from being happy. The sword swings both ways.

    I know this is 4 years late. But what if its a single edged sword?

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  • Granberia said:
    post #235742
    Because they are awesome! And they are better than god - they actually exists.

    Um, no. Not because "you don't agree".
    All religions are wrong because they can't prove that anything they believe actually exists. And yes, the burden of proof is on their side - just like for people who claim that they have dragon under their bed.

    Christianity is additionally more wrong because it is based on book which worship the god that is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

    I've gotta say, this is the main reason why I disagree with Christianity, aside from that, let's keep it simple. I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe, don't impede on my beliefs and I won't yours, and live your life however you like, just stay outa my way.

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  • Religion truly is the best way to kill a boner.

    Honestly I think the arguments that naturally arise from this kind of stuff are about as ridiculous as it gets; people on two sides insisting they know something that, by definition, isn't knowable by humans.

    Everyone is either trying to "weaponize" their beliefs against an opposing faction, or simply trying to be antagonistic to one side or the other. All while its entirely moot; death is for the living, anything after that obviously isn't. It's a waste of time arguing about it regardless as nobody will change their mind about any of it.

    If it weren't for our obsession with "what does/doesn't happen after death" people would spend a lot more energy enjoying life. So people arguing about religion is a waste of life.

    After all, if whatever happens (or doesn't happen) after death was truly so important to the living as religion makes it out to be, it would be ingrained in our very being to simply know. The fact that we not only don't know, but it seems there is no way to know regardless of how hard we try, tells me one of two things is true:

    Either A) Nothing happens
    or B) It isn't integral to our existence here to know, so we are ignoring what is integral to us; life.

    I realize that I'm presuming we are born with all the knowledge we need to survive, but any information integral to our survival we are born with and additional info is easy to gather and evident to all creatures: When to eat, how to move, what to do when faced with danger, how to breath, etc.. All those things have automatic responses, told to us by our very nature. Any additional knowledge that we have accrued over these thousands of years, as comfortable as it may make us, has nothing to do with our basic survival needs. Religion portrays knowledge of the afterlife like it's not only integral to our lives, but also an immortal soul that supposedly bears much more importance than life itself. Yet we have gathered no more than speculative knowledge on it after thousands of years trying. That tells me one thing; regardless of whether there is an after-death or not, religion doesn't have any more answers than we are born with.

    Phew, sorry about the wall of text. I know I'm wasting my breath, but it's compulsory.

    Meanwhile... Jesus getting his balls painted by the Easter bunny is fucking hilarious, existentialism aside.

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  • lol just seeing the amount of butthurt caused by this image amuses me. On one hand, you got the religious dipshits being offended as usual, and on the other, you got the morons who think that atheism = intellectual, trying to act intelligent while still looking just as stupid as the first group.

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  • berfucks said:
    Good grief. Imagine arguing on a website designed for people to jack off.

    I know, right? It's kinda dumb. If you don't like it, blacklist the artist/tag(s) you don't wanna see and continue on with your day. It's truly not that hard.

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  • People so butthurt over nothing. Religion is ego. That's why your deities know you so well, patrol your thoughts and impulses, and watch you have a good paw. God is the vanity of humankind, and that's why it is and should be mocked.

    Spiritual beliefs are fine but religion is indoctrination into a control system put in place by stone age smart people to have their bread and circus and excuse their barbaric nature

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  • Oh, the humanity.

    This image is, to put it simply a caricatured representation of its own comments; this image is a caricature of the new testament; this image is above all, a caricature of human nature.

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  • user_6418 said:
    Meh! It's an interpretation of a deity that people have followed around for centuries, same with Other deities like Allah, Odin, The Virgin Mary, etc, etc...

    Who gives a shit? When we eventually die, we will not be reborn or live forever in some sort of paradise; we will decompose and return back to the Earth and others will take our place, then the process will continue until all living things cease to exist and all of man's creations will rust away, leaving the world as pristine as the day life began.

    God is a myth; plain and simple.

    Buddy we don't blasphemise other's religions.

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  • user_6418 said:
    Meh! It's an interpretation of a deity that people have followed around for centuries, same with Other deities like Allah, Odin, The Virgin Mary, etc, etc...

    Who gives a shit? When we eventually die, we will not be reborn or live forever in some sort of paradise; we will decompose and return back to the Earth and others will take our place, then the process will continue until all living things cease to exist and all of man's creations will rust away, leaving the world as pristine as the day life began.

    God is a myth; plain and simple.

    Yup that is pretty much what will happen when we die, its just the natural course of biological things , i can the avalanche of nagging coming your way though dude , from all people who cant accept their own intracendency

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