amarok, ember, kodiak, and november created by trixythespiderfox
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Story by Lykos

“I see you found my dog.”

Ember felt a chill run through her, an amazing sensation considering the heat radiating from the feral dog cock locked to her groin. Dreadfully, she looked up to find Amarok, her neighbor, staring at her. The wolf had a smirk on his muzzle, but who wouldn’t in that situation. It was true though. She really did find his dog, Kodiak. Or the large malamute had found her at least.

Ember had ventured into the forest for a hike. She always enjoyed the area. The sights. The scents. Most importantly, the solitude. In all the years she wandered the woods, she never saw another living creature, feral or not. She heard them. She smelled them. Never encountered them though. After a couple years, she began to lose her inhibitions and relax, which meant going “au naturale”.

Which was exactly how Kodi found her.

At first, the large beast startled her, appearing from the shrubs unexpectedly. It even made her feel self conscious about being in nothing but her scarf. Of course, she felt sheepish right after. It was just a dog after all!

Ember’s heart raced as she looked into his ice blue eyes, soon nervous of his large presence. He had a muzzle full of terrifyingly sharp teeth, which were on full display as he panted. Thankfully, they weren’t bared in a snarl, but more a friendly pant. The mala looked as if he were smiling at her. That, in turn, made her relax. The sight of his wagging tail eased her even more.

She hardly said a nervous “good boy” before the big dog barked, then bound at her playfully. Laughing, Ember dodged his exuberant pounces, much to the malamute’s obvious enjoyment. She continued to dance around the dog and put some distance between them before the wolfess turned to find Kodi bowed playfully, haunches wiggling. With a wuff, he charged at her again. This time, Ember tried to dodge, but the malamute caught her striped scarf between his jaws and tugged.

Taken off balance, Ember found the world spinning around her before her rump hit the ground hard. Distracted by the impact, she hardly had time to react before the dog’s nose was buried between her splayed legs. This time, when Ember went to push the dog away, his reaction wasn’t so friendly, ice blue eyes narrowing as his body rumbled with a growl. Ember didn’t have much experience with creatures like Kodiak, so she froze, unsure of what to do.

Mind racing a million miles a minutes, the wolfess didn’t expect what happened next. Kodi’s muzzle dipped back to her groin again, but instead of sniffing, he took a long swipe of her slit with his incredibly hot tongue. Ember’s jaw dropped at the tingles that shot through her body, not once experiencing anything close to a tongue in that area. Sure, her fingers were no stranger to her cunt, but the virgin lupine had never so much as kissed a boy before.

Another lick from the dog made the wolf shutter, then moan. Ember knew this was wrong, but her body betrayed her. She felt her twat growing wet, and not just from the drooling mala either. Heat spread through her loins as the dog’s strong tongue flicked across her engorged clit, only to eagerly repeat the process.

Ember once again tried to push at the dog’s head with a weak attempt to dislodge the tongue sending electricity through her body. Once again, Kodiak growled as if to say “no.” The growl added vibrations to the tongue as it finally delved into her sopping vaginal folds. The wolfess gasped, her hand joining into her body’s betrayal as her fingers found her engorged clitoris.

Ember didn’t think she was some sort of pervert, screwing any strange dog she came across, but she couldn’t deny the pleasure the dog’s talented tongue brought her. Reluctantly, she leaned back and spread her thighs further, an invitation the malamute took without hesitation. She cried out as her fingers twisted and pinched the nub of flesh that was her clit as Kodi’s tongue dove deeper into her quivering passage.

Forbidden pleasure rushed through Ember’s body, the heat filling her ears and cheeks as she let out another moan. She knew the signs of climax well and the impulses overwhelmed her. Despite her hesitation, the wolfess’ hips began to gyrate on the feral beast’s avid muzzle. Clenching her jaws, Ember rewarded Kodiak’s efforts with her bodies fragrant juices, which he lapped up with keen enthusiasm. Ember’s mind went numb as she had her first orgasm caused by someone else, and mind blowing it was. Every muscle in her body went tense. Her cunt went as tight as her stomach as the dog delved further for her offering.

She was left breathless on the forest floor as Kodi finally pulled back. Eventually, sensations besides mind-numbing pleasure came back to the wolfess, who blushed hard when she met the deep blue gaze of the dog that just gave her so much pleasure. Panting, the malamute once again appeared to be smiling at Ember, his whiskers wet with her shame.

Humiliated by the fact that she let a feral dog do that to her, Ember took a moment to compose herself as Kodi sat back on his haunches. The curl of his tail dusted the ground behind him. For some reason, she felt self conscious again, exposed so obscenely to the panting beast. Still trembling from the encounter, Ember managed to turn over in an attempt to push herself back onto her shaky legs.

What a mistake.

Kodi took her movement as an offer, but what male wouldn’t? For all intents and purposes, Ember was presenting. A bitch primed and ready to be bred.

Before she could stand, Ember felt an incredible weight on her back, pushing her back to all fours. Strong paws gripped at her hips, tight enough to keep her haunches in place. Kodi moved over her back, his hips blindly jabbing at her. Something hot and slimy poked her rump a couple times. Ember wasn’t stupid. She knew what it was instantly.

Terrified, she tried to move away, but the paws only tightened their hold. Then she made the biggest mistake yet when she tried to push the dog off. Still weak from her climax, the young female was unable to support the added weight of the beast on her back, who pushed her nose into the foliage on the forest floor. What was worse, Ember instinctively tried to balance her self with her tail, which only gave the horny feral full access to her nethers.

If you were to tell Ember she was going to lose her virginity to a slobbering mutt, she would have laughed at you. Yet this nightmare happened an instant later as Kodiak found his mark and buried his throbbing, bestial cock deep within her pussy. Already slick from her juices, the malamute hilted in a single, deep thrust.

Ember cried out, in a mixture of pain and pleasure, as she lost her cherry to the dog. The brutal thrusts were shallow and rapid, the malamute not focused on pleasure in any way shape or form. There was only one goal for the canine. To spread his seed.

Breed the bitch. Make some puppies.

The jackhammer never ceased as the beast maintained depth with shallow thrusts of his hips. A set of large balls ground against Ember’s vulva, sending new thrills through the whimpering female as the heat only increased inside of her. The wolfess’ ears splayed, further ashamed of the pleasure once again boiling within her. Each thrust was strong enough to grind her face into the dirt as she struggled to keep balance, but the dog made sure she didn’t fall.

Kodi never missed a beat, careless of her comfort. There was so much of him within her too, the angle allowing his dick to abuse depths her fingers never touched before. Her entire body felt as if it were on fire, yet again betraying her when she began to push back to meet the thrusts. Her once terrified whines were now whines of euphoric pleasure, oblivious to the world around her.

In that moment, lost to the pleasure of mating, Ember truly was the feral’s bitch . And she let him know, blabbering things that would make a wanton whore blush with embarrassment. So lost in her jubilation (and terribly wet because of it), Ember didn’t notice the sensation caused by the base of Kodi’s cock. The swell was so gradual, by the time she noticed any difference, it was too late. With a particularly firm thrust, she felt the mala’s cock go deeper than ever.

And not come back out.

Ember found her strength then, finally pushing herself to all fours with a gasp. Kodi’s haunches rocked rapidly against her, hardly thrusting as it felt like his shaft was locked within her. The new pressure, both against the inside of her labia and against her very womb, sent her over the edge. Shuddering around the feral cock, Ember let out a low, guttural howl.

If the last climax had been heavenly, this one was straight up cosmic, sending her mind to places she didn’t even know were possible. Kodi tensed up with her, his wet breath coming in shuddered pants against the scruff of her neck as he became one with his bitch. In her overwhelming pleasure, she could feel the twitch and throb of his cock, the tapered tip jerking rhythmically against her womb as liquid fire filled her pussy. They rode out their mutual climaxes, tightly pressed together. Ember could feel Kodiak’s heartbeat with every violent throb of his tied cock.

To her horror, the dog’s climax didn’t stop. Long after the waves of euphoria came to an end for the female, she could feel the trickle and flow as he continued to inseminate her. Musky canine cum coated her pulsating clit as it seeped out around the knot that kept them locked together before it dripped to the forest floor.

Kodi gave her scruff a couple licks before he released her hips. The dog was big enough to stand over her fully, but that didn’t stop him from throwing his hind leg over her, twisting around to go rump to rump with his bitch. Despite her fear of being locked to the dog, the sensation of the feral shaft twisting in her twat made her eyes roll in their sockets as another climax took her to new, although lesser, heights.

And what a time for Amarok to find them, ass to ass as the young female was creaming his dog’s locked dick.

“Thanks for taking such good care of him,” the black wolf grinned. Still delirious, Ember hardly noticed the old lupine stripping his shirt off. In fact, she noticed his scent before she saw him remove his pants. “Perhaps I should tell everyone how well you take care of dogs.”

Ember blushed hard, mortified of the position she was caught in…even if she did moan again. She tried to shake her head, but the old wolf’s paw was already rubbing it.

“Nah,” Amarok took his own shaft in paw, aiming the tip at the young female’s lips. “I think you’ll be too busy with your responsibilities to me and Kodiak to handle anyone else.”

While Kodiak’s locked knot continued to tugged at the walls of her overworked pussy, Ember’s nose buried itself in Amarok’s thick pubic fur as his cock pushed into her throat.

At least it muffled her shameless moans.

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