stardust (mythology) created by hyhlion
  • Comments
  • geminirenigade said:
    At that size it seems unlikely for it to even be able to logically fit on the planet.

    To be fair, if we can see buildings among its toes, it most certainly isn't all that gigantic to be fair.
    If we assume the highway on the left side of the image is 4 lanes wide in each direction, + 3 lanes extra for the center and curbs, and assume each lane is 3 meters wide, then the highway is only 21 meters wide. From here we can see that the dragon's toe is about 4-5 highways wide, so about 80-100 meters.

    The toe's width in turn makes up 1/4 of the paw's width, so lets assume 350 meters wide or so for the paw. From here the dragon itself is not that many times larger.

    I would estimate this dragon to be around 8 km long from nose to tail tip, or about 2 km tall to its shoulders. (+/- perhaps 25% or so. Potentially the derg is a fair bit longer if it has a longer than usual tail.)

    Compared to the Earth, an 8 km long dragon isn't that big. The Earth is after all 40 000 km in circumference, or about 5000 times longer than the dragon.

    Though, when considering the number of houses it spans, and other details of the scenery. (and comparing it to some similar looking areas on Google maps)
    The paw is likely around 700-1000 meters in width. So the dragon is perhaps around 16-24 km long from nose to tail tip and some 4-6 km tall to the shoulder.

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  • nystemy said:
    To be fair, if we can see buildings among its toes, it most certainly isn't all that gigantic to be fair.
    If we assume the highway on the left side of the image is 4 lanes wide in each direction, + 3 lanes extra for the center and curbs, and assume each lane is 3 meters wide, then the highway is only 21 meters wide. From here we can see that the dragon's toe is about 4-5 highways wide, so about 80-100 meters.

    The toe's width in turn makes up 1/4 of the paw's width, so lets assume 350 meters wide or so for the paw. From here the dragon itself is not that many times larger.

    I would estimate this dragon to be around 8 km long from nose to tail tip, or about 2 km tall to its shoulders. (+/- perhaps 25% or so. Potentially the derg is a fair bit longer if it has a longer than usual tail.)

    Compared to the Earth, an 8 km long dragon isn't that big. The Earth is after all 40 000 km in circumference, or about 5000 times longer than the dragon.

    Though, when considering the number of houses it spans, and other details of the scenery. (and comparing it to some similar looking areas on Google maps)
    The paw is likely around 700-1000 meters in width. So the dragon is perhaps around 16-24 km long from nose to tail tip and some 4-6 km tall to the shoulder.

    Can I DM you if I ever want scales of macro images dissected on how macro they truly are?

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  • tirsiak_ingolf said:
    Can I DM you if I ever want scales of macro images dissected on how macro they truly are?

    Dissecting macro images is a fun past time.
    Even if one can get wildly different numbers depending on what one looks at in the image, and what assumptions one makes.

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