farengar secret-fire and odahviing (bethesda game studios and etc) created by ratopombo
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  • In an alternate universe, Todd Howard put this in Skyrim: Anniversary Edition and made it an optional side quest before the main one

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  • wemajor said:
    In an alternate universe, Todd Howard put this in Skyrim: Anniversary Edition and made it an optional side quest before the main one

    Ah, the "We made the mods for you this time" edition.

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  • wemajor said:
    In an alternate universe, Todd Howard put this in Skyrim: Anniversary Edition and made it an optional side quest before the main one

    Yes, but only if you got midway through the ranks of the Bard's College. The final quest really was something. You first went from city to city gathering instrument players that used to be teachers at the school for specific instruments that you picked up during what comes off as a "collection" set quests early-on after joining the college that will never be referenced again like so many others. The only thing you got for completing those was a verbal job-well-done and gold, and not even that much. No joke, you found more gold lying around in jars and chests in those tombs than you got for completing the missions. It later turns out that these instruments, along with a set of sheet music you "recover" from Calixto's House of Curiosities were individual parts of a musical symphonic ritual that is used to calm and banish the angry spirits periodically coming out from a series of cemetery catacombs beneath the city the college is in. At night they'd come up out of the wells and drains (only one per spot)and would attack anything they encountered. They weren't very tough but if you let it go on long enough non-essential NPCs that you might otherwise have gotten jobs from or are part of a job end up dying.

    Once you've completed the final story-line quest for the college you're named Master Maestro of the Bard's College and as with becoming the top dog of the other "guild" groups of Skyrim you get a neat-looking personal room with thematic decorations and things you can either use or sell or just leave in place for appearance's sake. Yes, you could also play music, but other than getting pocket changes' worth of gold by equipping an instrument and performing wherever people non-hostile to you are there was also the added bonus of being able to enter any location controlled by a faction so long as you had an instrument equipped and were wearing common clothing instead of armor even if they're normally hostile to you. Generally speaking this isn't too useful in most situations but supposedly at one time there was meant to be far more factions than we got but they never made it out of the idea stage.

    Supposedly there's an exploit where if you're caught sneaking into a place and you swap clothes and pull out an instrument before they actually speak to you they suddenly ignore you, but I've never gotten it to work.

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