created by fleatrollus
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  • Comments
  • Is grasping and understanding the same thing?
    Like I just know Cowboys and Aliens is such a good combo
    But truly grasping what makes it a good combo is something I do not understand.
    You see Aliens as Cowboys, it just compliments it, like complementary colors or food.

    But why is it so good?
    why is seeing an Alien Cowboy just so satisfying?

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  • closetpossum said:
    Is grasping and understanding the same thing?
    Like I just know Cowboys and Aliens is such a good combo
    But truly grasping what makes it a good combo is something I do not understand.
    You see Aliens as Cowboys, it just compliments it, like complementary colors or food.

    But why is it so good?
    why is seeing an Alien Cowboy just so satisfying?

    I have no idea why it's so good, it just works

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