fan character and murana wolford (legend of ahya) created by tabirs
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'Intimate Encounter'

Kit had fallen for her. He did not know when the scales tipped, but the fact feelings were evident was proof that he did not have the heart to arrest her now should Murana go after another criminal. Hearing her story of cubhood abuse, neglect and torture, mixed in with the fact she was forcibly inducted into an assassin's guild to kill for hire, it was enough to make even a grown wolf's heart yearn to comfort her. His mission no longer was to just put an end to her live burnings of vile scum, but to convince her to turn from that path of self destruction and potentially become an ally of his special task force for whom he was employed.

"You know you could stop all this and focus your efforts to help us catch these criminals so they could receive their just punishment by the law." Kit mentioned one evening.

Murana sighed as she slipped the mask off and set it on the small end table between them. Kit had long since been told her true identity and true to his word, he did not reveal it to a soul. They had been visiting for months now, Kit still unwilling to let her go out and murder those she had marked for lethal vegeance. They even fought a few times, neither side willing to back down from their position. Kit wasn't able to stop all of her endeavors, indeed with only two dead by her hands since the start of their interactions. He was furious at her for that, but he understood and wanted to change this broken wolf and put her on a better future.

"It's not that simple, Kit." She looked at him directly. "It's always the same. The average rapist or molester gets what? Maybe seven to nine years of jail time? Getting out on maybe five with good behavior, provided they even get sentenced in the first place? Even those who murder their victims can be let off easy if the lawyer of the defendant can get them charged only on manslaughter or an insanity plea. Within a span of a decade, they can be let loose on the populace again, free to commit more atrocities. They need to be put down, because there is no justice done here. Your laws are ineffectual."

"They may not be perfect, but it is what separates us from the true animals, the ones committing these atrocities. My special task force could use someone of your skills and caliber on our side, helping bring these vile mammals to justice - by our way, not yours." He added as an afterthought.

"It's just another means of keeping tabs on me. Besides, I know your targets are not my targets. Our objectives would not align." Murana shook her head, already distancing herself from the conversation.

Kit leaned forward and reached for her paws. "No. I truly mean it. I know you have the potential to be a great asset to us, but not as the way you are now - killing criminals by burning them alive. That is not how we do things. Look, I understand what happened to you as a cub has scarred you for life and it is difficult to turn away from what gave you this intense rage at the injustices done to innocents, but killing them the way you do makes you no better than they and sooner or later this will all come crashing down on your head. I don't want that for you."

Murana stopped and stared at him intensely. "You want me to join you and stop doing this because you care for me, don't you?"

Kit retracted his paws and looked away. "No...not exactly that. More like I'm concerned about your future. I wouldn't want someone else's abuse of you to be the reason you earned yourself a lifetime cell."

"Kit..." She smirked, reached over to place a paw over his, causing him to look back at her. "I think I know you well enough now that you are hurting too. You're lonely and full of misery like I am. You saw a kindred spirit in me when I told you my story and felt I could understand you better than most. Well, I do. You're not alone."

Reluctantly, he finally nodded. "I have not seen another since my last love lost her life and I lost my legs in the process."

Taking the initiative, knowing this would put Kit's mind at ease, she got up and began unzipping the front of her suit as she straddled him on the chair. He was a bit taken aback, but did not resist. Murana looked down at his eyes from her higher perch. "How about these two lost souls take comfort in each other for tonight? Let's let all this discussion of rhetoric fall by the wayside and we just enjoy tonight?"

Kit grumbled. "This is not proper, Miss Wolford."

Murana unzipped her suit further, baring her breasts to him. His eyes were doing their damndest not to stare. "Propriety be damned sometimes, Kit. How long has it been?"

He groaned until her grinding that she had commenced on his lap. "Ugh...too long."

"Then let us enjoy this." She smirked, leaning in to give him kissing licks on the neck.

"We can't, bosses." Kit was fumbling for excuses, but knew he didn't really have any. He wanted this just as much as it seemed she did.

"Shhh, it's okay." She whispered in his ear. "I won't tell your bosses if you won't tell mine."

"You don't have a boss, Murana." He huffed.

"All the more reason for me to keep the secret." She pressed her mouth against his, kissing deep. It was all over for Kit. He knew he had fallen hook, line and sinker for this beautiful wolf of death.

Art Done by: Tabirs - FurAffinity Account:

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