created by truegrave9
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  • ...Really? You guys actually want the anatomical incorrect anus over the one that's actually drawn correctly? Wow. You know what True, kudo's to you for knowing correct canine anatomy V.S. well... Those idiots up there.

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  • JohnathanKatz said:
    You're kidding right? That asshole is practically on his back.

    your'e kidding, right? go look at your dog's asshole. and while you are at it, lick it a few times and give the dog a ride.

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  • Omegawolf_Wildpaw said:
    your'e kidding, right? go look at your dog's asshole. and while you are at it, lick it a few times and give the dog a ride.

    Wow. That escalated abruptly.

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  • Omegawolf_Wildpaw said:
    your'e kidding, right? go look at your dog's asshole. and while you are at it, lick it a few times and give the dog a ride.

    Look at your own anus in the mirror. It doesn't come out of your freaking spinal column.

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