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Consider throwing money at us on Patreon for dope rewards like dev builds and scene commissions and bonus OST and full-res art and early releases!! <3]CHECK OUT PARAPHORE'S OST ON BANDCAMP HERE <33333]AND THE BONus boners version on Patreon here~This will be the final content patch for Paraphore. With this update, the story has been completed. I'm gonna tell you straight up, there isn't much ero content! Most of the effort went into cutscenes, big long ending scenes, and some other fancy stuff~ There are still a few loose ends (which we might pick up in Interphore) but please let me know if you spot any big plotholes! We may do a patch with some tiny bugfixes or retcons someday, but it's not on our minds right now.Starting this week, here's our priority list, in no special order:
- Update the full-res art package on Patreon with all the new art
- Update the Patreon rewards with Interphore scene commissions
- Start ironing out some issues with Interphore's apkOkay, I'm gonna stop holding it in now.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE FUCKING FINISHED PARAPHORE
AAAaaaaahhhh damn that was a fun two years.Thank you for making this game possible, everyone! <3Onto the next adventure!Join the Discord Dev Chat! | Website | Twitter | Wiki]Credits:
Writing, Pixel Art, SFX — Kittery
Programming — FallowWing
Music — Wronger
Ambiance — Radix
Mint Ambiance — Nekone RinChangelog 1.0.0MINIMAL SPOILERS BELOW, I MEAN, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, IT'S A CHANGELOG> Key Items
- Added Septricard
- Added Auto-Chip
- Added Privacy Ring
- Added seeds for Roxelle, Red, Cade, Septrica, Marei, and Som> Unlocked Zeit & Trickster UI skins for all players
- One is found at the end of a very short Bright Forest encounter
- One is found after asking a question at the Apothecary lobby> Dev Menu
- Enabled the Dev Menu for everyone, not just donors
- You do have to 100% the game to get the password though
- Donors don't have to fuck around with a password, they just get access straight up> Endings
- Added Mynt Ending
- Added Mint Ending
- Added Protocol Ending
- Added Septrica Ending
- Added Meteorite Ending (unlocks when you find all other endings, all journal entries, and all seeds)
- Added Credits> Scenes
- The fishergoat in the Sewer Suburbs will now give you hints on how to progress the plot if you're stuck!!!!!!
- Added Missing Page 13
- Added Missing Page 14
- Added Missing Page 15
- Added Missing Page 16
- Added Cade & Strawberry wedding scene
- Added law lore to the L.L.L. by guest writer
- Added Init piece to the History section of the L.L.L.
- Added Tech section to the L.L.L.
- Added tiny nonsexual ferret dude + Fuckmeat scene to Violet Meteorite
- Added Apothecary tour with Marei
- Added Marei & Thelly arc ending scene
- Added scene where you break into Septrica's
- Added bomb shelter sequence used by multiple endings (+7 photoshopped arts)
- Added two small Red scenes after her Apothecary therapy scene: one in the forest, one in the city! Guest writer: Taylertots> Art
- Marei's Present by Fuf
- Roxelle (2 + an animation) by Fuf
- Wolfish Red by Fuf
- Archie Falls by Fuf
- Septrica's Speech by Fuf
- Gryphon presenting by Leveretry
- Gryphon in gown by Leveretry
- Gryphon w/ party hat by Leveretry
- Bomb Shelter photoshopped arts (7) by Kittery
- AUTO-SHOP alt face by Kittery
- Dead Bunny by Kittery
- Marlene's Dive by Kittery
- Thelly by fredek
- Som Shoots by Aogami
- Septrica & Som (3) by Cubber
- Meteorite by Cubber
- Red's Grief by Cubber
- Mynt's Dress (10) by Cubber> SFX
- Ominous whistle
- Doorbell
- Power blinking
- Admin gained
- Mint appears
- Shelter fan
- Breaker flip/unflip
- Rox shooting
- Metal footsteps
- Added text appearance noises for Mynt, Mint, ???, and Protocol> Music
- Forgotten Friend by Rocketfuzzy
- Kill Me (music box) by Rocketfuzzy
- Dissonance Rupture by Rocketfuzzy
- Gunpoint by Rocketfuzzy
- Credits by Rocketfuzzy
- Bridal Chorus by Rocketfuzzy> Bugfixes & Optimization
- FINALLY fixed the bug where you can't gather glowberries or gain items!!! It was caused by going to your pet's house.
- Fixed the mynt ambience playing forever whenever you clicked "Load a mod"
- Fixed massive lag whenever you returned to the daydream journal
- Fixed a broken "I gotta go" option in Kemp's truck crash scene
- Added a warning which will hopefully trigger when someone gets the bug where they can't gain any items, if you see that warning immediately write down what you just did recently in game and tell us please and thanks!! It should be fixed though.
- Added a "This will lock you out of story content" warning to the LLL intro's move along button
- Removed "Advanced Gramphics" joke setting from the settings menu, cause it made a big buggy mess and needed to be punished
- "You've got mail" sound now fades out properly, also if you click any buttons it will now stop playing> Misc
- Added two 3% chance alternate Main Menu easter eggs
- Added Endings menu and unlock system to the daydream journal
- Retconned Missing Page 5 date to Year 0.7
- Added a WASD button hint the first time you play the caves minigame
- Added missing music credit for the goblin nightclub
- Retconned the number of missing pages to 16 down from 20
- Retconned 'yaoi mangas' to 'yuri mangas' in the prose engine section of the LLL
- Minor 'dress' retcon to Missing Page 4
- Fixed anachronism when Vanylla finds the password
- Retconned 'prose engine' to 'interpretive loop' to prevent confusion between 'prose engine' and 'The Engine.' The former is Mynt's core, the latter is the core of the island's environment and ecosystems
- Retconned Missing Page 3's corruptive rp buddy from a person to an ero game instead, to prevent confusion when Wendy also mentions a totally different rp buddy (archbishop) in the same sceneI love all of you!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUUUUUuuuu thank you MUUUUUuuuch I love YOUUUUuuuu~

  • Comments
  • Hey everybody. Paraphore is finished.

    Tell someone so we can blow up now, ok? B) Share it on your Twittergrams and your Instafeeds and your mom's Facebook wall right after I'm done poking her.

    Seriously thanks for playing. Enjoy the end of the story. I think it turned out well. You should definitely persuade all your friends to play this furry text porn game, too. Just tell them you played it for the plot, they'll understand!

    If you're stuck and don't know what to do: go to the Sewer Suburbs in Junk City and ask the fishergoat for guidance. You will have to endure his stinky grundle though, it's a trade-off.

    If you think your old save is causing issues but can't be arsed to start a new file, DM me or join our Discord and ping someone, we'll help you use the console to fix it.

    If you really like Paraphore and wanna keep me from having to whore myself out on the streets to make rent, you can get the full-res art assets + sketches package, dev versions, the SUPER DUPER EXTRA SHIT BONUS OST, custom scenes in our new game Interphore, and quasar-crushing smooches from our Patreon.

    Thanks very much!!!! <3

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  • I played through and i found the password i'll share if anyone wants to just look at the porn / already played the game and just wants to skip to the final revision...


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  • Okay I feel like an idiot. I thought the game was just bullshitting me. I pressed "No" when asked if I was 18 just for giggles and it said "Fine by me!" so I thought it wasn't an issue. Then I got spammed by pears and didn't realize this was due to me clicking "No"... At the end the sheer amount of pears made my browser tab freeze and I had to refresh it. Seriously...

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  • Eh ... so this is the final version ... Apparently there were supposed to be "Polish" amendments. Something must be done to a Polish language?

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  • The writing in this game is actually brilliant. I admire fourth wall breaks so much and this game just absolutely nails it, and considering this game is made by just a bunch of furries and non-professional people just made it way more impressive. Would love to see more from everyone, especially you kittery :D

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  • I cant figure out what the hell to do to get into the apothecary, says i need to finish the meteor first but ive done everything i can there and ive been wandering around clicking everything and going through the memories for the last 3 hours with nothing new showing up.

    love the game but jebus, the hell am i supposed to do next?

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  • Did anyone else notice the reading rainbow poster before you even start the game? You can also interact with the bottle of "EZ KREME."

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  • I don't know why Freddie Freak is in here. I don't know where he is. But I know I won't be prepared when he appears.

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  • *opens this expecting to see the old Paraphore loading screen*
    *takes drink of water*
    *while drinking see the new loading screen is in trials in tainted space format*
    *chokes on water thinking i had clicked the wrong game by accident*
    *pauses and reads the loading screen more closely*

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  • TL;DR: The writing pulled me in despite some of the extreme content, but left me high and dry when I wanted any actual explanation of things, and the constant religious background, and mention of some seriously fucked up IRL events, left me very uncomfortable.
    The endings were dry, and lacking in the exposition department.
    In all, I suppose the best ending was explaining to Sepatrica how nothing she(he?) did ever changed anything, and no matter how many times there was a reset, it never mattered, ever. The same events took place, and nothing was altered. This, essentially, allowed me to get my rocks right off and see that look of "Oh shit, I fucked it all up for the what'th time now?" Priceless.
    Yet we never even got to actually, truly know the characters. I suppose this is just a consequence of a porn game, though even CoC and TiTs have some really good character development for a porn game. The kind of development that I'd say should be bog standard in every game regardless of its content, and for every character.
    BTW, since the first introduction of the scrambled words, I manually pieced together the cipher and decoded it all by hand on paper, and even then I felt like I hadn't gotten to understand a fraction of Sepatrica's character. I knew right off the bat that som was a traitor, yet could do nothing. Kind of a kick to the nuts, if you ask me.
    I suppose the end game is this: for a porn game that seemed like it was meant to simply be about some really fucked up shit, it only focused on one thing: Cubs. Not even necessarily beating the shit out of them either, nor slow, painful deaths, it was all actually fairly vanilla. Plenty of scat, mentions of watersports, but nothing really out there. The flood ending is pretty kinky but kinda sad that the only time a mass disease epidemic like that takes place is due to a specific world ending event. No vast amounts of STDs and STIs, no play with them regarding the player character able to choose one to spread, or pick them up and pass them on, or even just catch one by accident.
    Basically, I was hoping for more, but there was disappointingly less.
    Maybe I should just go make my own text-based game, eh? After all, that might be the only way to really make things how I'd want them.

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  • i'm gonna miss this game coming back to every single update to play it, going around doing messed up shit over and over just to see what new stuff i can do and finally finding a place to fulfill all my deepest fetishes

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  • Attempted simplified cipher key. I found that some of the letters are in groups of three or four. Use context to decipher. It works well enough. Not that you'll need it if you find the real one; it wasn't too difficult.

    A | G | V
    B | F | W
    C | E | X | Z
    D | Y
    H | U
    I | J | S | T
    K | R
    L | Q
    M | P
    N | O

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  • Question. During the second Automated Health Warning, you get access to some files of Mynt. But somehow, informing Mynt of the contents just causes the game to get stuck with only a red underlined "I don't think she was serious about that last bit, if it's any consolation," option available to me, no way to progress. Is this intentional? If not, what am I doing wrong? Can't even load content or do much of anything, besides refresh and load my last game.

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  • so i spent all night playing now i'm stuck on an infinite gameplay loop of playing blackjack with a fucking gecko and watching it fuck goat boy not that i wouldn't mind fapping to thaton the norm but why does it tell me to click next then fail me for it? where's my yes or no? the typing box does jack diddly HELP MEH AM STUCK

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  • SionKatia said:
    This question has probably been answered somewhere already but where do I save the file to?

    Doesn't matter, anywhere convenient for you. You just find and select it the next time you load your game.

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  • Amazian said:
    Attempted simplified cipher key. I found that some of the letters are in groups of three or four. Use context to decipher. It works well enough. Not that you'll need it if you find the real one; it wasn't too difficult.

    A | G | V
    B | F | W
    C | E | X | Z
    D | Y
    H | U
    I | J | S | T
    K | R
    L | Q
    M | P
    N | O

    Much as I needed some sort of cypher key... I have no clue how to use this so I'm still incredibly confused and stuck. Stupid admin pass, stupid goddam 'don't click yes', AAARG!

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  • I gotta admit I saw this on here a year or so ago and im very happy to finally see a game like this being finished. Good fucking job boys

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  • Have anyone deciphered a gibberish note in the Som Shop? Well, I did:


    Good job finding the cipher key. The note beneath this one is a list of components which will make a Privacy ring. Wearing that will translate cipherized text. I can't get them myself because I have to stay on these phones.

    Good luck.

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  • Bookmite said:
    Much as I needed some sort of cypher key... I have no clue how to use this so I'm still incredibly confused and stuck. Stupid admin pass, stupid goddam 'don't click yes', AAARG!

    If you really want to ruin the fun, here's that admin pass. I was able to guess it based on a certain page in the daydream journal, so I still don't know if it's ever spelled out for you in the game.

    Here it is: staystrongmynt
    The cypher key is found on the moon

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  • Somebody help me. Where missing page #2 and #5 in this game.(i know they somewhere on the violet meteorite but where exactly)
    P.S sorry if i made some mistakes in text

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  • Whenever I save during first encounter with Red, save file gets corrupted, and when I try to load it, it loads with this encounter already finished.

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  • God damn. I never thought this game would make me feel such feelings, but the arc around som and Kemp got fuckin real. I'm confused somewhere between arousal and deep thikning on it all. Love it when porn makes me think afterwards lol

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  • DubiousDewott said:
    Just found the pear clicking minigame.
    I love this. THIS is the real game.

    But Mynt says "you have no idea how much this hurts". ;_; really ruined my pear clicking flow.

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  • I was not expecting to find a porn game with a dystopian story far more interesting than the porn itself. Bravo, this is incredible.

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  • This is it.
    This is the culmination of all those disgusting fetishes I’ve never known I had before browsing this site.
    Needless to say, it’s seriously great.
    Also, the cheese grater reference was literally the greatest thing ever.

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  • Holy fucking shit, Man was that a time killer.

    Story was damn emotional and the erotica was a bit meh for me, but damn it did it's job.

    Dedication at it's finest.

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  • oh lol I almost got all the endings, but I managed to fully wipe my pc and forgot the save files...
    it was fun while it lasted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  • The abuse scene with Som sure is something else, especially if you're the kind of person who absolutely rends themselves mentally over that specific kind of thing.
    No wonder Kemp broke, lol
    I wondered why you couldn't just keep going(or get into it, because not everyone doing the scene is going to be put off by that specific flavor of abuse) but when I gave it some thought, I figured it's because it would probably regress Som into his bugged state and as he's necessary for endgame, him turning back into his original state would kinda throw a wrench in all that because he'd also probably cow Kemp back under his control as well. Also I guess they were trying to really pound in that "THEY'RE JUST THOUGHTS DON'T HURT YOURSELF OVER HAVING THEM" thing, but there's some nuance and specific arguments they didn't address.
    Still pretty interesting and some of how he was described and drawn was great beyond mentioning "fishlips" in any capacity.

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  • Also, they didn't fucking tell you it'd take so long for Mint to become essentially so mentally retarded he can't raise any complaint about anything, or that he'd BE AWARE OF IT AND BEG YOU TO MAKE IT STOP BECAUSE HE'S LITERALLY LOSING HIS SENTIENCE which easily makes it the most brutal thing to happen to a character, imo.

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  • yo i was worried from all those tags but kept myself honest and played some dope ass pear hitting game nice

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  • I played until hey told me that he hopes my CPU burns on these pears! It was soooo many it crashed the flash driver.

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  • I cant find the scene 'running into a bunny infected with glowvirus' anywhere, and I know i need it to proceed in the story but currently I am stuck and unable to find it. Any help?

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  • how many fucking pears have i clicked such epic ahahah xddddddd lmaaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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  • God fucking damn it, did I break the game? I accidentally moved along while in Septrica's office and didn't get to see anything on her computer. I don't know if that matters or not but possibly missing something pisses me off.

    And now after the... huge story thing... i'm stuck playing blackjack and nothing afterward works. I'm told to type Next but it's ignored, submit doesn't work. Next is a fail. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

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  • Dear Diary: Today I played a game which contained a detailed description of two animal men gang-raping a pizza.

    I ask you; where did my life go so wrong?

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    The Bioshock reference is great!
    (also that's why the Bioshock copyright is there for anyone wondering, and I haven't seen any other references to it yet)

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  • kitty_d said:
    Question. During the second Automated Health Warning, you get access to some files of Mynt. But somehow, informing Mynt of the contents just causes the game to get stuck with only a red underlined "I don't think she was serious about that last bit, if it's any consolation," option available to me, no way to progress. Is this intentional? If not, what am I doing wrong? Can't even load content or do much of anything, besides refresh and load my last game.

    Did you ever figure out how to get out of this? My session won't let me save so I can't even get out and reload my game without losing everything...

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  • kitty_d said:
    Question. During the second Automated Health Warning, you get access to some files of Mynt. But somehow, informing Mynt of the contents just causes the game to get stuck with only a red underlined "I don't think she was serious about that last bit, if it's any consolation," option available to me, no way to progress. Is this intentional? If not, what am I doing wrong? Can't even load content or do much of anything, besides refresh and load my last game.

    I also got stuck here, you have to press the other option

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  • Considering it hasn't been mentioned yet, here's info on the cipher:

    Flip it, then piece the letters together. They don't "go past the edge" though.

    First, make sure to write down the alphabet in a list to keep track of what goes where. Then, flip the cipher key, "PRAY FOR A CUTER FUTURE" doesn't line up when written down first. Match up the letters on the key, then it's easy to piece it together from there. Letters don't match up with themselves; "G|G for example" and letters are only used once(duh). Also, keep in mind that it isn't a circle, "A|T" doesn't continue over to "Z|?".

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  • This game is incredibly surprising. An evocative dive into the surreal where the extreme madness of its characters are part-and-parcel of the story itself. I was totally blown away by how well it was written and how deliciously surreal and emotive it was.

    And... I can never tell anyone I know that I played it...

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  • nordic_wolf said:
    This game is incredibly surprising. An evocative dive into the surreal where the extreme madness of its characters are part-and-parcel of the story itself. I was totally blown away by how well it was written and how deliciously surreal and emotive it was.

    And... I can never tell anyone I know that I played it...

    loll you already told us tho

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  • Bruh When I first got into the game whatever line you look at highlights whiter than everything else around it. I know its just a trick of the light but still

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  • doctor_tex said:
    You could probably use the Newground Flash Player

    Aren't there Chromium variants that whitelist the Flash plugin for specific sites/hosted domains?

    Wait, WTF, removed? Why????!!! :( (I mean why did they request this)

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  • alphamule said:
    Aren't there Chromium variants that whitelist the Flash plugin for specific sites/hosted domains?

    Wait, WTF, removed? Why????!!! :( (I mean why did they request this)

    yeah idk why it was removed but you can download the flash file from

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  • holy shit i didn't think a disgusting furry porn game would make me cry jfc

    also now my food is cold because i'm not eating during that endine D':<

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  • Anyone know where to find this? I used to have it but never got the final release. please help, don't care about adobe borking flash I just need the game file please. thanks!

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  • capt_pr0n said:
    Anyone know where to find this? I used to have it but never got the final release. please help, don't care about adobe borking flash I just need the game file please. thanks!

    You can still find it posted up on Inkbunny. Their website uses a built-in flash player too so you can still play it there. I mean, you'll want to save the file anyways but, y'know.

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