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  • Comments
  • Fucking Christ man, not only is this edgy as all hell but it scared the fuck out of me. A sound warning would have been nice.

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  • Yeah don't fucking post something this loud and irritating without a sound warning and a button you have to click before the flash starts.

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  • Untamed said:
    Do you guys not see the sound warning tag?

    Who reads every tag of a submission before clicking into it? Even if you did, it should still have a buffer in place like a play button.

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  • Byful said:
    I don't know if he meant this, but is this suppose to be one of those 9/11 jokes?

    One of the more... Vulgar ones yes, but I'm just assuming that based on how it looks

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  • ok this needs to be taken down admin as it is in bad taste and is highly offensive and disrespectful to the hundreds that were killed in the 9/11 attack >:(

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  • twf you're wearing soundproof headphones on 100% volume. :)

    gentle humm of space engineers thrusters then this plays.
    music to my ears.

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  • Whelp. Recalling another one of these that was slightly more funny because it didn't have earraping sound.

    I say "slightly more funny" extremely loosely.

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  • This should be considered for flagging due to sudden earfucking far before being flagged for "it's offensive I'm offended b'aww".

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  • No idea how it sounds, never gonna hear how it sounds becasue i always got my Soudns Off when Browsing here.

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  • Kain2233 said:
    Unfortunately there is no reason to Flag this for Deletion that fits for:

    HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE TO REAL LIFE EVENTS THAT WERE TRAGIC AND HORRIBLE!! How many people have lost their parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, loved ones to this tragic event?

    e621 Admins. Please add a reason to 'Flag for Deletion' that would allow us to flag this post for deletion, because anything that is intended to be a 'joke' or 'funny' of real life tragic events, such as 9/11, should NEVER BE HERE!! And the artist should be condemned and have a big wide, flat paddle bruise the fuck out of their ass and then shoved up their ass, and not the handle first.

    Admins. Please remove this flash.

    Hey I'm not an admin, but I can sure tell you that you won't get any sort of positive feedback if you overreact like that. Yes the art is distasteful and extremely offensive, but so is your comment about paddling and beating the artist. It would be much better if simply requested that there b a deletion flag without the threat. By threatening the artist you make it so that nobody takes you seriously either. Also if you want to request something such as a deletion flag then you should request it in the Forum.

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  • What kind of mindset do you have to be in to make something like this?

    And what purpose does this serve? It's certainly not humorous, and it's not really offensive in the intended manner, it's just completely idiotic.

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  • jessicafenfen said:
    ok this needs to be taken down admin as it is in bad taste and is highly offensive and disrespectful to the hundreds that were killed in the 9/11 attack >:(

    I think the same. I'd push for this to be taken down.

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  • Considering the status of similar works, I doubt this will ever get taken down. Especially considering that it has been approved my the lead admin. So I'd personally save your breath and not try to protest this.

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  • HsTheBraixen said:
    Considering the status of similar works, I doubt this will ever get taken down. Especially considering that it has been approved my the lead admin. So I'd personally save your breath and not try to protest this.

    The disrespect is real but it's funny how shit like this gets approved but great porn gets taken down for it's... quality >.>

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  • Anonymouse747 said:
    The disrespect is real but it's funny how shit like this gets approved but great porn gets taken down for it's... quality >.>

    Well, in the end, it just comes down to the opinion of the admin approving the posts. It's not a perfect system by any means, but we manage.

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  • Dude, stop with the false flags.

    And at the very least, try to make your flag make sense, the artist can't be DNP if we don't know who it is.

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  • JOHN-CENA said:
    fucking ear rape

    other than that, I couldn't stop laughing

    gr8 m8 r8 8/8

    Tetsacry said:
    Fucking Christ man, not only is this edgy as all hell but it scared the fuck out of me. A sound warning would have been nice.

    Sevrin said:
    Yeah don't fucking post something this loud and irritating without a sound warning and a button you have to click before the flash starts.

    Malikfoxen said:
    So loud it woke up the guy sitting in the next room... and I had fucking headphones on.

    PopNotes said:
    This should be considered for flagging due to sudden earfucking far before being flagged for "it's offensive I'm offended b'aww".

    You_Dont_Know_Me said:
    I put my volume on 0 and I can still hear it.

    You guys ever heard about muting the volume when browsing this site?

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  • I'm sorry I just cant not crack up after like 5 seconds trying to stay serious. I mean, just look at the infinite fountain of stickfigure people moaning why they are sent flying at mach 3

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  • well, hate to be a realist, but...

    9/11 was 16 years ago, guys. come on. People make it sound like 9/11 was hundreds of times worse than other mass murders in history. I understand the shock of it being recent, but come on; Even Pearl harbor was quickly blown off after WW2. the Black Death itself isn't considered very "tragic" despite having killed over a third of the world's known population. If you want to throw a excuse such as "oh, but those events were decades ago; it's not like anyone's still alive to suffer from the trauma," then I'd like to point out that 9/11 only killed just under 3,000 people. Granted, Pearl harbor was less, but look at other incidents in WW2. the Atomic bomb that dropped on Hiroshima killed 8,000 people instantly, and later the number rose to 192,000 due to radiation and other aftermaths. around 6 million people died in the Holocaust. I mean, granted, 9/11 was the worst terrorist attack on America, but if you consider it to other worldwide views on mass genocide incidents, we kinda look like squabbling babies to react to a incident that happened 16 years ago, and isn't even that serious compared to a bunch of other stuff Europe and Asia suffered through in the last several centuries. I'm not saying the jokes are perfectly okay, either, but the amount of stuff that had to be done to "respect" 9/11, like changing the name of Pokemon Gold/Silver's Tin tower to Bell tower just because "Tin" sounds similar to "Twin" is just fucking stupid.

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  • All the salt in these comments complaining about actual 9/11 lmao. People die all the time, it's tragic especially in this case. But people have the right to enjoy dark humor and say what they want. Live with it.

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  • the downvotes are maybe for the reference, i understand people's ager, but it's just a funny animation :v

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  • Because nothing screams "quality" (literally) like some guys making a 9/11 joke while repeatedly bashing stuff on what I presume to be their computer desk and yelling without any sense of reasoning.

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  • Why are people so butthurt over 9/11? I highly doubt the majority of people in these comments have even had that day on their mind at all unless its the anniversary or until they see something like this. Other than that they don't really give it much thought. And its always so convenient that everyone had an "Uncle" or "Cousin" in the attacks.

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  • this new death grips single sounds great
    (and yes i am aware i've commented on this 2 years ago but i cant edit it now and my other comment was good there too so)

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  • SpiritsLost said:
    this new death grips single sounds great
    (and yes i am aware i've commented on this 2 years ago but i cant edit it now and my other comment was good there too so)

    No problem

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