Topic: What do you think??????

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"fucking pussyfication of the world".

Meh. It's mostly America and Europe are becoming a bunch of pansies. I'm an American btw.
Gotta love progress.

Updated by anonymous

yet people constantly shit on about how todays kids is being corrupted by violent video games.

Updated by anonymous

There was a documentary that covered similar information, but it focused mostly on the MPAA and the realties of unfavorable ratings for film-makers. If memory serves, the documentary portrayed the MPAA as a corrupt group of underqualified (?), highly subjective ratings judges with a social agenda.

As touched on in the Youtube video, movies can receive R and NC-17 ratings for bogus, arbitrary, and wildly unfair reasons, which severely limit those movies' marketing opportunities, a form of institutionalized censorship. Although the MPAA's ratings should only apply in America, an unfavorably restrictive rating from the MPAA can set the tone for other countries, and an unfair rating in America can and will devastate a movie's potential profit. Naturally, many film-makers submit to reshooting and editing scenes to conform to the MPAA's social agendas, government directives, and other whims for a less punishing rating.

Since the documentary's premise necessitated an adversarial relationship with the MPAA, it was presented with an obvious bias. Also, I can't vouch for my memories of its content since I sort of watched it once, when it was new, and neither can I vouch for my own critical thinking at that point of my life. This is just what I remember. The documentary may not be relevant or accurate in the present, but I assume little has changed.

All in all, the Youtube video shouldn't come as a revelation as this is all old (censored) news.

Updated by anonymous