Topic: Tag implication for 'happy'

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

summermusic222 said:
Here is an idea... The tags Grin, Smirk, and smile should fall under 'Happy.

What if it's an evil smirk? And what if I guy is smiling while hacking a prostitute up with a cleaver? Would that be a 'happy' picture?

Updated by anonymous

Furmillionaire said:
What if it's an evil smirk? And what if I guy is smiling while hacking a prostitute up with a cleaver? Would that be a 'happy' picture?

Believe me when I tell you, I've been on this site long enough (2-3 days) to know that no matter WHAT you try to implicate, there is ALWAYS someone who finds a technicality to it!

Updated by anonymous

Main Entry: happy  [hap-ee] Show IPA
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: in high spirits; satisfied
Synonyms: blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, can't complain, captivated, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, content, contented, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, flying high, gay, glad, gleeful, gratified, intoxicated, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, laughing, light, lively, looking good, merry, mirthful, on cloud nine, overjoyed, peaceful, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, sparkling, sunny, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, up, upbeat, walking on air
Antonyms: depressed, discouraged, dissatisfied, miserable, morose, pained, sad, sorrowful, unhappy

Updated by anonymous

Furmillionaire said:
What if it's an evil smirk? And what if I guy is smiling while hacking a prostitute up with a cleaver? Would that be a 'happy' picture?

Main Entry: grin  
Part of Speech: noun, verb
Definition: smile widely

...and probably if he is enjoying it?

Updated by anonymous

The only time where smile shouldn't implicate happy, is if it's a forced_smile. Granted there isn't any images tagged with such, though I can probablt isolate some...

Updated by anonymous

there's a point where this has to stop and we've clearly passed it dot jaypeg.

Updated by anonymous