Hey folks,
This is an advance notice that e621 WILL BE OFFLINE for probably the majority of Sunday 24th October, for the server to be moved across to its new home in Phoenix, Arizona. The drive takes at least 6 hours and will be accompanied by several hours of unracking at one end and re-racking at the other, so the downtime is likely to last *all day*.
There will be an interim 'offline' page in the meantime along with a live Twitter feed, so you won't be left completely in the dark, but suffice to say there won't be much fappable material available all day Sunday. I hope to have it up by the evening, though... but things may change.
Follow @e621DotNet on twitter here for live updates: http://www.twitter.com/e621dotnet .
Fap while you can!!
Updated by Aurali