Topic: Should I Post This?

Posted under General

Hi, I'm a sight regular, and I've recently started drawing more furry pr0nz as well as regular furry stuff, so I was wondering if it would be a good idea to post the porn on here (the rest of it probably isn't really that good).

I've just got a couple of worries in that

1) I don't have a scanner atm, although I can get good results with a digital camera.


2) This may get linked to my DA account if I post some of the lighter material on there, and I kind of want to keep the two seperate for numerous, boring reasons that ICBF getting into.

(BTW, the vast majority of it would be hind/footpaw fetish based, and you won't it find it or my DA acccount on google, that would be impossible because of pseudonyms, and the fact that none of it has been posted anyway yet)

sorry if this is causes TL;DR


Is your DA name the same a your user account?

Or do you have a link for a preview?

Updated by anonymous

The digital camera is what makes me wary of the whole idea. All to often, the results of using one for art capture turn out exceptionally bad. If you're really able to turn out a clean shot (and assuming your work is either finished, or polished line art) I don't see the problem of giving it a shot.

Of course seeing something you've done would also be great of help.

Updated by anonymous

Hellacious said:
The digital camera is what makes me wary of the whole idea. All to often, the results of using one for art capture turn out exceptionally bad. If you're really able to turn out a clean shot (and assuming your work is either finished, or polished line art) I don't see the problem of giving it a shot.

Of course seeing something you've done would also be great of help.

I'll probably try and take a pic over the weekend, because I'm busy atm, but yeah, I'll post one up and see from there. But no, there aren't copies of the work posted online, and I'm trying to keep my clean stuff seperate from the rest.

Updated by anonymous

if you can get an image to a point where you can't tell anymore, maybe photoshoop it a it, and it doesn't look like crap, i don't see how that's bad

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
if you can get an image to a point where you can't tell anymore, maybe photoshoop it a it, and it doesn't look like crap, i don't see how that's bad

fair point, It would definitely be postable if I had a scanner still; it got left out in the rain... and smashed with a hammer... don't ask.

Updated by anonymous