Topic: animated wallpaper with audio on windows 7 (kinda)

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if you use the VLC media player then simply start a video playing and right click > video > set as wallpaper and presto, an animated wallpaper and with audio no less.

only downsides, from what i can tell, is it blocks all the icons on the desktop (unless theres a way to have it as the actual background that i don't know about) and it has to be a video. not sure if flash (if swf files work in VLC then i have yet to learn how to get them to work right) or gif (this one always just gives me a black screen in VLC so i'm not sure if these would work at all.) would work. or you could just put pics in the playlist and have it as a slideshow but windows 7 already does that so that's kinda pointless. >.>

Updated by Xch3l

I never used it, but doesn't Windows DreamScene already do this?

Updated by anonymous

I dunno, I've never used VLC so I dunno it's functions. I've used Winamp's AVS function, though

Updated by anonymous