Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: creatures_of_sonaria -> roblox

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #66227 creatures_of_sonaria -> roblox has been rejected.

Reason: Creatures of Sonaria is a Roblox game, and I notice some people only tag the game, but not Roblox. I think it would make it more convenient, and make sense, if tagging a post with "Creatures_of_sonaria" also added the "Roblox" tag, so that anyone looking for Roblox art can also see the art for that specific game.

EDIT: The tag implication creatures_of_sonaria -> roblox (forum #434989) has been rejected by @Daydreamer8706.

Updated by auto moderator

Is there any established convention for this sort of implication?
Cause it feels weird to me.
A lot of the pictures aren't obviously Roblox-related, beyond the fact that the game the characters are from was made in Roblox.
And I'd assume Roblox doesn't own the characters either since they didn't come up with them.

If Creatures of Sonaria were ever taken out of Roblox and made a standalone thing, would the implication still make sense?
Would we then need to remove the Roblox tag or not add it to new posts or should any copyright tag that started on a certain platform forever imply that platform?
Should avali imply spore_(game), since that's where the species was originally made?

I opposed a similar request before at topic #35953 -

Assuming that Roblox games are created by third parties, and just use Roblox as a platform, I don't really think Roblox games should imply roblox.

The fact that the game can't be distributed anywhere else since it uses Roblox's game engine aside, it me that seems to be pretty much the same thing as implying any game available on Steam to steam_(software). Which we wouldn't do.

I still stand by the comments I made - these are games built using Roblox's engine (we don't imply games to unity_engine) and distributed through Roblox's platform (we don't imply games to steam_(software) either).

There's also the potential the game developers could release another game in the series that is not distributed through Roblox, since the copyright is held by the developer and not Roblox Corporation.