Topic: Tag alias: Manure -> Feces

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

crocogator said:
"Manure" makes me think of slurry or the accumulation of feces from multiple creatures together, but I suppose in those cases, slurry or feces_pile would be the appropriate tags to use.

It has those implications usually, but the tag isn't used that way. It's just the usual shit you find tagged feces with a single exception-
post #669968

regsmutt said:
It has those implications usually, but the tag isn't used that way. It's just the usual shit you find tagged feces with a single exception-
post #669968

i was looking at that. technically by twys i don't think it needs the manure tag, there's nothing but the post description that mentions manure, so it can technically just be a bag of compost/fertilizer. I'd say change it to fertilizer

manitka said:
i was looking at that. technically by twys i don't think it needs the manure tag, there's nothing but the post description that mentions manure, so it can technically just be a bag of compost/fertilizer. I'd say change it to fertilizer

I did that. It's also tagged 'dirt' and while the deviantart images are gone, at least the derpibooru source doesn't have a description mentioning manure. So who knows if that's even artist intent at all.