Basically whenever i try to find some new artist for some specific thing i have to go through this whole process:
1. search the thing i want with order:score or similar
2. click on posts that look good and then click on the artist tag
3. from there repeat the same search but now including the artist to see how many posts of that specific kind they did
4. repeat with multiple different artists to find one i like and that makes the most posts of the thing i want.
and it just feels like this could be automated...
I don't know how exact the API is with accessing types of tags (artist, copyright, species, normal, meta, etc), but if it is possible to just request all tags of a specific type then i feel like this should be possible.
1. get every artist tag with atleast x amount of posts
2. iterate through all of them, counting how many posts by the artist match the requested tags by the user (seperate white/blacklist)
3. by the end show a list of the top x artists with the most amount of posts that match the user's requested tags
So ultimate question is, is there already a tool available that can do this?