Topic: Actual views on the benefits and downsides of Communism

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As of this date I am in favor of communism over any other type of known government, but for fear of 'suprematism' I'd rather get opinions (backed with actual evidence) about it instead of extensive research. So this is the one place I'm comfortable with going to for help. What are your EDUCATED (keyword guys) views on Communism? What's good and what's bad? Why?

Please refrain from "U.S. Capitalist Freedom y'all" speeches.

Updated by Naysayer1230

Civil and legitimate discussion is fine in OT, but keep it under control. Don't talk about major parties or political figures, please.

Updated by anonymous

VividNorth said:
[...] I'd rather get opinions (backed with actual evidence) about it instead of extensive research.[...]

So, instead of doing research yourself and then forming your own opinion you want the opinion of other people spoonfed to you?

Okay then.

Updated by anonymous

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."

Communism would be nice if it could work, but the fact that it's failed horribly in every attempt is telling. The very idea of Communism clashes with human nature.

Updated by anonymous

VividNorth said:
So this is the one place I'm comfortable with going to for help.

Animal Farm is an allegory, not a suggestion

Updated by anonymous

Communism can work. It's an utopian idea.

However, every country that practiced communism has ended up under military power and under military leaders. It's a flawed idea because it has too much power over it. It can be corrupted easily.

Maybe if there were better suited leaders, communism would be a bit better without the corruption issue. But unfortunately, corruption is even in the freest nation on earth. And for those who say United States is a democracy, it's far from it. It's a representative democracy; also known as a republic. That's their official government. And it's corrupt to high heaven with bureaucrats and government officials paid by extremely wealthy business conglomerates, and that's why we have lobbyists in the white house about everything related to businesses and foreign countries. e.e

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
However, every country that practiced communism has ended up under military power and under military leaders.

How is this not proof that it will never work?

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
How is this not proof that it will never work?

I said that because it's still a possibility, it's just used under the wrong impressions. Not the communist fault, it's their leaders. They turn communism into fascism instead.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
So, instead of doing research yourself and then forming your own opinion you want the opinion of other people spoonfed to you?

Okay then.

A little hostile, but whatever.
What I actually wanted was honest opinions instead of government-funded hate or "we're number one" kind of stuff.

Updated by anonymous

Arcanine09 said:
I said that because it's still a possibility, it's just used under the wrong impressions. Not the communist fault, it's their leaders. They turn communism into fascism instead.

I like this one.

Updated by anonymous

Communism has resulted in nothing but dictators and murdering every time it's been implemented.

So, I can't say I like it at all.

Updated by anonymous

I never knew much about politics. I always thought that Communism is just like North Korea.

But when I took a test on forming what type of government I want for my people(in a game), I got put in as a "Communist" Government.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
I always thought that Communism is just like North Korea.

North Korea's government was originally Communist, but it's pretty much a monarchy at this point. They don't even refer to themselves as Communist anymore.
Another failed Communist state.

Updated by anonymous

VividNorth said:
A little hostile, but whatever.
What I actually wanted was honest opinions instead of government-funded hate or "we're number one" kind of stuff.

I strive for a world where having a differing opinion or offering criticism isn't viewed as hostility.

Good luck on your high school essay OP

Updated by anonymous

It's kinda weird to discuss these kind of things, for my opinion every type of govern tends to diverge from their intended points simply because of our type of nature, how can we make something that represents everyone when ourselves are highly individualists.

But i don't condone Anarchism because no govern tends to chaos and chaos tends to ruin, in short it's best to have a govern where most people can attempt to elect someone that have aligned ideals with them and hope that the elected person doesn't have a change of heart or become corrupt.

Mostly everyone here in brazil when they become politicians they tend to become corrupt (it's too hard to give people power/money without making themselves thing only of them) but it really doesn't help that the population doesn't take things seriously and elections tend to be popularity contests here.

But yeah it's my opinion if anyone actually cares about it.

Updated by anonymous

Personally I think that it is something that probably works better with smaller numbers than it does with a large country. It's kind of hard to get every person to feel like they are a part of a greater whole when they don't have the ability to give their equal input. After a while they may find that they are just following orders to people who may not have their best interests in mind and the system starts to crumble.

There's also the issue of how humans tend to form natural cliques regardless of setting, which have the tendency to disrupt things. After all, it's not particularly hard to find people who can agree with you and many of them may have the motivation to fight for whatever the cause is without thinking too hard about the ramifications of what they are doing.

Granted this is all pretty much speculation and far from actual evidence. :)

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Personally I think that it is something that probably works better with smaller numbers than it does with a large country. It's kind of hard to get every person to feel like they are a part of a greater whole when they don't have the ability to give their equal input. After a while they may find that they are just following orders to people who may not have their best interests in mind and the system starts to crumble.

There's also the issue of how humans tend to form natural cliques regardless of setting, which have the tendency to disrupt things. After all, it's not particularly hard to find people who can agree with you and many of them may have the motivation to fight for whatever the cause is without thinking too hard about the ramifications of what they are doing.

Granted this is all pretty much speculation and far from actual evidence. :)

I always liked the fact that a large country with little government is more ideal than bigger government. The more government there is, the more bureaucracy and regulations there are, making that big country less and less free to run things on their own anymore.

Updated by anonymous

It works if you're trying to create a dictatorship.

Socialism + capitalism > communism.

That's all I have to say about that.

Updated by anonymous

...My brother actually favors Communism over Democracy.

He favors wearing red clothing, especially red shirts for his suit.

Updated by anonymous

RustyDildos said:
Because unicorns aren't real


GameManiac said:
...My brother actually favors Communism over Democracy.

He favors wearing red clothing, especially red shirts for his suit.

Penultimo said it best: "We tried to discover democracy, but it proved extremely difficult! Building a true democracy is like chasing a unicorn - Everybody has heard of them, but no one has ever seen one. We captured a whole herd of unicorns, but not a single glimpse of democracy anywhere to be found. However, we did discover the expectation of democracy, which should be more than enough for simple Tropicans."

As funny and controversial as that sounded, it's so fuggin' true.

Updated by anonymous

America isn't even a democracy, politicians get elected based on which corporation pays the most for their representative to get in office

Updated by anonymous

memeboy said:
America isn't even a democracy, politicians get elected based on which corporation pays the most for their representative to get in office

America is nothing like a republic nor a democracy. It's more of a corporatism and military industrial complex.

Updated by anonymous

Communism works fine until people are introduced. Then human nature fucks everything up.

Updated by anonymous

Communism might work in small groups, kind of like the old hippie towns with maybe 100 people or less being more or less self sufficient. But as a population grows in size people have to specialize in order to provide for the population. There has to be doctors, managers, laborers, etc. This is where some people are more equal than others. Doctors have to be a lot more skilled in what they do and not as many people can become doctors, this makes the rare and sought after, they would generally be paid more for their work (which is a no no in a communist society where the government controls the wealth of the nation) and would hold a certain greater amount of power than the average steel mill worker or whatever. They cannot be equal because one is more important, more powerful, and more influential than the other. Communist government officials will be more powerful, more "equal", than the proletariat, since they are the ones in charge of making sure everything goes to plan.

"Pure" communism cannot occur because although all animals are created equal, some are more equal than others.

Boxer is best glue.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
I never knew much about politics. I always thought that Communism is just like North Korea.

But when I took a test on forming what type of government I want for my people(in a game), I got put in as a "Communist" Government.

Communism is not a type of government. It is an economy. It simply means that the wealth is distributed equally based on need. The problem is that it as been used exclusively with dictatorial governments. It is possible the have a communist economy, and a Democratic government. As for the post, most theories I have seen state that Communism does not work due to the lack of work incentive. With equal wealth distribution, there is no pushing drive for innovation, and progress is slowed immensely.

Updated by anonymous