So my mum recently hurt her back snowshovling my grandmothers 2 acre long graval driveway.
this is the second time she's injured that same spot.
she refuses to go to the doctors, refuses to take the heavy painkillers i have for my migranes (she has before, they work wonders), and after snowshovling she comes to my house, lays on my couch and graons and moans in agony all night. leading to me not getting one wink of sleep, it also makes me increadibly irritable cuz each noise she makes rips a part of me out cuz she wount accept my help.
this is the 4th night in a row, ive asked, pleaded, begged her to take the medication and go see a doctor as somethign is really wrong. she tells me to go away, when i refuse calls me an asshole.
well ive had enough, tonight i threatened to throw her out tommarow if she doesnt take the medication.
problem is she has nowhere else to go and she knows it. so she puts her foot down and is stubborn as a mountain.
i dono what to do! can i ORDER medical services to come get her? involve the police? i mean shes PHYSICALLY injured and is refusing treatment or help.
if i sicked the police on her she would hate me for sure but she'd get help...
Updated by Peekaboo