Topic: Need advice

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So my mum recently hurt her back snowshovling my grandmothers 2 acre long graval driveway.
this is the second time she's injured that same spot.
she refuses to go to the doctors, refuses to take the heavy painkillers i have for my migranes (she has before, they work wonders), and after snowshovling she comes to my house, lays on my couch and graons and moans in agony all night. leading to me not getting one wink of sleep, it also makes me increadibly irritable cuz each noise she makes rips a part of me out cuz she wount accept my help.

this is the 4th night in a row, ive asked, pleaded, begged her to take the medication and go see a doctor as somethign is really wrong. she tells me to go away, when i refuse calls me an asshole.
well ive had enough, tonight i threatened to throw her out tommarow if she doesnt take the medication.
problem is she has nowhere else to go and she knows it. so she puts her foot down and is stubborn as a mountain.

i dono what to do! can i ORDER medical services to come get her? involve the police? i mean shes PHYSICALLY injured and is refusing treatment or help.

if i sicked the police on her she would hate me for sure but she'd get help...

Updated by Peekaboo

I know you don't want to hear this, but unless it's medically necessary to treat her (and even then) she has the right to refuse treatment. There are exceptions such as a court order (i.e., a jarvis—they do this with psych meds) or if she is deemed unfit to take care of herself (mentally incapable, severe car crash, etc.) they may force treatment, but it doesn't sound like this is the case here.

What else has she tried? If she is absolutely refusing, there are other things you can do to reduce pain without the need for meds. Perhaps you can get her to try something OTC like paracetamol (ibuprofen) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help manage the pain if she is willing to take it. An ice pack wrapped in a towel (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) can reduce swelling and decrease the pain quite a bit for both acute injuries and chronic pain. Pillows positioned under it can reduce the amount of stress put on the area and make her more comfortable. And so on.

Updated by anonymous

That seems like a pretty bad situation, but sadly I would have said pretty much what parasprite did. If she wants to refuse care, she has a right to do so.

My suggestion though: Get a pug and let it's cuteness make her better :D

Updated by anonymous

Even so, your house, your rules. If she pulled that schtick when you were growing up, you have every right to pull it on her now, especially if it's hurting your health.

Her taking your medication is probably not the best idea in anything more than an emergency situation. So she'd be best served with seeing a doctor about that anyway.

I'm going to take a wild guess and suggest that a big part of her stubbornness is fear: she's afraid of going to the doctor. This could be a distrust of his competence, a refusal to risk drugs or surgery (especially since they're so expensive), or even she doesn't want to be judged by a lecture-loving, arrogant doctor who thinks she should be doing what he says, no questions, instead of working with her like a proper healer would. She might also be wanting to milk sympathy from and be treated like a child by you, which, of course, you're not in a position to do. Trying to determine the underlying cause for her behavior (dismissing it as her being a jerk or the like doesn't count) might help you figure out how to get her off your couch.

I'm not a doctor, so I can't recommend anything medical, but from what I understand, drugs and surgery aren't the only possibilities available if she's still too chicken to go to a doctor. Alternative medicines might be worth checking out (naturopaths like herbalists rather than homeopaths, though). Perhaps you could try reflexology which is a form of massage that focuses on relieving ills by massaging reflex "buttons" in other parts of the body. If you can't find a reflexologist in your area, you could try books on foot reflexology (such as those by Mildred Carter) since it's not a difficult thing to learn. Still, even a mainstream doctor has better training than even the best-intentioned nut (like us) on the internet.

Updated by anonymous

If her problem is stubbornness there is no use in begging. Depending on your relation with your mum this could work:

Instead of threatening your mum try to make her see that you are losing sleep because of her and you won't get any better unless she gets some help. She can endure her pain but you can't endure yours. When she moans in the middle of the night and you are awake, just ask her if she is alright (don't mention the doctors) or at least make her aware that you are still awake because of her. Try to look tired the next day. When you feel that your mum empathizes with your stress, just ask her nicely to go to the doctor or take the meds for your sake.

If you play your cards right your mum could agree to go not because of her pain but because of your worries.

Best of luck.

Updated by anonymous

Iunno, but if she's that against getting better and getting treatment, it kinda sounds like she has some kind of other problem keeping her from doing what she should.

Updated by anonymous

ok, well lets see, first she wzs a medical assistant for many years so she has no fear of doctors and the medication is use i have an overabuncance of so its not really an issue of "lack of". she refuses EVERYTHING, advil, tylanol, oxycodone. cant even get her to take a allergy med when shes got the sniffles.

now onto the injury. this injury she keeps re-opening is in her hip/lowerback/leg joint. 70% of the time she has to yell for me to help her to the bathroom becuse she cant walk due to the pain being so severe (hence why i figured i'd be able to call medical services, shes litterly in so much agony she cant move at times).
ive asked her if shes ok, she will say shes fine, but i can tell shes not, shes just one of those types that refuses to admit shes in least to others...
if i press the issue she tells me to go back to bed or to "go away" if i do then come back later when i hear her sounding like a wounded animal she asks me why im being an asshole, or just out right calls me a bitch.

its been 5 nights now 7 if you include the two where she wasnt in such bad condition that she was groaning. 5 nights of no sleep, i start to drift off an then she crys out and im wide awake again...

ive emphisized my worries, ive begged, pleaded, ive told her even "if not for yourself, then for me please, i do need to sleep too" and "seeing you in this much pain is causing pain for me too cuz you wount let me help".

i finally ended up having her leave this morning, shes at my granmothers....and honestly thats a fate worse than death. my grandmothers a bitch with a captial b. so she cant stay there for too long or things will go out of control...

Updated by anonymous

I'd call the paramedics.
Not to sound cold, but if I were in your shoes I wouldn't really give a shit if she thought she needed help or not. I'd just call.

Updated by anonymous

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