Topic: A Farewell to Mr. Spock

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As some of you may or may not know. On February 27, 2015 Leonard Nimoy passed away at the age of 83.

I grew up as a child of the "Next Generation" series but when I got older I enjoyed a deep nostalgia for the original series and especially for Spock and Leonard's meticulous portrayal of the dispassionate half-breed who had to balance his human blood with his vulcan blood.

I will miss his classic cameos and signature voice acting, but I will always treasure his performance as Spock even if Leonard himself felt the role defined him too greatly. In 1977 he wrote an Autobiography titled: "I Am Not Spock". Then 18 years later, in 1995, he wrote a second one titled: "I Am Spock".

Peace and Long Life - Live Long and Prosper - Dif Tor Heh Smusma

Updated by GameManiac

Leonard Nimoy was an amazing human being. I can't believe he's gone.

Updated by anonymous

The cause of his death was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. And that was attributed to his years of smoking, which he thankfully quit doing over thirty years ago.

So in short, he could've died sooner. But thankfully, he didn't. He...lived long and prospered.

I'm going to miss him as Mr. Spock. And I'm also going to miss him as Xehanort in the Kingdom Hearts series.

Updated by anonymous

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