Topic: Share your re621 tag suggestions

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Sorry if it's the wrong category, I thought it would be fitting ^^

Recently I have been having issues remembering and checking all usual tags I use while uploading, I made a text tag checklist but going through that after a few uploads become a tad tiresome.. And then I remembered re621 has the feature of creating your own custom suggestions when you apply X tag, so I'd like to know, anyone has ever fiddled around with it?

What are some of your own tag suggestions that you created? Share 'em here, I think it can be useful for everyone ^^
Syntax help

So far I have only figured one, but I plan on adding more to here:


1) If there is a diaper tag, there must always be at least one diaper state.

"clean_diaper|wet_diaper|messy_diaper": { "has": "diaper",  "not": [  "clean_diaper",  "wet_diaper",  "messy_diaper"   ]  } 

2) A picture is either colored or not.

"colored|monochrome": { "not": ["colored","monochrome"] } 

3) If there is a character, they are either standing or sitting
3a) If a character is sitting, they are sitting on something
3b) If a character is sitting, their legs may be spread or together

"sitting_on_ground|sitting_on_chair|sitting_on_sofa|sitting_on_another":{"has":  "sitting", "not":  ["on_ground","on_chair","on_sofa","on_another"] }


m3g4p0n1 said:…

Heres one I am testing out based on the wiki page for gender tagging. Of course, on posts with multiple characters, this will be wrong most of the time.
"gynomorph": {"has": ["penis","breasts"], "not":["pussy","gynomorph"]}, "herm": {"has": ["penis","breasts","pussy"], "not":["herm"]}, "maleherm": {"has": ["penis","pussy"],"not":["maleherm"]}, "andromorph": {"has": ["pussy"], "not":["breasts", "andromorph"]}, "sackless":{"has":["herm"],"not":["balls","sackless"]}, "female":{"has":["pussy","breasts"],"not":["penis","female"]}, "male":{"has":["penis"],"not":["breasts","pussy","male"]}, "ambiguous_gender":{"has":["rating:s"],"not":["breasts","ambiguous_gender"]}

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