Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: furry_foreskin -> furry_penis

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

derpydeer said:
Reason: I made a new tag, not knowing that there already is a tag for basically this thing.

You don't need to request for an alias if the new tag is not in active use, just leave it there once you have fixed your mistags.

thegreatwolfgang said:
You don't need to request for an alias if the new tag is not in active use, just leave it there once you have fixed your mistags.

I see, that makes sense. I suppose this request can be closed then?

derpydeer said:
I see, that makes sense. I suppose this request can be closed then?

Singular alias/implication requests cannot be closed by the poster, you will have to wait for an admin to reject it.
Whatever you do, don't hide the top comment for the thread as it only hides the topic from public view and does not close it.

Next time, you may use Bulk Update Requests (BURs) to make new requests.
They can be used to make multiple suggestions at once, make changes/edits to the request, or even reject them by yourself.

furrin_gok said:
Why is it furry penis and not furred penis or fuzzy penis? Every furry with a penis has a "Furry penis" because it's a penis on a furry, that name is so misleading.

i agree that the current tag for furry_penis can be easily confused.

for example: ever since this alias was made i thought we were talking about "a penis of a furry" and not "a penis lined with fur" up until you commented this

The bulk update request #2597 is pending approval.

remove alias furred_penis (0) -> furry_penis (130)
remove implication furry_penis (130) -> penis (1627772)

Reason: A two year old alias with no forum thread, aliasing a less-vague term to a more-vague one. When reading "Furry penis" I imagine "Hey look at this furry he's got a dick", and not a penis with fur on it.


alias furry_penis -> furred_penis
imply furred_penis -> penis
imply furred_foreskin -> furred_penis
alias furry_foreskin -> furred_foreskin
alias fluffy_penis -> furred_penis

Furred foreskin could be a useful tag. While a lot of images under the current furry_penis tag are specifically furry foreskin or a long sheath, there are images that aren't like that.


dubsthefox said:
I think you should add fluffy_penis to the post-BUR section ^^

Hm. It sounds like it should be its own thing, for like moth-mantle level fluff, but it's being used in the same sense. Should that be an update to leave it open for actualy fluff, or just aliased?

Hmm. It would be very rarely. I never encountered a super fluffy penis. only some with small tufts on it... And I spent a lot of time tagging here.